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Are You, Like Me, A Fat Pig?

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I do agree with MM about being kept on the go on a boat. There always seems to be something that needs sorting out. It also helps having 2 dogs who need walkies twice a day. Now that really does help and can be recommended for the company and pleasure they provide too. I think I might be very lucky as well as I don’t seem to put weight on easily, despite having a good appetite and being a chocoholic! I don’t drink much these days due to medication, alcohol certainly used to have a bad effect on my weight. With a BMI of 21.5, I am a happy bunny. 

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11 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

A gym is good. Even if it's only biking to your nearest one and back!

I got to the gym twice a day. Three times on a Thursday & Friday. I'd better clarify that JM. I walk the dogs past the leisure centre gym twice a day and on Thursday & Friday's I pick the Granddaughter up from the school next door and take her to school the following morning!

I have been a member of the gym. I had arranged with my GP and a physiotherapist a range of exercises that were good for me taking into account the results of the stroke on my physical abilities. Fifteen minutes on an exercise bike (I have lost my balance so my real bike is no use anymore), followed by fifteen minutes on the rowing machine. All exercises where I am sat down. Then onto various weight machines, once again exercise where I'm sat down but building up strength on my weaker eft hand side. Then depending on the day I attended this would be followed by several lengths of the pool, I've always been a strong swimmer and the water supports deficiencies in my limbs, or a sauna.

A change of management from the local council to a third party leisure company running the place and I was no longer 'welcome' at my local facilities. They were not happy with regard to the ''health and safety' of having a bloke who has strokes and heart attacks on the premises. My stick was a 'liability' in the gym and the pool was suddenly devoted to 'ladies only' aqua aerobic sessions, and the gym and sauna became 'ladies only' during the times when I could attend. Yes, I did fight the discrimination and I did win but...in this day and age a bloke on his own in an environment like a pool, sauna and gym in 'women only except for the crip' sessions is not a healthy or safe environment for me.

So, my exercise now consists of walking the dogs twice a day, I'm now up to a distance of two and a half miles per day. If the weather is good I've replaced the rowing machine with creating woodshavings for Ellie's pet bunny rabbit. I have some pine boards that I'm slowly whittling away using my hand planes. I'm currently trying to condense the various video studios in my house to make some space for me to do some basic exercises at home. I found a YouTube channel of fitness videos for blokes over fifty that seem within my abilities so I'm going to give it a go.

I've been thinking overnight about this thread, dangerous thing to do, and I've decided I'm heaving my diet into the bin. My normal diet of chicken, pork, rice, pasta, lots of fresh vegetables, raw vegetables, salads and real butter instead of plastic and a thick steak once a month seems more healthy to me than the stodge, cardboard and packets of bland they have been feeding me on my diet. Many of you will be shocked to discover that when I'm at home...I don't drink. At all. It's only when I'm on the boat that I get lead astray!

My one vice is, of course, my roll-ups. I'm in a dilemma here. I'm cutting down drastically. But I am under instruction from my GP not to stop. Every attempt at stopping smoking is followed by me having a stroke. My GP wants me calm. I did ask if I could get my fags on prescription but he told me I was 'pushing my luck'. So I'm limiting myself to smoking outside when I walk the dogs. If this means I walk the dogs further for the chance of an extra smoke then...I'm getting more exercise!

So then...are we going to support each other? The NBN weight watchers? Bikini bodies for summer? OK...me in a bikini is an image I really need to get out of my head as I'm feeling ill! 

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My local council gym, now run by Norse, is pretty much as you describe whereas my local Bannatynes is very obviously tolerant  of us walking wrecks.

Me, when I found that climbing aboard was becoming a pain, or at least less easy than it was, then obviously I had to do something about it. Waddling lardy or boater? I really don't think that you can safely be both so the choice was simple, gorging myself or sailing/paddling? No contest! 

I have no desire to wear a bikini but I do have a desire to be out on the river for a few years yet and not be a liability. That reminds me, must go out and buy some more Slimfast! (it works for me).

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14 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I'm still yet to find a good source of black pudding, i.e not mass produced , and not wrapped in black plastic!

Home farm John Jimmy docherty's farm, Jamie olivers mate at ipswich, made with real blood, not powdered only one of i believe 4 places still making it like that.

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I am getting exercise, work has arranged once a week for Yoga - we have 2 45 minute sessions of which we are allowed to attend one, either the more relaxing class or the more power yoga class (attended mostly by the younger alpha males).

surprisingly I am getting fitter, and I can out perform some of the younger fitter males, (when bits of me like my tum dont get in the way) even impressing the instructor with my flexibility, but my short arms / long body are a bit of a drawback when it comes to some of the balances - put your arms beside you and lift your bum off the mat - yes I can do it, with 4" blocks under my hands, I reckon I have lost about 6 lbs so far

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23 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Breakfast should include black pudding, elevensies should include bread pudding.

I'm still yet to find a good source of black pudding, i.e not mass produced , and not wrapped in black plastic!

The best black pudding I ever tasted came from Macklesfield Market. The best White Pudding from a butcher in Wareham.

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3 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

That's all very well for you Chris, you're lucky, you're so much nearer to Macklesfield than I am. :-)

Set off jogging now MM? You will have worked up a hunger by the time you get the right side of the Watford Gap!

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Now this is a good balanced thread, discussing being obese and the best black pudding in the same topic. :default_laugh:

Of course the straight weight vs height bmi is a load of old sperical thingies, you can eat the same and exercise and not lose any weight but more of it will be muscle instead of fat (and muscle is heavier), I bet most of the armed forces are obese by this way of measuring.

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2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

I've just checked the distances from both our home towns and amazingly it's identical 197 miles from either of us. Wow, what a coincidence !!!

Well MM Jimmy's is doable going to broads via ipswich a bit outa the way but worth it for real black pudding mind

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2 hours ago, Smoggy said:

Now this is a good balanced thread, discussing being obese and the best black pudding in the same topic. :default_laugh:

Of course the straight weight vs height bmi is a load of old sperical thingies, you can eat the same and exercise and not lose any weight but more of it will be muscle instead of fat (and muscle is heavier), I bet most of the armed forces are obese by this way of measuring.

I seem to remember something similar being said about rugby players when BMI first came on the scene. 

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it reminds me of a company medical I went through, the guy in front was a bodybuilder,  they weighed him, measured his height, then told him he was overweight. he begged to differ, he explained that according to his personal trainer he was within 2 oz of the correct weight for his build and musculature.

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There was a program on the television  a short while ago about obesity and it was casting doubt upon the BMI method of measuring obesity .It said a truer way to check your health and fitness was with a piece of string.

Firstly use the string to measure your height .Then fold the string in half and put it round your waist .If it doesn’t fit then you’re overweight

Now where’s that string?

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When in the RAF they required you to keep fit, someone 6ft tall was supposed to be 11stone.

In order to keep fit I played sport, I now have.

A damaged big right toe ( sailing).

Damaged knees, ( volleyball)

Damaged left elbow ( sailing)

Damaged lower back ( baseball, reawakened by sailing)

So much for keeping fit for health.

Meantime accordingly the docs I've lost an inch height over the last year.

My bit of string keeps getting too short...very short...

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