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My Day


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Today is at last house moving day for daughter and her family, a distance of about five miles from Auckley to Finningley village.  We have hired a self drive 7:5 tone lorry on my licence.  My van is emptied of work gear, a mate has a large trailer.  We have plenty of willing hands.

Daughter is stressing her head off, MrsG not far behind her as we have just been informed we don't get the keys to their 'Forever home' until 1400, lorry due off hire at 1600.  It's gonna be a breeze, I'm calm and stress free as per the norm.  Thank goodness I'm here.  I had to take the day off for this too, on completion, no doubt this evening I have to drive down to Lowestoft for the week.  It's gonna be a long day ahead


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On 22/04/2023 at 18:55, MargeandParge said:

Keep going Grendel it will become a Doddle. When we could afford to moor at Ranworth pedal powered canoes turned up with very cheerful peddlers aboard. It will save a Fortune in fuel and carbohydrates will be acceptable to carry on with your journey. 

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

Hmmm if they qualify as "powered craft" they'll be told to stump up next time they visit.

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4 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Today is at last house moving day for daughter and her family, a distance of about five miles from Auckley to Finningley village.  We have hired a self drive 7:5 tone lorry on my licence.  My van is emptied of work gear, a mate has a large trailer.  We have plenty of willing hands.

Daughter is stressing her head off, MrsG not far behind her as we have just been informed we don't get the keys to their 'Forever home' until 1400, lorry due off hire at 1600.  It's gonna be a breeze, I'm calm and stress free as per the norm.  Thank goodness I'm here.  I had to take the day off for this too, on completion, no doubt this evening I have to drive down to Lowestoft for the week.  It's gonna be a long day ahead


As my dear old mother would say.......you will sleep tonight!

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4 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Today is at last house moving day for daughter and her family, a distance of about five miles from Auckley to Finningley village.  We have hired a self drive 7:5 tone lorry on my licence.  My van is emptied of work gear, a mate has a large trailer.  We have plenty of willing hands.

Daughter is stressing her head off, MrsG not far behind her as we have just been informed we don't get the keys to their 'Forever home' until 1400, lorry due off hire at 1600.  It's gonna be a breeze, I'm calm and stress free as per the norm.  Thank goodness I'm here.  I had to take the day off for this too, on completion, no doubt this evening I have to drive down to Lowestoft for the week.  It's gonna be a long day ahead


I hope you don't end up moving furniture (and in our case a piano) past midnight. That's what happened with our first house move when we didn't get the keys until late afternoon. Mind you, it was just the two of us with a hired van. Thank goodness we didn't have that much furniture and belongings in those days. 

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we hired a 7.5 ton box van to move, and it was full, to the point the last jigsaw to go in was slid on top of a wardrobe and nearly touched the roof, we had left a space for the step ladder in the back, so that went in and the doors were shut, nothing moved. all we had left to travel in the cars were the plastic plates, mugs and cutlery, we had purchased these so we could have a takeaway the night before and another the night after, our friends slept ove in sleeping bags on the floor (everything was packed) and then next morning we set off for our new house. it was a council exchange so we helped the people moving out (and to our old house) load their van, then once the way was clear we set to and unloaded our van into the house- we at least had armchairs for people to sleep in that night.

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Today I had my covid jab.That makes five now.Last week I had a text to say I could book.So I phoned 119.They said I would  not get one .Then phoned our GP surgery. They also said I would not get one.I checked  because  I had Radiotherapy I qualified. So I spoke with one of the Macmillan nurses. And yes my immunity is weakened. Then later we brought  some spring plants ready for the weekend We are taking part in the Martham  Scarecrow  Festival. 

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Well after a mammoth effort with lots of family members rallying round they are in and operational to some sort of degree.  The grandsons have a bed and are safe

Me n MrsG eventually got home just after 2300

Toooo late for me to set off to Lowestoft now, besides I'm a tad weary mysen.  Shower, then up in t morning, reload van with boaty stuff, personal gear then set off as and when, early I hope,



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after doing my own shopping I took my dad shopping, arrived home at about 4pm, then had a bite to eat, after that it was on the bike and head along the only flat (ish route out of Canterbury, along the river, got out past chartham, and then lost the path, the footpath I was now following ended at a tile, so at that point I turned round and headed home, 12 miles total, in just a week and  a day I have clocked up 53.9 miles, and its getting easier.

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well that has been one busy bank holiday day, started out with a phone call, dad, the water tank is leaking and the living room floor is wet. answer turn off the water supply feeding the tank and run the taps to lower the water level, 10 minutes later, dad, the tap just spins and the valve stem isnt turning- ok trip over to daughters with an adjustable wrench, tap turned off, everything drying out now.

Back home and it was time for my slightly delayed bike ride, today I was going to try and get all the way to whitstable (just over 7 miles)

So on the bike and away I went, arrived in whitstable just as the mayday parade started, managed to get across in front of it and to the seafront,  so along the seafront to tankerton, where I stopped and ate the sandwich I took with me, then retraced my steps back along the seafront, just in time to meet the end of the parade arriving back, took a detour in the one direction I could go and worked my way back to the cycle route, then off to home, total trip 20 miles.

this trip, as I finally got home the battery capacity meter dropped the first bar off the top, so there might be some truth in the 60-80 mile range claim., excuse the rotated pictures, but I had already corrected the rotation.

this means since I got the bike on the 20th April, I have already clocked up 88.9 miles cycling













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