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Happy Anniversary Your Majesty


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One of my christian names is Philip, as I was born on the day when Princess Elizabeth was married to Lt. Philip Mountbatten.

And so here we are, 70 years later and the bells of Westminster Abbey are ringing out. I was born in the sound of Bow Bells, so I am Cockney, as well as Norfolk.

GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!     :default_beerchug:

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4 hours ago, Vaughan said:


And so here we are, 70 years later and the bells of Westminster Abbey are ringing out. I was born in the sound of Bow Bells, so I am Cockney, as well as Norfolk.


Happy buthday me old mucker. Blast me bor you're getting a bit old in the tooth.

Wus all this about you bein a lunduner. A foriner! I thort you were a good old Norfolk boy loick me.

Hope you had a grand old do with all them Frenchman from France. Dunt mention the French Amarda.

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11 hours ago, SwanR said:

Happy Birthday Vaughan. :default_drink_2:

And congratulations to the Queen and Prince Philip. I wonder if they have ever taken a boat on the Broads when staying at Sandringham ... if they haven't then they really should! :default_stinky:

Wouldn't it be smashing to have our Queen and Prince Phillip on the Broads. I don't think a day boat would be suitable and a Royal Yacht would definitely not get under the bridges, perhaps they could hire a gin palace or borrow The Rascal's ship :default_biggrin: 


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Thank you very much for all your birthday wishes. I had a good day!

I suppose now I've had my threescore and ten, I'm on borrowed time from here? We shall see!

I followed the Albert to Ranworth that day on one of my hire boats, with Tom and Gilly Percival on board. I have a photo somewhere, of the Albert going through Horning with the Royal Standard at the masthead. I shall try and find it!


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Hello Vaughan,

Please do not keep reminding us of our ages, I am not too far behind you. You are as old as you feel, sometimes you think you are 18 again and most other times you feel older than your actual age.

Happy Birthday by the way, I hope you remembered to stagger the lighting and blowing out the candles :10_wink:



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24 hours late but Happy Birthday Vaughan! We watched the Albert go through Horning that day, I was so excited my photos didn't quite feature the boat - just the flag staff - I missed the rest!  I saw the Albert only the other week come through Horning.

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This was taken from the balcony of Tom Percival's house, Deerfoot, now demolished and re-built. The Queen and the Duke are not standing up on the flying bridge - they are down below in the warm of the saloon, and probably enjoying a glass of sherry! It was a cold and bitter day, not good for photos.











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