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The Northern Distributer Road AKA Norwich Northern Bypass


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They've repainted the NDR roundabout white lines overnight (well Wroxham road and Coltishall road ones), Though I didn't see  any changes..


Here's an odd one,  coming into Hoveton from Stalham they've added a third speed limit sign that lights up if you're over the limit..


Pity it's a 30 MPH sign thats been fitted in the 40MPH area..

Mind you the 30MPH sign in the 30MPH zone lights up when I enter the 40MPH zone in the landrover..

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4 hours ago, TheQ said:



Here's an odd one,  coming into Hoveton from Stalham they've added a third speed limit sign that lights up if you're over the limit..


Pity it's a 30 MPH sign thats been fitted in the 40MPH area.

They regularly fit these in coltishall and a while back they fitted it in the 40 zone and it lit up stating you are going over 30 slow down. The results are published in the monthly magazine and no surprise the number of cars over the limit had rocketed. When it was in the 30 limit over the bridge the fastest recorded speed was 76 😕

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  • 2 months later...

The NDR / Coltishall rd Roundabout is partially blocked...  you cant drive straight westwards,  you are diverted into Norwich to the next roundabout and back out again, there is a Parcel Farce lorry parked on  the round about, police in attendance...

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The Official report on the NDR is out..

There are design problems with the roundabouts causing a high level of crashes.... no kidding batman..

The council will learn from their mistakes... yeah... Till the next time..

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52 minutes ago, grendel said:

and there was me thinking it was all the fault of the drivers that couldnt be bothered to pay attention to the roads and drove too fast.

The single greatest fault I have seen again and again, twice in the last 24 hours, is drivers in the wrong lane failing to make any signal about their intentions. This produces the simplest and quickest way to have an accident, the driver in the outside lane NOT turning off, while the driver in the inside lane IS turning off. If neither signal the result is a near-miss at best.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the design - just incompetence.

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I nearly had one last night, - not in Norfolk, but pulling on from a slip road onto the A127, and there was a gap in the headlights so i pulled over, narrowly missing the car that was happily driving in the dark with no headlights on, last seen still with no headlights on heading for the M25 northbound (thank goodness I was headed for southbound)

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  • 2 months later...

I don't think it's significant. If you drive regularly through any large, multi-lane roundabout, you'll know to watch out for this "wrong lane to exit" scenario. It's OK if you use the roundabout on a day-to-day basis, but the occasional user might not be aware of when to change lanes. 

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I have had a similar incident - two lanes leading off the roundabout , I was turning right so was in the centre lane (outside lane of the exit, when someone in the outer roundabout lane decided they wanted the next exit round and just continued around the roundabout despite two lanes trying to exit at that junction, its easily done if you are not familiar, and you just have to assume that all the other drivers are going to do the worst possible manouver at the worst possible time. its just a case of keeping your awareness on the other traffic and what it is doing.

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First rule of defensive driving that was drummed into me was everyone is an idiot, while not strictly true its a good premise to start with, grendel`s scenario is far from unusual anywhere in the country with it seems very few people knowing how to use roundabouts properly even those controlled with traffic lights.


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On 08/01/2020 at 13:40, RumPunch said:

The airport roundabout has to be the worst - it's like a car park. Another one on there today ( Mondeo )

I can't figure that one out... I'd have thought it was one of the better roundabouts but it does like to collect cars.

I'd say the Wroxham Rd roundabout is probably the worst, and really it should have been a flyover like on the Cromer Rd.

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2 hours ago, oldgregg said:

I can't figure that one out... I'd have thought it was one of the better roundabouts but it does like to collect cars.

I'd say the Wroxham Rd roundabout is probably the worst, and really it should have been a flyover like on the Cromer Rd.

ah now there is the issue, some drivers consider the round abouts are flyovers (its usually at this point they find they cant fly, though remembering the video of the van, it had a jolly good try.)

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From personal observation, the vast majority of a accidents would be prevented if people indicated. If you are in the wrong lane, and it happens to all of us, the least you can do is tell other people what you intend to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Used the A11 again at the weekend. 70mph duel carriageway as you approach a roundabout and you get big yellow rumble strips on the road - so why can't they fit these on the NDR. So far this year I've seen 4 cars off on the airport roundabout and 1 on the Rackheath

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