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Everything posted by grendel

  1. we supply electricity to these new estates, there is no let up in the market yet, and we are having to go further and further afield to get the electricity to supply them, I imagine the same is true for all the other utilities, they just dont investigate whether the local infrastructure can take all of the additional capacity before they buy the plots, then expect to just be able to hook up to the local network, whereas in practice the supplies have to come from further afield, still it pays my wages. the worst area for these new developments is in and around London.
  2. sometimes there are two water tanks linked internally to balance each other?
  3. probably parked along the white line to give clear space both sides so their car isnt scratched.
  4. strangely enough I just got an email from Youtube on article 13, basically saying sign this petition against article 13 or lose access to youtube - I guess they are not planning to comply with article 13 then, they will do the same as they have for GDPR and instead of complying, just block the european users.
  5. the gamer of the family tells me it is a pS1 game that may work on a PS2 (but also may not)
  6. until the blockage suddenly cleared I guess.
  7. is it a BMW? a long one?- quick bung a blue fender on the front.
  8. lovely old wooden boats, though I have seen some of their old ones moved into the sheds to take a mould off of the old hulls, maybe they will be bringing out some new traditional boats with fibreglass bottoms and wooden tops, be nice if they do. Thats Norfolk through and through, like the webs joining the toes.
  9. hire a boat from Martham boats, then if you cant get under the bridge - you are the right side to explore those quiet waters anyway (the number of days a Martham boat cant get under that bridge can probably be counted on the toes of one foot
  10. pilots are not needed for Martham boats for any bridge, for potter bridge you phone the yard and they send someone out, all the rest you are told the height you can get through (in my case 6 foot 2" for janet 3) - mind you they took her under potter with less than 6 foot on the marker.
  11. as a forum we are blessed then, not only a quality idiot, but one that has been certified as such, and a selection of stand in's should he not be available.
  12. or is the OP just referring to the fact that it is dark at both the morning and evening low tide times? which with the short winter days is a high possibility on occasion.
  13. you can make something Idiot proof, but that doesnt allow for the fact that you will get a more idiotic idiot than you designed for.
  14. actually you drive a Volvo, so when I get in your car as a passenger, I am putting my trust in Volvo Engineering and safety
  15. I still think they should have taken Ali up on her offer to dangle below the rafters and scrape and paint them.
  16. I doubt the train suffered much damage, trsains tend to be build out of big thick bits of steel - cars out of thin insubstantial steel, and plastic.
  17. I too use the mirrors to line everything up, as a lot of my early driving was with a transit parcel van - no rear view with looking, it was necessity, this van was also a full space wide (being a foot wider than a standard transit), besides as a bmw driver shouldnt you be positioning yourself along the white line between 2 spaces?
  18. I reverse park into a tight corner most days so cant get the nose into a gap, so I do it in 2 shots, one to get the car positioned, the secomd to get it lined up in the middle of the space, now you have passed your test there is no dishonour in taking 2 bites to get into a space - especially with a big car. 45 degrees and get your back corner roughly on the front corner of the space gets you close if thats all you want, either that or (shock horror) find a space you can drive in forwards and through to the space in front.
  19. when we hired the jewels we replaced the small 15 litre bin with a bigger 50 litre one from lathams, and we were emptying that daily.
  20. lenard skynard and freebird would have been a good one
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