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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. We're starting the year 2018 in great fashion and have averaged a new member a day since New Year's Day! Aboard to you all and please let's hear a bit about you.
  2. Peter, I am just totally amazed at the attention to detail that you are putting into this wonderful enterprise. As an ex-aeroplane modeller I thought that I had a pretty good eye for detail............ but nothing compared to yours!
  3. All you guys who commit to these elderly woodies have my undying gratitude (and envy of your skills) that you will restore such lovely craft to their former glory. I salute you!
  4. Some really good pics of a 'classic' cruiser!
  5. A lovely pic, Peter. I can't see where she's a "sail boat gliding across the water" though!
  6. I hope that you do, Peter! We don't want another 'us and them' argument, do we?
  7. A pretty good reminder to wear your LSJ!
  8. Still in date, Neil? I've never, ever known various crews who either knew or cared about that sort of thing!
  9. A warm Welcome Aboard, Graham. Would you care to tell us something about you in New Members say Hi, please?
  10. Hope that you had a lovely day, Kate, and that you're now back in the living land again!
  11. Here in West Norfolk there's road chaos with trees down everywhere. My 10 minute journey into Watton took 30 minutes and I was a lucky one, others ahead of me couldn't turn round and are still stuck there since 7am. Take good care out there, peeps.
  12. There's no guarantee there'll still be a shed, Griff!
  13. A Full English, Grace, washed down with as much Orange Juice/coffee as you can take.......... That's from years of previous experience!
  14. Surely that's down to what they think he can afford, Peter?
  15. The Broads regs are just that!
  16. Or you might just make a mark with chinagraph on your screens and just keep it inline, or not!
  17. It's down to the Mk 1 eyeball if all else fails, Siddy. Back in the 70's and 80's we crossed the Channel back and forth to Guernsey with nothing else and that was at 5 or 6 kts depending on the wind.
  18. A belated "Warm Welcome Aboard" Mark and family.
  19. A warm "Welcome Aboard" the good ship NBN, Franzipan.
  20. I doubt we'll see that after some of the comments here, Charlie...............
  21. Alan, Hi. It's not just recently. Brooms and other now defunct boat builders in Brundall have been using that stretch of water to demonstrate their boats for at least 35 years to my knowledge. They have always come off the plane when approaching us on all our four boats over the years.
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