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Fashio is a dirty word in my vocabulary. I buy what I like, and I like what I buy, and I couldn't give a toss who doesn't like it. All fashion is, is aa very successful marketing excersise, designed to prey on the minds of the vain. I'm me, I'm now, and that's all.

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1 hour ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

Fashio is a dirty word in my vocabulary. I buy what I like, and I like what I buy, and I couldn't give a toss who doesn't like it. All fashion is, is aa very successful marketing excersise, designed to prey on the minds of the vain. I'm me, I'm now, and that's all.

That's the right attitude shipmate! That counts especially for us who are past their sell by date. It is my aim to grow old disgracefully and wear what I damned want to wear and not be told by the madding crowd what fashion I should follow. Mind you it can frighten the wildlife when I put my shorts on.  :)

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12 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Well I am a slave to fashion, I like to look good, I like pretty frocks and sexy shoes, so yes I am vain and when they stick that final nail in I'm going to have ruddy sunglasses on top of my head, so there :taunt:  :naughty:


Hi Grace, 

No doubt in pink:naughty:



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28 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Well I am a slave to fashion, I like to look good, I like pretty frocks and sexy shoes, so yes I am vain and when they stick that final nail in I'm going to have ruddy sunglasses on top of my head, so there :taunt:  :naughty:


I have to admit that in my mind, I prefer you in sexy frocks and pretty shoes. :hiding:

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I simply cannot and never will understand why so many people with obviously far too much cash ( or credit ) pay a fortune for a T-shirt, pair of denims, sweatshirt etc because they think it is "cool" to give someone they will never meet free advertising. All they are doing in my opinion is proving that they are not capable of sewing a label  on the inside of item of clothing like they could years ago.


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5 hours ago, jeffbroadslover said:

I simply cannot and never will understand why so many people with obviously far too much cash ( or credit ) pay a fortune for a T-shirt, pair of denims, sweatshirt etc because they think it is "cool" to give someone they will never meet free advertising. All they are doing in my opinion is proving that they are not capable of sewing a label  on the inside of item of clothing like they could years ago.


If anybody wants me to wear advertising I want to be paid for it and I am not cheap.

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26 minutes ago, Baitrunner said:

We havent done baseball caps, especially back to front and in restaurants!!! Or on planes. Why?

and then beanie hats when it's 100 degs out? Maybe they couldnt afford a baseball cap!! 

or how about those da*m trousers with the crotch dragging round the knees with the undercrackers on display for everyones edification????:facepalm:

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12 minutes ago, DaveB said:

or how about those da*m trousers with the crotch dragging round the knees with the undercrackers on display for everyones edification????:facepalm:

When in my company my daughter scans town centres and supermarkets for lads in what I refer to as 'clown trousers' Dave. She does this as she knows that should I spot a lad wearing those trousers I will point out the unfortunate fashion victim with a shout of 'Have you seen that bloke? He's got no bum! Someone's stolen his bum!'  Her worst nightmare is if I spot one heading to the toilets. 'How's he going to sit on the loo with no bum? He'll just slide in bless him. He'll drown!'. 

Apparently I've taken on Uncle Albert's role as social embarrassment...but I do point out 'I ain't the one missing me bum'! :naughty: Funny but my daughter agrees pointing out 'I am a complete ****'.

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Mention of low slung, baggy trousers, indicative of troubles down below as well as aloft.

Sunglasses on foreheads, designer Alice bands.

Dicks of the week, just my opinion you understand, blokes over twenty with their hair in buns. Just in case you misread that, B-U-N-S.

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3 hours ago, Timbo said:

When in my company my daughter scans town centres and supermarkets for lads in what I refer to as 'clown trousers' Dave. She does this as she knows that should I spot a lad wearing those trousers I will point out the unfortunate fashion victim with a shout of 'Have you seen that bloke? He's got no bum! Someone's stolen his bum!'  Her worst nightmare is if I spot one heading to the toilets. 'How's he going to sit on the loo with no bum? He'll just slide in bless him. He'll drown!'. 

Apparently I've taken on Uncle Albert's role as social embarrassment...but I do point out 'I ain't the one missing me bum'! :naughty: Funny but my daughter agrees pointing out 'I am a complete ****'.

Hi Timbo,

It is the law that all fathers embarrass their children, at least they do not have to suffer any dad dancing from me. My youngest can not understand how he has two weird parents as he puts it :naughty:



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On 4/12/2017 at 7:07 PM, Gracie said:

Well I am a slave to fashion, I like to look good, I like pretty frocks and sexy shoes, so yes I am vain and when they stick that final nail in I'm going to have ruddy sunglasses on top of my head, so there :taunt:  :naughty:


Frock frocks darlin your not that old... I'd think your more a dainty dress stiletto type of person darlin.................... frocks no leave them to my granny.

Charlie xx xx :arms::kiss huic hic cheers

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On 12/04/2017 at 7:07 PM, Gracie said:

Well I am a slave to fashion, I like to look good, I like pretty frocks and sexy shoes, so yes I am vain and when they stick that final nail in I'm going to have ruddy sunglasses on top of my head, so there :taunt:  :naughty:


You won't need sunglasses where you're going darlin - mind you, it will be ruddy HOT :grin:  


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1 hour ago, Poppy said:

You won't need sunglasses where you're going darlin - mind you, it will be ruddy HOT :grin:  


No, we cant send Gracie there, I'm sure she will have to go to Heaven, even if they have put pink fluffy handcuffs on to get her there.        :naughty:      

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24 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Oi you lot, behave :norty: for starters my Nan calls them frocks, she says "Surely you're not going out in that frock, you'll catch a cold" :facepalm:

As for going to hell....... hell aint hot enough for me darlings :naughty: (just kidding of course)


Don't want it melting your chocolate now, do we :party:

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