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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Mods are allowed to make comments ,, This is Great Britain not North Korea.
  2. Mmm, might have to disagree, maybe in a small area, absolutely no use in a house. Last week I did a survey on a flat that had two of those plus two very small electric ones, about 45 pounds each, these combined with one if those clothes dryer tents and the relative humidity was at 92%with an air temp if 22.3c. The place was covered in mould and mildew including every external wall, ceilings, clothes and soft furnishings. The lady had spent over 150 pounds on products that couldn't do the job when for the same cost she could have purchased a proper domestic dehumidifier. Small pods are ok for closed cupboards only. I run a dehumidifier on a timer onboard five hours a day, combined with a tube heater on a stat and in six years I have never emptied the boatsvcontents or had any mould or mildew. The boat is ready for occupation anytime of the year. We will spend about 3 weeks onboard this winter.
  3. We were onboard from 27th to 3rd of January. It was minus 5 for a few nights. The webasto played up a couple of times due to a faulty remote sensor but we used a fan heater in the main cabin and slim glass fronted convectors in the cabins, with plug in thermostats. The boat never got cold and zero condensation, they were also cheap to run. Interestingly the roof had a heavy frost across the whole area all day and night, 1" ply with fibreglass over and under and a decent headlining obviously helps. We have large areas of glass including 4 x patio doors, these are double glazed so the heat loss is minimal .. Almost home from home
  4. My thoughts are with you and your family Timbo, Losing a dad, no matter your age, will bring all sorts of conflicting emotions. From your posts it is obvious you had a special relationship and managed to smile through the difficult times. Remember the good times.
  5. Just for Iain, one last Norfolk sunrise.
  6. Very sad news, Iain was always very fair and even handed. He certainly devoted a lot of time and energy to helping the forum retain its "friendly forum" reputation. He seemed true gent. Godspeed Pesky mod My thoughts and condolences are with his wife, Ruth and his family.
  7. Water has been very high in Brundall, it was dropping a bit when we arrived, fortunately the new quay headings are higher. The levels have dropped a little but another high level due at midnight along with below freezing temperatures. I have adjusted the ropes and fenders, I am not going out later.
  8. I hope you all get what you want or need Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
  9. Mine ha arrived and looks great, thank you to all involved
  10. I always use the, I'm a spiritualist, I see dead people, they usually walk backwards very quickly
  11. He should be banned for life from providing any childrens entertainment .. These people put money before safety. My son, daughter in law and my two grandchildren were trapped and injured when a circus tent failed in high winds, they all ended up in hospital whilst the circus packed up and left. The children are still terrified of the circus two years on. They were located and investigated by the HSE. The case against them and the tent supplier continues through the courts. Sheer greed was the cause.
  12. Gracie, Heavy frost last night. Popped up to Potter, HW basin had ice on it. The little Broom is now out and all covered up. On board with the heating on full blast.
  13. Lovely day for a birthday run up The Yare in The little Broom, hats, gloves and a blanket sorted out the cold. Out of the water tomorrow for the winter. We are onboard Whitey until Wednesday and back on 27th December. Nice and warm and no condensation. Just remember to open a window a bit in each area to clear any build up of atmospheric moisture. We use a Kabacher vac after showering to dry the heads and hang towels outside to dry.
  14. Put young Max in the empty car, then sit back and watch the fireworks
  15. Hi Kfurbank, I have a friday to Tuesday weekend as well, with Christmas shopping in Norwich. We will be hitting the shops by train from BGM. The River Medway is slightly cheaper, with free tender, but only 17 miles of inland river with too many locks. I am seriously considering selling the Calypso on the Medway because of lack of use, I would rather travel to Norfolk even for a long weekend.
  16. I always find it fascinating to read these potted histories . Richardsons has grown into a big leisure business but can trace its roots back to a few rowing boats. It is unusual, but good to still have family members actively involved I wonder if the history could be updated.
  17. Hi TheQ Is yours the green and white Calypso, I have one in white and blue
  18. Jonzo, 99% of members appreciate all the hard work you and the team do. Probably 95% of members are just reluctant computer users and have no concept of the work involved in running the forum and migrating to a new host (me included). A very large majority of us have a lot of silver in our hair, if we still have hair. This means we don't understand how things work and really don't want to. (I have just spent time trying to delete a full stop only to discover it is dust on the screen) We have become accustomed to making a phone call and having our utilities transferred without thought. This is an easy thing for huge corporations to do, (unless you are Vodafone) If the forum was populated by bright young things they would take change in their stride and you would have a fraction of the queries about how do I… . A few gripes about the calendar should not detract from the superb effort put into it. This really is the friendly forum that has open access to all areas for all members and we are just a bit grumpy because the boating season is ending. So what I am saying is, THANK YOU FROM THE SILVER SURFERS
  19. Hi Richard, I use ebac dehumidifiers as the restart after a power cut or timer switch off, had them five years now without a problem. Regards Mark
  20. My earliest memory of Remembrance Sunday is as a 6 years old and seeing my Royal Marine dad with silent tears as he remembered his comrades in arms who died each side of him in Aden. He never spoke about his service until a month before he died, and then only briefly ..
  21. One of the many reasons I support the Royal British Legion .
  22. My little granddaughter's junior school held a remembrance service with a two minute silence .. The caretaker marched onto the stage and played The Last Post on a bulge. As an ex-soldier he explained the significance of The Last Post and talked to them about the act of remembrance . When she called in later I explained that her great grandad was a young bugler in the Royal Marines before the war and showed her his medals from the Pacific, Atlantic, Buma, Palastine, and few other places. I hope we never forget
  23. Ahh, how long is a piece of rope, sorry couldn't resist .. Welcome to the friendly forum.
  24. My little sister requested Bat out of hell and rebel rebel at her funeral. They summed her up nicely .. A very different funeral. It was the first funeral I had taken but was a celebration of an amazing if shortened life. I have taken many funerals for family and friends over the last 15 years and each one was memorable because the music was chosen for each person. It is always easier if you get an indication of their preferred music. Morbid as it might seem, write a note of what you would like at your own funeral and put it with your will, its the last influence you will have.
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