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Anti Social Media?


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I use facache a lot, and there`s a lot of good stuff on there. There`s a lot of crap too, so it`s up to you what you look at and comment on.  Personally, i like the motorcycle sites, the historic aircraft etc sites, and having a laugh, or keeping in contact with distant freinds and family. I DON`T subscribe to the idea of telling everybody what i`ve been doing all day every day, i doubt anybody would have the slightest interest. But one site i`ve recently discovered is "Disused WW2 Airfeilds", which i`ve had a keen interest in since i was a small boy, and one my Aunts garden backed onto Hawkinge Airdrome, and we used to walk round the place, and i swear you could hear or feel the ghosts. Ever since then, i`ve been hooked on them, and whenever we`re on holiday, i usually search out an old airfeild, or more, Norfolk and Lincolnshire have dozens of them. 

That`s just one example of the good things about faceache, unfortunately, there are the down sides, which i won`t go into, but then you just don`t get involved in any of them.

There`s nothing wrong with faceache, it`s up to you how you use it, and what you want out of it.

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Yep, agree with JM and Ray there. Avoid Facebook like the plague. Apart from this Forum, I am a member of a Vintage Electronics Forum which is very strictly moderated (absolutely no straying off topic there!!) :default_norty:

I also look at Twitter - I find its a lot more factual and without the bitchiness of Facebook. Mainly pubs - its very good for finding out which beers they have on offer. I most certainly don't look at the 'celebs' give them a wide berth too. 90% pubs, Carol is on there, Broads Authority, EDP and one or two others. That's about it. Otherwise in the pub! :default_beerchug:


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I agree with Ray and Howard, members of my family had problems on Facebook and wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. The only place I'm a member of is this one. As well as the members on here the pesky Mods make it a safe place to be, apart from a nasty pm I received not long after joining (which was dealt with) I haven't had a problem on here and feel confident in posting. We are lucky, our Mods look after us brilliantly in my opinion


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You can block them so you do not see there comments,but they can make comments about you for others to see has happened to my step daughter 

Also comments can be made about people who are not even on Facebook like myself


Edited by Boatingman
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I’m with SpeedTriple. Get what you want out of it and it’s fine. It’s easy enough to hide the “this is what I had for my tea” kind of trivia and very easy to make people go away whose views you don’t want to hear.

I prefer forums for debate but I don’t like the anonymity of forums.

Very much like forums some Facebook groups are well run and well moderated and some aren’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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My Brother's wife was bullied relentlessly by someone on Facebook, because they never actually mentioned her name, everything else but, the Police could do nothing about it. They were cruel and nasty comments even slightly threatening, you can block people but that doesn't stop them making awful comments, there are some pretty nasty characters out there. I'm sticking with the NBN thank you very much


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39 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

I am on Facebook and Twitter. Will dip in and out of both.They have there use.Also on most of the Broads groups again just to see what's going on.However the Net is the only one I use the most.

Exact same for me. 

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It's good and bad, I'm on various sites/groups I have 4 friends on mine and loads requesting but I just cancel them off. In the last week I've built a photo collection from the town next to us which is where my dads family are from. So finding pics of aunt/uncle years ago not found the old man yet.

As above I don't want to know what you had for dinner. but our local site is full of is said chippy open tonight - if you use it you'll know. why ask if the supermarket is open sodding Goggle it.

Classic on Sunday around 1800 New Year Eve - Is anyway open to repair a tyre.

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I’m with Gracie. I’m very wary of social media in general. Although I have a Facebook account I don’t post to it and use it vary rarely to check out what some organisations are posting. Kudos (in my opinion) to NBN that this is the only forum that I’ve even ever considered joining. I did ‘lurk’ on various other Norfolk Broads forums beforehand and found them to be inhospitable, so didn’t join. 

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7 hours ago, Boatingman said:

A friend of mines daughter nearly went bankrupt because of comments about her business on Facebook

Things like that happened long before facebook, and even before mobile phones. Even then police said its a civil matter. Its surprising how trying to pull some one out of an XR3i drivers window (he had his seat belt on that foiled that)can quite quickly get the the rumors and comments stopped.


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I've recently joined Faceache, but except for two groups  NBN and a railway group (only slightly bigger than NBN). I'll be limiting my use to imediate family and a few friends. I won't be accepting others that I don't know, nor will I accept some I do know.

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i am on facebook, I watch and post on a few select groups, other than that its family and friends only.

the one that gets me is why people cannot seem to do anything any more without their phone glued to their hand and referring to it every 5 seconds. when I am at home, my phone gets chucked on charge in the corner and forgotten, at work it sits in one corner of my desk, while others if they move from their desk - the phone goes with them. I can even go shopping and leave the phone at home. For the amount I use it, one of the old fashioned nokias would do the job happily, I have internet on my phone, but its limited and I dont really use it. for me the screen is way too small, so if I am doing things I either use a tablet or my laptop or pc.

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I have a friend much like the girl in Vetchugger's hilarious video (thanks for that, couldn't stop laughing) Even going out for a meal she will be tapping away on her phone, I love her to bits but find that a bit rude. What on earth did people do without them? Had proper conversations perhaps, actually looking at each other while speaking, I cannot stand talking to someone while they are tapping away on their phone, nodding at you and hm, hming 

I said to her once when we were in a pub "Johnny Depp's just walked in" and the response "hm hmm" :facepalm:


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The Forum is fine it is regulated most other media sites including FB are not and therefore dangerous, you might regulate what you see you cannot regulate what others put on or use them for, they are just money making machines for a few at the expense of many and unfortunately like a lot of the internet outside of any form of control and open to abuse.


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My phone can make phone calls, I believe it will do texts as they send me a message every time I've used it to tell me how much call time I have left. But I've never sent a text.

 The other things It will do, is it's solar rechargeable so it sits in the sun when I'm not using it 99% of the time.

So the only thing I use are phone calls, It's waterproof, floats, and bounces in it's rubber coat when I drop it.

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As I said  I am on Facebook and Twitter. They both are very useful. You just use to your advantage. For example I often tweet southeasten. The other week my train was cold (outside temp 3.c)they quickly returned my tweet.The down side is when it's misused.I think the provider's need to work more with the Police,Governments etc to bring those that break the law to book.I to limit the people that are my friends. 


Ps your all my friends here:default_rolleyes:

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claiming a business nearly going bankrupt because of faceache is a bit lame. If people have had a bad experience, surely they have a right to complain, or even caution other people before they use it?. Would you rubbish trip advisor for the same, because that's exactly what they do?. No, as I said, you use it for what you want and ignore or block what you don't. As for saying people can still comment etc even when you've blocked them yes they can, but that's no different to people talking behind your back, and that's something NOBODY will ever stop.

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