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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. I can't write down what I really think about the BBC and the Millionaire Luvvies on this show. I'd be modded off the forum.
  2. Stern glands, JanetAnne? Are they made of chocolate?
  3. Boiled cod's roe... thickly sliced and fried in the bacon fat my Granny had just cooked..... I remember eating that in Arbroath in '46!
  4. Both of our next-door neighbours have done theirs this last week which is a bit of a bummer as they've also done the grass verges to the road on either side of ours! Ah, well............
  5. Welcome aboard from us too, James. If you PM me I'll let you know about our (very moderate!) costs for advertising!
  6. I took these two pics with my mobile, Howard and thought that you might like another avatar pic!
  7. Would you show me a pic of them, please, Andy? I've googled it but can't come up with a pic.
  8. Thank you, Peter. And the same to you and yours!
  9. Welcome aboard the forum, Colin & Ruth. We're moored at Brundall and have seen you about this year. I have some quite superior burgees and calendars if you're short of Christmas pressies. .. see the NBN shop ad at the top of the page!
  10. I'm not too sure how it would be attached to Friday Girl's hull, Robin?
  11. Yes her shop's name rhymes with "Goldilocks"!
  12. Well Done you! Here's one of me taken last month with our first Gt Grandson to bear the "Redford" mantle.... no comments on that, please!
  13. Did you buy a poly/demi pin to go with it,Howard?
  14. Hello from us, Vanessa, and a warm welcome aboard.
  15. I certainly wasn't referring to your comments, John. You make constructive comments.
  16. Inane comments help very little with the success of our forum.
  17. I'm sure that Fairline was sold to a German company a few years ago?
  18. They sound delicious, Monica. I'll give them a try in our Actifry tonight!
  19. Now, Now, Grace. Careful or you just might get "carried away"!
  20. A warm "Welcome Aboard" the good ship NBN from us, Mondeoman!
  21. Why on Earth don't AGA use the DRS Type 47's for the first run of the day? They weigh in between 115 and 125 TONS each and would surely flatten out any leaves! http://www.directrailservices.com/news-articles/2014/08/12/drs-hauls-passenger-service-for-abellio-greater-anglia/
  22. Welcome back, Zeta. Hopefully we'll hear a little more from you!
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