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Spirit Of Breydon On The Move


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Actually knowing very little about their manoeuvrability ( rubbish I expect ) and immoveable posts every 100 metres, may prove an obstacle in daylight, let alone the dark and/or fog!!

Now there's an idea - move the posts out of the way and you at least would have more boats stuck and in need of "help" !!!!

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Personally I don't think the rangers should be involved in rescues really, organisations like RNLI clearly has the equipment, expertise  and funds dedicated to such activities.  I can't imagine there are lots of boats going across these days so really don't believe the BA should be spending funds on such activity, clearly as it also seems that they aren't comfortable in aiding which such either as personally I've never seen a BA boat towing anything and it seems that the lifeboats are called upon for broads rescues. 

If the BA want a quick boat for Breydon then I'm sure that there are many suitable alternatives, perhaps indeed looking at what the RNLI use for their inland craft (as which they use on Breydon for such rescues), certainly one that would get under the bridges at high tide would be a good start!  Also personally I believe the BA have made a bit a job for themselves since taken responsibility fro Breydon from Gt yarmouth, clearly there wasn't such a concern/need before even when there was more craft crossing.  

Obviously the Broads are a bit special due to the potentially inexperianced crews (and even those that that believe that they are experts) we have on the broads so yes there maybe a greater need for a presence on breydon but again there's certainly better craft alternatives available.

I don't want to drift off topic regarding the BA's attitude, and that of Rangers but indeed I've been forced to raise complaints due to questionable actions and comments of rangers and indeed I'm very warry if we see them and make sure I have a gopro to hand but I suspect that sadly that the BA have struggled to source the ideal staff. 

It will certainly be interesting to see what the SOB is replaced with.

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1 hour ago, JawsOrca said:

I don't want to drift off topic regarding the BA's attitude, and that of Rangers but indeed I've been forced to raise complaints due to questionable actions and comments of rangers and indeed I'm very warry if we see them and make sure I have a gopro to hand but I suspect that sadly that the BA have struggled to source the ideal staff. 

I was told by someone on the inside that the Rangers have been told not to fraternize with us mere minions.  Great shame because there has long been a good relationship between them and us.

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3 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

I was told by someone on the inside that the Rangers have been told not to fraternize with us mere minions.  Great shame because there has long been a good relationship between them and us.

That seems to be a trend with authority, it makes me wonder why?. Do the BA heirachy  have something up their sleeves and are employing rangers who are only too keen to say nothing to protect their jobs etc.  Personally, i love to stand up to the boss, it gives me an enormous sense of pride. Anyway, my career prospects were killed off years ago when i stood up to a manager, so now i could`nt give a toss what they say. If i was a ranger in the BA i`d adopt the same attitude, because you`re dealing with public in many ways, so i`d rather keep the public happy than a scheming boss. After all, you never know when you might need their assistance one day, and the good relationship that peter eludes to above is far more important for cohesion between the BA and the public. 

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16 hours ago, JawsOrca said:

 I suspect that sadly that the BA have struggled to source the ideal staff. 


I personally know some fine 'Broadsmen' who have applied and  not got to the inteview stage......

I wonder why ?

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44 minutes ago, Poppy said:

I personally know some fine 'Broadsmen' who have applied and  not got to the inteview stage......

I wonder why ?

Perhaps they didn't have a Doctorate in Biodiversity of Wetland Hydroperiod Events or some such useless qualification, without which I'm sure the CEO believes we are all lobcocks 

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2 minutes ago, Paul said:

Perhaps they didn't have a Doctorate in Biodiversity of Wetland Hydroperiod Events or some such useless qualification, without which I'm sure the CEO believes we are all lobcocks 

Could be - but they did know a lot about the Broads and boats of all descriptions.

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2 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

We only have to look at the list of very capable Authority staff members who have chosen to move on for whatever reason. The one common denominator being that they understood the unique nature of the Broads & its inhabitants.

Hammer, nail, head !

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Pete - I must take you to task on two things concerning your recent posts!! 

I do not think that the turnover on BA staff is any greater than any other industry, particularly in the public sector - if you think so then I am afraid you may have been retired too long and probably a bit out of touch!!! Staff no longer have any loyalty to any employer and with unemployment at pretty low levels, it is now pretty easy to leave and get another job! Shove unemployment locally up to around 10/15% and you might see a different story.

And do you really believe that non "frat" message you seem to be spreading? I am in an enviable position that I do have opportunities to "frat" with the Rangers and I notice no discernible change in attitude generally, especially amongst the field staff .  OK there are a few more of them since they tend to use more volunteer staff on the patrol boats but IMHO that seems just Suffolk squit. I will believe it if you have proof, otherwise I just think its probably untrue - with respect!! Perhaps we should call those  little titbits Trumpisms!!!

Going back to the original thread, one of the reasons I suspect they don't use  an inflatable quick boat on Breydon is probably fairly obvious, especially as they have one they use occasionally, is that the boats used, tend to be ones you can "patrol" with.  With mixed crew and the boats being used longer than inflatables could be used for, I am afraid modern legislation puts a slightly differing perspective on the type of craft you can use. It shows what happens though when you do not use specialist craft, expecting one boat to do a variety of tasks.

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49 minutes ago, marshman said:

I do not think that the turnover on BA staff is any greater than any other industry, particularly in the public sector

I don't think it is the turnover of staff that Peter was questioning, but the quality and "characteristics" of those who have gone, a point I tend to agree with. 

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1 hour ago, marshman said:

Staff no longer have any loyalty to any employer...

A bit O.T. but the converse is even more true (says he having retired early last year - one month before my global IT employer would have put me out to grass).

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2 hours ago, marshman said:

Pete - I must take you to task on two things concerning your recent posts!! I do not think that the turnover on BA staff is any greater than any other industry, particularly in the public sector 


2 hours ago, marshman said:

 And do you really believe that non "frat" message you seem to be spreading? I am in an enviable position that I do have opportunities to "frat" with the Rangers and I notice no discernible change in attitude generally, especially amongst the field staff .  OK there are a few more of them since they tend to use more volunteer staff on the patrol boats but IMHO that seems just Suffolk squit. I will believe it if you proof, 

Marshy, in part two of the quote above, you ask Peter for proof (and in a "shall we say, slightly antagonistic" way) for his comments, yet in part one above it, you make a point against his original post, yet you don`t offer any real proof yourself, only what you "think".

Pot kettle and black comes to mind.

It`s alright claiming that the rangers may have no loyalty, but that immediately brings the question why?. Why is there such a turnover?. Loyalty is a two way street, as i know very well.

There was a quote of Richard Branson (who i don`t like) on faceache a while ago where he states, "Any sensible boss will train their staff so that they could leave at any time, and get a job anywhere, yet TREAT their staff in a way where they DON`T want to leave. Maybe mr P should learn from that, i wish my boss would?.

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Is there a huge turnover in the Rangers? Not really aware of it although they do shift people around a bit! They also use more volunteers than they used to and that increases turnover - and I know that volunteers do that from experience!

Pete was the one who made the comment about the no "frat" dictat - I was merely saying that in my own personal circumstances and experience, I had seen no evidence of that. Realistically a Ranger is not going to wave every boat owner, unless he had a little mobile hand he could use!!! Perhaps someone could make a mock up of a hand waving, attached to your foot, a bit like a piano pedal!!!!

Also by way of info, you may be interested I too failed the Ranger test!! On reflection I am not sure I could have handled the aggro about these days - no not aggro around from everyone but those few who are tanked up and aggressive! These days they are not just patrolling or sleeping in the off river dykes, but in the quieter times, go scrub bashing and tree felling with the attendant hassle that brings given the number of risk assessments they probably have to write!!

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6 hours ago, Paul said:

Perhaps they didn't have a Doctorate in Biodiversity of Wetland Hydroperiod Events or some such useless qualification, 

Oh I dunno Paul, I've often found mine are extremely useful , particularly when it came to management of a landscape such as The Broads in which the variation and stability of the hydroperiod is one of the key elements in driving the ecosystem and understanding the water budget of the region. Although I have to admit the only time I do dust mine off is when I go into hospital as a patient. You should see the speed and high quality of care you get when the staff think you know what they are talking about! :default_norty: :default_biggrin:

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7 hours ago, marshman said:

And do you really believe that non "frat" message you seem to be spreading?

Yes, I do. Various sources but one in particular who should know & whom I trust. It all came about as a dictate when what was disseminated to us mere stakeholders had first to be approved by Dr P. Surely you are aware that the Doctor likes to be in control. As I have told you before, I don't lie.

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15 hours ago, marshman said:

Is there a huge turnover in the Rangers?



I can't see anywhere where anyone said that it wa 'huge' Marshy. 

Worrying in the quality of staff who have moved on, but not 'huge'.  In any organisation it is people with knowledge and experience who instil a positive culture within it.

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