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NBN Spring Gathering


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Its been a while since we attended a meet. Well - we have been missing out on some great times and lovely people. we had a fun time and really enjoyed meeting some new faces, and catching up with others we know but just haven't seen for ages.

A big well done to Polly and Chameleon for their "brilliant"  joint organisation. 

thanks to everyone for their warm welcome back, hope to repeat meeting up with you all next time.

Simon & Sonia + Dylan the dog & Red the pup.



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Very happy to meet you as another kindred  spirit. Very happy to warm up some dead cow, very pleased you liked the onion rings ( an experiment) and the twice cooked chips ( an extravagance)

To everyone , what a wonderful weekend. 

Was lovely meeting old and new loons who like boats. 

To Grendel and Mirage, what a great trip to Coltishall and a good evening on River song. Red is a cute pup. 

To Judith M so many thanks for your offer of help. Friends indeed....

See you all again soon 


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Ranworth Island just asked for their mooring fee. Thanks to all for £7 each boat that I collected on Sunday am, but actually they want £10, so a £3 to Forum Paypal would be oh so welcome. 


Px :default_beerchug:

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if you are on a pc the donate button is on the right under the adverts, on a tablet using a browser that will be at the very bottom of the page, not sure about if you are using the apps. lets see if i can copy the link here, nope I can copy it, but then it doesnt work.



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So... next year!!

CinC. I suggest we either convene at the free moorings at St Benets or raft up on Malthouse Broad, which could be fun.

Sally and Richard have promised an evening music slot and we have a growing band of Forum’s Got Talent to draw on too. 

Quiz for sure, can we have some multiple choice answers to aid the wild guesswork, Google being a bit slow in them parts?  :default_dunce:

Any more ideas?

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Someone who doesn’t quiz should set the quiz. We aren’t on the chase or pointless or tipping point and all teams bar one ( the regular quizzers) didn’t get anywhere near 45%. That’s not an inclusive quiz. 

Sorry to be a grump but it’s suppised to fun it’s not Friday quiz night. 

Whats the point of setting a quiz where only one team gets over 50% correct answers and everyone else is nowhere in sight? 



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Having set quizzes for the last 35 plus years. Most of them for local and national charities.

Gauging the intellect of an audience you don't always know, is the hardest thing.

Are you asking questions to people of low or high IQ.?

Are you going to just ask questions, that everyone knows the answer to?

You will always offend one party which ever way you set the questions.

But with most audiences, people will come up to me afterwards saying. " Thank you for that it really got my brain working".

Next time how about the winning team of "Regular quizzers" split up and join other teams ?


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without wanting to complain at what was after all an excellent quiz, and tricky even for the quizzers team, it would probably be better with some easier questions such that every team scored 50-75 percent, with maybe just a few tricky questions to sort out the top few places.

That said it is always tricky to set the level of the questions, I have got it wrong on the quiz a couple of times, when I set questions that could only be answered with google.

that and splitting the quizzers would seem to be the solution.

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Mike goes to endless trouble to do this and yes its really very  hard to pitch the quiz. If he still wants to set it  after reading some of the above (not sure I would) , then multiple choice should help. It will also allow for a few spoof options, reflecting a bit bit of the daftness that goes on on Fridays with some competition for the silliest answers; and nobody much caring who wins. In fact, there is a bit if trying NOT to win ‘cos the winner is penalised by having to set the next quiz!

BTW there was no plan to get together as a team, we were just sitting nearby before the start. 

Happy to be spread amongst other teams in future.

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Hi again, just tidying ends up here. 

Cators changed their policy between last year and this and they now require payment in advance. The knock on effect this year was that the non-attendees, excluding 3 medical emergencies, were paid for at £10 each. 

Next year we can adapt to this by paying for Salhouse to the Forum Paypal when we sign up then the money is sorted ahead of time.

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