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Check Whether A Boat Has Paid Its Toll.


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My motorboat comes up not paid as well, :shocked



That's because it doesn't have a Broads safety certificate.:shocked






That's because it's still in the boat yard being re engined.two guns



But it has been up and down the river:River Police




Under the boat yards control:wave


So they are just finishing off, not long before I get it backcheers:party::Stinky


And have to pay the tax billtwo guns

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1 hour ago, chameleon said:

i wont moan about tax again whether road or water, i run a volvo 2ltr petrol s60 car tax circa £300, same car in ireland 906 euros, insurance for 40 yr old full no claims 1500 euros

Eye watering, Mike.

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6 minutes ago, Essexgirl said:

Mine is not coming up as paid, even though it is.

You probably want to call them and check on that as I suspect this is what the rangers are using. The chaps in tolls are always really friendly and helpful though.. I always have a bit of a laugh with them!

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Canoes & kayaks are not required to exhibit their registration numbers, not least because they don't have them, but also the bylaws state that they needn't display them.  So when I paid over the phone I was told about the new system & that the Rangers can check the computer records. Ohh-arrr, says me, but my kayaks don't have registration numbers. 

Not that it bothers me a jot & because I like the bunch in the tolls office I suggested that we use the reference number on the tolls invoice. I was offered the relevant stick on numbers and told that I should stick them on the foredeck. I hadn't the heart to point out that sit-upon kayaks such as mine don't have decks let alone foredecks.

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  • 4 years later...

You'd have a job to read my number and it has the BA issued numbers on in the right place, they are faded to nothing in just 5 years, I did get a ranger boat giving it a long looking at last weekend and was waiting them to moor for a closer look but they carried on.

I have new vinyl numbers to go on but not till next visit.

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