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Everything posted by jeffbroadslover

  1. Clive, if you are not supposed to give them out how about offering them to anyone who would be willing to make a small donation to your favourite Broadland charity? Jeff A complimentary copy for the suggestion would be very acceptable. lol
  2. Clive, I did not read it as a book of rules......more like a book with loads of info about your chosen holiday area. By the way I think it is very noble of you to suggest that YOUR publication could be of benefit to others who may not have had the foresight to have booked their holiday with you. Yet another feather !! Jeff
  3. Thanks for the comments Ebbtide but can I correct you on one detail? Hull is to be the City of Culture in 2017, not this year. Jeff
  4. To get back on the original thread I think the publication which Essexgirl is thinking of was "What To Do On The Norfolk Broads" which was a very informative publication. My own thoughts were what a brilliant replacement Clive's version is. The only problem I could see with it is the fact that the customer does not see it until they are actually on the boat.....and the priority for them would more than likely be "Right, let's get on our way" If the book were sent out a few weeks before the holiday date it would give time for it to be read by all crew members before setting foot on the boat. That's the way that Blakes and Hoseasons used to do it and it seemed to work well then. The postal cost could be hidden in the boat tariff. Another bonus point would be that it could be noted on the computer that Mr ******* is a recent previous customer and may not require another copy (cash saving!) Well done Clive & Co.........another feather in your hat !! Jeff
  5. Ebbtide, checking your location I wud av thort you wud kno tha carnt expect to get t'best for nowt. Even though I originally hail from the "City and County of Kingston upon Hull" (aka Ull ) I still am proud to call myself a Yorkshireman. Jeff
  6. I'm another one with zero warning points and I hope that I can remain a member of that club ! At a guess I would think there are more members with zero points than those with points. Jeff
  7. At those prices I wonder how many staff drive diesel cars. lol Jeff
  8. BuffaloBill, totally agree with you. If I were to go to the pub I would be looking at enjoying a relaxing drink, Not going home with a headache from having my ears blasted with the thump thump thump of what they call music nowadays. If the pub owners did not insist on such a high profit margin on everything form pints to peanuts the prices could be more favourable and may attract more customers. One day someone will come up with the satisfactory solution but who knows when that may be.! Jeff
  9. I was first introduced to the Broads in 1964, the year after my brother found them. Since then I have visited at least once a year almost every year. I introduced my first wife and the kids to boating and my daughter has been a few times with her partner in recent years. Many years later I took my new wife to the Broads and we have visited, along with my inherited family, every year since. On one occasion when talking to a friend I had to explain that the boats actually have areas for sleeping, eating and just sitting and watching the world pass by. I wish I had a fiver for every time someone has said to me "I've always fancied doing that but never have" My response to that is "Don't waste any more time---DO IT" Jeff
  10. How very generous of you to act as official taster. Hope your efforts were appreciated Jeff
  11. I must stop looking at photos like these........they make me turn a funny shade of green!!!! Jeff
  12. Another snippet of information that used to be in the brochures many moons ago was the interior headroom for each boat. Some even had details of how long the beds were. I am wondering if brochure producers think we have all got shorter than we were or does it not matter nowadays? Judging by the number of times I read "the bed wasn't big enough" it seems we have not got any shorter! Maybe we are expected to enquire using the Freedom of Information legislation !! Jeff
  13. It always amazes me that pubs always seem to have large areas for car parking. If there were LESS car parking space would it mean the pub would ultimately have to close because of lack of customers? I feel that we should follow the example of some of our continental friends and set the limit at zero. Bet that opens a can of worms. lol Jeff
  14. Clive, Congratulations to you and all the team. Do you have to apply for planning permission for your trophy room extension? Jeff
  15. With an ever extending list of sites losing their rubbish bins the question which comes into my mind is, "How much will it be likely to cost for the BA to go fishing to remove all the rubbish from the water"? More than an annual fishing licence i'll bet. The more bins that are removed the more the non-caring element of the public are likely to just dump it in the water or on the river banks! Not the best way to encourage more people to come and spend their cash in the area Jeff
  16. Hi Johnm, In response to your post all I would say is if it WAS "abundantly clear" there would be no need for the question to be asked ! I respect the fact that the local home owners take care of these moorings and do not charge a mooring fee ( unlike some whose land happens to border a waterway and do nothing to make it inviting and as safe as possible and still charge you for mooring there). The part I was questioning is :- yes they can more than likely determine what you can and cannot do on the land that they maintain but can they control what you do on your boat as it is sat in the water and not on "their land" If someone were to pass these moorings whilst trolling for pike from a rowing boat would they have to stop fishing until they had passed the mooring area? Jeff
  17. Hi Dave, I will answer your question with a question Why do hospitals ban smoking anywhere within their grounds? If a smoker is in the car park area why should he/she not be allowed to smoke as they are not in an enclosed work area? This type of "official" ruling has always baffled me. Jeff
  18. I must admit that I would not be impressed if I were to go into an eating or drinking establishment and be met by a dog or any other type of animal wanting to share the space with me. How can the owners of such establishments expect to get 5 stars on the door when they allow this to happen. There must be a hygiene element to take in to account somewhere! For the record, I am the very happy owner of 1 dog, 4 cats and a hamster but would never dream of taking any of them to a restaurant or pub.
  19. If the breweries didn't charge landlords such a high rent, high prices for the stock and therefore insist on such a high profit on sales then just maybe people would use the pubs more often ! Overcharge for something and nobody will want it, charge a sensible price that people can afford and they will buy it.
  20. Hi Baitrunner, Thanks for the comment, I wonder If Clive would be interested in buying the idea and getting his boffins to work on it. Being the gentleman he would rather buy the idea rather than just steal it ! lol Jeff
  21. My thought is to have a socket on the boat the same as the one on the post. The lead would have to be plugged in to this socket to complete the circuit from ignition switch to starter motor. No lead plugged in....no start engine !!! Jeff
  22. I'm sure that when Clive has a couple of hours to spare he will come up with a system which will not allow the engine to start if the shore power lead is still plugged in to the post.
  23. Thanks for clearing that one up Clive, My curiosity is well happy !!!
  24. Clive, I've just been taking a closer look at the photos you posted. I like the idea of the raised side decks at the stern, must make a big difference to the width of the rear cabin. The different levels of decks gives great versatility for getting on and off at any mooring at any state of the tide. Two questions I have for you. 1) Is the space above the saloon area to be covered by hatches or a sunroof? 2) I have noticed several boats of this style have the upper steering position at the starboard side and not the port side. Is there any special reason for this? Looking forward to seeing the finished product. Jeff
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