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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. Hello Andrew, BrundallNavy is correct that on syndicate boats we limit the storage of personal items, after saying that most owners will have a boat kit they bring with them. Boat or syndicate share is not for everyone, for Tan & I when we bought into Ranworth Breeze in 2001 (second weeks allocation after it launch) after research of syndicate boats on the canals and the Broads it was a means of having two weeks holiday afloat, it allowed for other types of holidays to be taken and fitted in with work. Syndicate/boatshare is ideal if still working and can not justify the cost of owning your own boat. Broad Ambition is a boat shared by a few owners, family and friends, a number of boats though out the country operate in a similar manor. If you look at various boating magazines or boating websites you will find adverts asking for people to share a boat with. A good reference is the www.boatshare.co.uk website, it has advertisers and free ads where are asking for shares or selling shares and forming syndicates. For us it was ideal, cost effective, now we have more time available we bought another share last year. If anyone wants advice about boat/syndicate share by all means contact me. Regards Alan
  2. I fully agree with oldgregg. Operation of a tiller is very different to a cruiser. I have been on the tiller of a few 70 foot narrow boats including one which has now been withdrawn on the Oxford Canal, it is just too tight for some of the bends on the canal. The original poster would appear to have a few complaints, that said maybe a Narrow Boat holiday was not for them. Since our first narrow boat holiday (we still go but not every year) I have yet to find a boat that does not have some small fault, we have had heating not working, prop continually coming loose (spline and drift key issues) catches in the wrong place or poorly adjusted. We have never had toilet issues unless the yard starts using a Green based toilet additive rather than using blue loo (the smell was horrendous). Our crew all with a few years on our backs can tackle most problems we encounter. Regards Alan
  3. How true Peter, it is always the case. Regards Alan
  4. I prefer the tide tables that the Broads Authority use which has the height of the low water, especially if planing a trip to the Northern Broads. Regards Alan
  5. All banks, insurance companies and the local authorities will have a bereavement officer, ask to be connected to them, they will instruct you what you need with regards to death certificates and as already stated they will freeze any accounts until all the legalities have been completed. Regards Alan
  6. Hello Lucy welcome to the NBN forum. Regards Alan
  7. I did not pay much attention to the dog, I was was more concerned of where did they manage to stow the pram wheels Regards Alan
  8. Our bilge pumps are fitted in stainless trays, it is just a case of removing the jubilee clip and pulling apart the bullet connections and the unit can be lifted out for inspection/repair. On our last allocation I had to replace one of the bullet connections because it was corroded. My guess it like the other comets is that you may need a new float switch. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Neil, We are down at the boat on the first week in December, we have been in December on a number of occasions and have been taking in the sunshine at Acle in the past, canopy down, no coats, pure bliss. Regards Alan
  10. Looking at the Marina Quays site overhead view, I did not realise that the park was so close to it. From the overhead view it is a pity that nobody has come up with a plan to incorporate the body of water in the park (not sure if is just a pond or small lake) into a off river marina. Regards Alan
  11. Here is a link to the Ray of light class at the Herbert Wood site. https://www.herbertwoods.co.uk/boating-holidays/boat-hire/ray-of-light.html Regards Alan
  12. As a Yorkshire man myself, I can relate to the term "how much" After saying that some of local shops the can be better value than the supermarkets or DIY stores. When on holiday I take a different approach to buying items if for myself, if I have my syndicate head on then I check out the best price or best local services. Regards Alan
  13. Here is a link to Star Gem. https://www.hoseasons.co.uk/boat-holidays/richardsons-stalham-ricb/star-gem-bh1419 Regards Alan
  14. Hello Graham welcome to the NBN forum, I am sorry I do not have any advice on this boat but I have no doubt that some of the forum members will be along soon. Regards Alan
  15. Hi Paul, I fully agree with you regarding he facilities at the Beccles Yacht Station, I lean towards the disgusting these days, filthy and under maintained. There was talk of new facilities being built almost five years ago, we are still waiting for it to happen. Regards Alan
  16. Sadly even in syndicate boats accidents do happen, wind and tides have a lot to answer for. Owners do offer to pay for their mistakes and if the costs involved are less than the insurance excess then a token payment is ask for. Regards Alan
  17. Hi Clive, I can well understand your thoughts on this, we have in the past had to have side or rear sections made for our canopy when owners have lost these overboard (it shouldn't but does happen) the costs for replacements do tend to cost an arm & leg. Regards Alan
  18. It is still offline. Regards Alan
  19. Hi Mike it is good to hear from another Southern Crusader owner. Regards Alan
  20. Hello bubba, Welcome to the forum, you are correct Halifax to Stalham is just over a four hour journey, but you may encounter holdups on route and there are speed limits on most of roads into Norfolk. I would aim to get to the boatyard as already suggested by say 1.00 pm and see if you can get onto the boat or drop your luggage off to make room for your shopping. The cost on the trains in Norfolk is very good and you can get a deal on have four people traveling so as suggested it may be better going to Yarmouth, Norwich or Lowestoft by train. Regards Alan
  21. Hello Jimmy, I have edited your first message and deleted your second. Regards Alan
  22. Sadly not, the river width is greatly reduced at low water, if an off river marina were built then floating pontoons could be incorporated. I see this as being a derelict site unless there is change of use planning request in the offing. Regards Alan
  23. Congratulations indeed, another forum member into the fold of syndicate ownership, I hope you get as much enjoyment as we have had in the last 17 years of syndicate ownership. Regards Alan
  24. Hi Paul, There is no such thing as never part of the navigation. Look at the miles of canals that have been restored or just kept open on the canal network over the last 40 or 50 years, canal societies all over the country have helped keep the waterways open. Regards Alan
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