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I hope that we can now allow folk the opportunity to relate their obvious discontent as we normally do. Constructive criticism is no bad thing.

For me, as a local, I do see the condition of boats from various yards and from those observations there are inevitably yards that I would recommend to my friends. Conversely there are yards that I would personally avoid like the plague but then that is another story;)

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I tend to agree with Seamaster on this. I have re-read the forum guidelines as requested and although I was not involved in last night's discussion I would say that although serious opinions were expressed I can't see that guidelines were breached.

However, as we now have a new thread, here is my contribution to it, as a boatyard manager of long experience :

We try always to be cheerful and accommodating to our customers, and don't forget that "personal service" means that you are not reading a text from a book, like "low cost" cabin crew - you are trying to develop a good feeling with your customer and make them personally welcome.

Running a boatyard is stressful, especially if it is your own business and I regret that there have been times, thankfully rare, when I have got it wrong. Something about a particular customer has made me react in the wrong way. I greatly regret it but I fear it is only human.

I can offer no excuse for this but I am sure a psychologist could offer several good reasons!


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11 minutes ago, Vaughan said:


We try always to be cheerful and accommodating to our customers, and don't forget that "personal service" means that you are not reading a text from a book, like "low cost" cabin crew - you are trying to develop a good feeling with your customer and make them personally welcome



I'd frame that :clap

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I fully understand locals know better than non locals. I mean when I quoted about silverline, it was to say I wouldn't go back, due to the fact I didn't like there attitude towards me and my family I found them  Rude and obnoxious and a frosty reception. To me that kills any future business with me. I don't care if they had a solid gold plated boat I wouldn't go back. Manners and politeness  cost nothing. We was all taken back by it. We couldn't fault the boat at all except asking for a couple of extra pillows was like trying to pull teeth out of a live crocodile.

"You should of put that down on your pre booking form not telling us now"

things like that stick in ones head. At the end of the day I'm the customer. We have paid you a lot of money to hire your boat. And if other customers have had that, they should speak out. When we got back I complained to hoseasons. They was very good, and they apologised, shame silverline didn't. Tell you the truth I'm not bothered it was there loss and are gain.

 Obviously Scrumpy has had a bad experience there to. And where others on here say they can not do no wrong. I'm not surprised he hasn't made a statement in the past what had happened.

And I totally agree what Baitrunner has posted. 

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I was stating a fact on the other thread. Why I said silverline was the worse out the lot. I didn't go into reason as i was pointed out It had no reason for it to be mentioned on there. So now I have explained my side. So perhaps others who totally disagree to what I have posted  can see the truth I have told you. And yes if you want to still disagree you carry on. As I've pointed out, it was my holiday and not yours. You might know them as friends or been there many times as come a back customers but I won't be either of them. And I won't be changing my mind over it.

If I ever do decide to ever hire south again it will either be with Broom or Freedom boats. At least they give a homely welcoming. And yes I've stopped at both to have pump outs and water. And I thought then what friendly helpful yards they are. 

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Things are pretty simple, people give a great damn about what other people's opinions are - we all do but some of us have different 'trigger subjects'. 

An example would be people engaging in a fierce political debate at a table in a pub but another table next to it who have no interest at all in politics would not get involved nor care what is being said. However, should the subject move to something they do care about when someone might suddenly interject that 'BMW always have produced far Superior cars to Mercedes', someone on the 'calm table' who is a lover of Mercedes might then have their 'trigger subject' and suddenly feel the need to put their view across.

On this Forum we are here, as members through choice because little or much we have a common interest in the Broads.  Because of this it is more likely that topics relating to the Broads, from navigation, toll expenditure and rivers, to boatyards etc will cause us as a community to wish to share our opinions and stories and then debate them.  Usually this is all very friendly and generally in broad agreement but where it is not things can naturally 'flare up'

It is not good praising a business without explaining why you had such a good experience or views, just as it is bad to say you experienced a bad experience without going into detail as to why. Often only one side is here to express their view, and I would try to consider the other sides point too. Was it busy, short  staffed, new staff etc that may have contributed to something I may have found dissatisfaction in.  Sometimes though it is factually just plan wrong - like the Ferry Inn in breach of Health & Safety referable to their play equipment - a Court decided that to be the case, rather than someone thinking it was awful because it was dirty and yet actually might be perfectly safe.

In short, try to be balanced and there is no wrong in any point of view as the least moderation the better so far as I am concerned.

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Hello Seamaster and welcome to the forum

I'm sorry you had a bad holiday with Silverline.

I was in no way doubting your experience in my reply to your post, I was like you only refering to my own experiences with the yard which for us have been excellent. (which I have described in my "Tales from the South Side" write ups in Holiday Tales)

and had you explained your situation would have (and do) sympathised with you.

You are right, you spent a hell of a lot of hard earned money on your holiday and deserve the best.

As for how and why you were treated this way, I have no idea and won't try to speculate or justify as like you I am customer.

We are not local to Norfolk and have no contact with them other than when we hire (and we do use other yards as well ) but I said we were treated like old friends and that it is how it felt to us.

If I'd had experience my opinion would be totally different 

First impressions stick.

I do hope it hasn't put you off coming to the Broads

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Well Robin you've pointed out this needs to be balanced and I have pointed out on my side and others who need to express there side.

What doesn't make it balanced is when others jump on the band wagon who have never hired or had any dealings with them saying. I'm surprised you've said that about silverline, because my mates, mates, aunts, brothers, sons, girlfriends mums,  dog goes for a walk on there and there brilliant.

Well That's not balanced.

Even a Mod made 2 comments regarding about it. Now is that being balanced or biased. It's pretty sad if you can not comment on a subject. This Great Britain not North Korea. 

What's a plus side is this is broads related.

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Actually I can imagine Colin at Silverline being a tad abrupt and down to earth. just his manner. It would help if customers would fill in 'special requirements' at the time of booking. Turn around days can be really hectic & chasing around at short notice can be a problem. The other thing, if we take pillows as an example, no dig at Seamaster, perhaps there had been a number of similar requests and that there were no spares. Advance notice would have given the yard an opportunity to buy some in. Brundall is a long way from the shops!

However, a 'Sorry Sir' might have been appreciated at the time. Bad manners do cost customers whilst good manners cost nothing.

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13 minutes ago, SEAMASTER said:

Well That's not balanced.

Even a Mod made 2 comments regarding about it. Now is that being balanced or biased. It's pretty sad if you can not comment on a subject. This Great Britain not North Korea. 

Mods are allowed to make comments ,,  This is Great Britain not North Korea. :hardhat:

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Well Seamaster, you have had a good opportunity on this thread, to tell us about what went wrong with your holiday but all we actually know now is that staff were "rude and obnoxious" and gave you a "frosty reception". You have said that you agree with Baitrunner's posts, so I suggest you read them again, since you have given us nothing substantive to go on.

Your only objective complaint seems to be that you were refused extra pillows. Surely this must have been a mis-understanding since a hire boatyard is like a small hotel - we have loads of spare linen! You have also said that you "couldn't fault the boat at all".

You have sought the opinion of this forum to discuss your grievance but unless you have more concrete facts to tell us about then I, for one, remain un-convinced.

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Hang on Guys... I think seamaster is getting a hard time... seamaster I know exactly where your coming from.... Me and her indoors had come across the same unfriendliness.... that was just the beginning... 

Well il start.... for many years I wanted to do the broads... the hardest part was trying to convince the wife... well after many years.. of telling her how great it is on the rivers... she gave in and said ok let's go for are wedding anniversary.... after lots of studying of the hoseasons and web sites.. we decided to go south as it would be quieter... so hoseasons had an offer on for silverline... the hard bit was picking the right boat.. mainly for the wife.. just wanted it special as i know if it would be good.. she would get the boating bug... we picked the boat read some of the write ups plus and minuses.... but we decided to pick silverhaze.... filled the form out what time we would like to pick up the boat and all so what bedding we wanted so i posted it off...

D Day had arrived...... turned up a silverline.... to abrupt welcome... and don't leave your car there... oh here we go.. went in to pick the boat up asked are name and it's oh you should of been here half hour ago... we did get stuck in traffic... so after the do's and not what to do.... then it's oh you need to take out anti prop fowl.... so we did... off to the boat unloaded the car.. and off we went.... so we headed to Bramerton... sun was out.. lovely.. moored up for the night... woke up in the morning from broken sleep from the bilge pump going off most of the night... So started the engine to warm the hot water for the shower.... the wife went in to shower... after a couple of minutes water was coming out the bottom of the door wife panicking... quickly turned the shower off why I investigated.. trying to find the plug..... then I noticed a button for the pump.. we didn't even get told about the pump for the shower... so cleaned up and on are way.... Got to cantley... went in the Reedcutter we stayed at a rocky cantley....another broken nights sleep with the bilge pump going off... I could see it was getting to the wife abit now.... so we went off to Reedham to fill with water.. weather was rain and windy... got back in the cabin after feeling with water where there was half a dozen blue bottle flies flying around.... great left the door open... so off we went... every time we stopped more and more flies kept appearing... we couldn't work it out where they was coming from.... it was becoming joke.. beating them with a magazine sorted them.. but each day it was more and more... enough was enough the wife in tears now wanting to go home.... so are last night we went back to Bramerton... at this point it was a joke they was swarming about 30 odd we just left the doors and windows open... we started talking to a nice couple who owned there own Boat... we told them about everything what's happened they was in shock... so the following day we took the boat back... I haven't mention in detail that they told us the toilet only needs emptying once in the week.. after 2 days it was full.. bubbling out the cap and the pan... and  nearly taking the top of the boat off at St Olaves bridge... 

Back at the boat yard we went in to tell them that we are not happy and we are calling it a day... then the blunt defensive attitude came out there's nothing wrong with are boats.... ok if not where's all these flies coming from then explain that and also all the other things you didn't explain to us... Like we nearly smashed your boat into bridge you failing to tell us that it was the highest tides in 19 years.... they didn't even offer to sort it or oh change boats... it was poor and unprofessional practice... so there's my reasons to say what a total shambles it was.... spoke to hoseasons and reported it they was excellent..... we didn't even get nowt from silverline I wasn't surprised... so I totally agree with seamasters post where he is coming from.... see this was suppose to be are special holiday and anniversary what we saved up for but was ruined... cut short.. and worse making my wife upset and cry....



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I'm not siding with any one, as I don't know anything about Silverline, but having spent 16 of my 48 years in the industry on hirefleets, can I just ask, did you phone up and report these problems?

If the bilge pump was going off 'most of the night' it was probably going off most of the day as well, though you might not hear it. I would hazard a guess that the flies were coming from the result of a previous hirer having his fishing maggots getting into the bilges and going through their natural cycle of turning into flies (seen this more than once on a boat not out on hire for a week and when then boat was opened up to prepare it, we were met by literally hundreds of flies). Not something the yard can foresee.

Surely the shower pump button, if overlooked on your trial run, would be pointed out in your boat manual, which you would have seen when you read it, you did read it I take it, many don't bother.

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1 hour ago, Vaughan said:

Well Seamaster, you have had a good opportunity on this thread, to tell us about what went wrong with your holiday but all we actually know now is that staff were "rude and obnoxious" and gave you a "frosty reception". You have said that you agree with Baitrunner's posts, so I suggest you read them again, since you have given us nothing substantive to go on.

Your only objective complaint seems to be that you were refused extra pillows. Surely this must have been a mis-understanding since a hire boatyard is like a small hotel - we have loads of spare linen! You have also said that you "couldn't fault the boat at all".

You have sought the opinion of this forum to discuss your grievance but unless you have more concrete facts to tell us about then I, for one, remain un-convinced.

Yes I do agree with his comments. What's the problem with that. I have explained some of the problems Rudeness is one thing I can not stand especially when I'm paying for something. I explained earlier. I can't remember all the things as it was a few years back now. The impression stays and never goes. Toilet issues was one big problem blocking. Got accused of using wet wipes. Tv Ariel broke never worked. Got accused of hitting on a bridge. And other things.. so does that answer your question or are you still not convinced. 

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30 minutes ago, ScrumpyCheddar said:

Hang on Guys... I think seamaster is getting a hard time... seamaster I know exactly where your coming from.... Me and her indoors had come across the same unfriendliness.... that was just the beginning... 

Well il start.... for many years I wanted to do the broads... the hardest part was trying to convince the wife... well after many years.. of telling her how great it is on the rivers... she gave in and said ok let's go for are wedding anniversary.... after lots of studying of the hoseasons and web sites.. we decided to go south as it would be quieter... so hoseasons had an offer on for silverline... the hard bit was picking the right boat.. mainly for the wife.. just wanted it special as i know if it would be good.. she would get the boating bug... we picked the boat read some of the write ups plus and minuses.... but we decided to pick silverhaze.... filled the form out what time we would like to pick up the boat and all so what bedding we wanted so i posted it off...

D Day had arrived...... turned up a silverline.... to abrupt welcome... and don't leave your car there... oh here we go.. went in to pick the boat up asked are name and it's oh you should of been here half hour ago... we did get stuck in traffic... so after the do's and not what to do.... then it's oh you need to take out anti prop fowl.... so we did... off to the boat unloaded the car.. and off we went.... so we headed to Bramerton... sun was out.. lovely.. moored up for the night... woke up in the morning from broken sleep from the bilge pump going off most of the night... So started the engine to warm the hot water for the shower.... the wife went in to shower... after a couple of minutes water was coming out the bottom of the door wife panicking... quickly turned the shower off why I investigated.. trying to find the plug..... then I noticed a button for the pump.. we didn't even get told about the pump for the shower... so cleaned up and on are way.... Got to cantley... went in the Reedcutter we stayed at a rocky cantley....another broken nights sleep with the bilge pump going off... I could see it was getting to the wife abit now.... so we went off to Reedham to fill with water.. weather was rain and windy... got back in the cabin after feeling with water where there was half a dozen blue bottle flies flying around.... great left the door open... so off we went... every time we stopped more and more flies kept appearing... we couldn't work it out where they was coming from.... it was becoming joke.. beating them with a magazine sorted them.. but each day it was more and more... enough was enough the wife in tears now wanting to go home.... so are last night we went back to Bramerton... at this point it was a joke they was swarming about 30 odd we just left the doors and windows open... we started talking to a nice couple who owned there own Boat... we told them about everything what's happened they was in shock... so the following day we took the boat back... I haven't mention in detail that they told us the toilet only needs emptying once in the week.. after 2 days it was full.. bubbling out the cap and the pan... and  nearly taking the top of the boat off at St Olaves bridge... 

Back at the boat yard we went in to tell them that we are not happy and we are calling it a day... then the blunt defensive attitude came out there's nothing wrong with are boats.... ok if not where's all these flies coming from then explain that and also all the other things you didn't explain to us... Like we nearly smashed your boat into bridge you failing to tell us that it was the highest tides in 19 years.... they didn't even offer to sort it or oh change boats... it was poor and unprofessional practice... so there's my reasons to say what a total shambles it was.... spoke to hoseasons and reported it they was excellent..... we didn't even get nowt from silverline I wasn't surprised... so I totally agree with seamasters post where he is coming from.... see this was suppose to be are special holiday and anniversary what we saved up for but was ruined... cut short.. and worse making my wife upset and cry....



Oh my god that's holiday from hell. At least you've got through it and your wife is ok now. Crikey mine was minor to that. If that had happened to me I would of sunk the junk or planted it straight in quay and they would of been wearing the boat.

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1 minute ago, SEAMASTER said:

Oh my god that's holiday from hell. At least you've got through it and your wife is ok now. Crikey mine was minor to that. If that had happened to me I would of sunk the junk or planted it straight in quay and they would of been wearing the boat.

Seamast tut tut ,  no you would not have done anything of the sort.     Now I am going to sound like your mother,  grow up.

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