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Norfolk Lady Tales


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So, we ended up at Pyes Mill.  The cruise down The Chet was very enjoyable.  Where dredging works have taken place over the winter, it’s opened up views across Hardley Flood.  I guess in time, they’ll be lost again as the reeds grow back, but it was a treat to see.

There was plenty of available spaces, so I turned into the rising current and moored.  We were glad to see that the permissive footpath across the farmers field is open and took advantage of it to wander into the village.  I don’t know what made me think of it, but it must be five or six months since we were last here.  Doesn’t time fly?

We stopped at the Co-Op to get an ice cream, before heading back, through the churchyard and footpath, joining the road back to the moorings.  Several of the moored craft have now left and only five still remain along the length of the moorings.  People down here obviously don’t realise it’s a Bank Holiday.

The sun is going down and the breeze is chilly, but what a treat the weather this weekend has been.  Here are a few photos (from my phone) taken on our walk to the village.







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1 minute ago, Tempest said:

You are probably best staying at Pyres Mill as Dave Whitworth and family are at Loddon on Silver Cloud and started at the White Horse and are now at the King's Head.....so it may get messy!


May??  Only May??  Nailed on certainty, surely? 😂😂😉

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Easter 2022 just keeps on giving!  Another glorious, but chilly start to the day.  I was woken at around six by a boat chugging past, causing Norfolk Lady to bump into the quay.  Someone obviously in a hurry to get somewhere.  I was cold and didn’t really want to get up, but did anyway, pulled some clothes on and went out with the camera to take a photo or two.

I’ve sent the drone up from Loddon before and thought that the results may get boring, but decided that I ought to, so quickly prepped one and flew it anyway.

Were just getting ready to set off back up The Chet.  No real plans for today, but we’ll probably moor somewhere between here and Brundall for a while.  We’ve jobs to do at home, but I don’t want to waste the weather and the jobs can wait!  There’s always tomorrow . . . . . . . . . .









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  • 4 weeks later...

We should have transferred from Moonlight Shadow onto Norfolk Lady last Friday, but a family bereavement had forced a change to our plans.  We visited Northampton last Saturday to visit the wife’s family, making sure that all was as well as it could be under the circumstances and to find out arrangements for the funeral, so satisfied that there was little more we could do, decided to return to the boat this weekend instead.

I’d spent a few hours yesterday (Thursday) working on the boat at the yard, giving the old girl a polish and generally tidying her up, so she looked a whole lot better when we arrived this evening.  By the time we’d loaded up our bits and pieces, it was almost time for dinner, so fish and chips was on the menu from the Brundall Chippy.

By the time we’d finished eating the sun, although beginning to set, was still high enough in the sky to allow us to cast off and head along The Yare.  I had Short Dyke in mind as a likely overnight mooring and when we arrived there was plenty of space, despite there being four other boats already moored.

The sun was setting over the broad, so I took a few photos before setting up the tv, although at the moment we’re both sitting in the wheelhouse enjoying a very pleasant evening.







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Short Dyke is a lovely spot. Last summer we overnighted at Rockland Staithe and enjoyed a lovely early evening walk as far as the Short Dyke moorings. Lovely as the Staithe is, Short Dyke is more peaceful and yet still an easy walk to the pub if you want to.

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Wonderful photos as always Malcolm. I hope the Broads have provided as much solace for you and Debbie as they did to me and Graham when my Mam passed away.
It might have seemed callous to some, but the evening after my Mam’s funeral we travelled back home to MK, and then to Norfolk the following morning to pick up our hire boat. Looking back, it was probably the best thing we could have done. I felt very close to my Mam that week. There is more time for reflection whilst being on the Broads. 

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9 hours ago, Broads01 said:

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lovely as the Staithe is, Short Dyke is more peaceful and yet still an easy walk to the pub if you want to.

I don’t mind the Staithe during the day, but Short Dyke is much better to overnight.  It’s like Ranworth and Womack - I’d rather not be side by side with other craft.

8 hours ago, YnysMon said:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . I hope the Broads have provided as much solace for you and Debbie as they did to me and Graham when my Mam passed away.
It might have seemed callous to some, but the evening after my Mam’s funeral we travelled back home to MK, and then to Norfolk the following morning to pick up our hire boat. Looking back, it was probably the best thing we could have done. I felt very close to my Mam that week. There is more time for reflection whilst being on the Broads. 

We left the decision as to whether to cut our holiday short and return home as soon as possible, or to continue the trip, as soon as the wife heard the news of her dad’s passing.  Her family told her that there was nothing she could do if she went home, her brother and younger sister were with her mum, so after some thought she elected to continue.  As you said, some may think it callous, but I think that being away and with company helped to ease her initial pain, although his death was not entirely unexpected.  We’ve since seen her mum, who  has now made all the arrangements, flowers are ordered, my suit has been deposited at the dry cleaners and there is little more we can do until the funeral on 30th May.  Deb has booked the two days following as bereavement leave, then it’s the Jubilee Bank Holiday, when we’re off to Cornwall for a week.  I’m hoping that she’ll be able to grieve and recover, as it’s still a little raw at the moment.


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Clear blue skies and bright sunshine greeted us when we woke this morning. As usual, Deb took the dog for a walk up to the junction of the Dyke with the main river.  We had another walk planned later in the morning, so didn’t want to overdo it as Harley’s arthritis is affecting her mobility more now.  I went off to take a few photos and returned to the boat to find Deb and Harley patiently waiting for me in the aft cockpit.

We had some breakfast before taking a short cruise to Rockland Staithe, where we moored and plugged into the electric for hot water with the immersion.  64p left on the post - happy days!

When we were both showered and ready, we had a walk to Marsh Farm Charcuterie, which is less than half a mile from the staithe.  I’d seen it on Google Maps and often threatened to go, but had forgotten about it, but was reminded this week when an old James Martin programme was shown on TV, featuring their products.  We had a chat with one of the proprietors and bought a few packs of cured meat products which we’ll be sampling for lunch tomorrow.  Really friendly service and very relaxed talking about their produce.  I’ll report back once I’ve tasted them.

We wandered back to the boat and once on board, set off for Pyes Mill.  Some high cloud had rolled in, causing the sun to become somewhat hazy, but it seemed quite warm sitting at the helm.

We arrived at Pyes Mill at about 13:45 and moored near the end furthest from the car park.  We had a wander into the village, calling in at the Co-Op for ice creams and a couple of extra bits for dinner.  We took our time returning to the boat, though -  Harley was struggling with the heat and extra exercise.  The cloud had rolled away and the sun was shining again.

Back on board we relaxed, Deb doing some cross stitch and I read.  It was exactly what Deb needed.  Just pushing sad memories back for a while and concentrating on her sewing allowing her some respite from the events of the last two weeks.

Our meal tonight was somewhat healthier than last nights - a salad, washed down with some wine.

Its been a good day, the weather has been good and we both feel better for it.    With the promise of another decent day tomorrow, I don’t think we’ll be rushing back to the yard, but making the most of the opportunity to relax a bit more.












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  • 2 weeks later...

We arrived at the yard around 17:15 yesterday evening, quickly transferred our bits and pieces from the car to the boat and set off down the river, making the most of the light. We got rocked about by a ski boat as he roared past us shortly after leaving Hobrough’s Dyke.  I didn't really know where I was heading for, but about an hour later we arrived at the end of Langley Dyke.  There appeared to be plenty of available space, so we headed down, turned and moored by what was the green at the end, but has obviously been left to ‘wild’ by the BA.  The grass is knee high!

We had some chicken for dinner with rice and sweetcorn (the wife’s off potatoes at the moment, trying to lose a bit of weight!!) and watched TV for a while, before retiring to bed around 22:00.

We woke to a beautiful sunny morning, so I pulled some clothes on before going to try out my new drone (birthday present to myself!), whilst the wife took Harley for a walk.  Sadly, the sunshine didn’t last and it soon clouded over.  I ran the engine for a while for hot water and we took it in turns to shower and get ready, before chugging along to the top of The Chet.  It would have been easy to  cruise down to Pyes Mill, but we’d had such a peaceful evening at Langley, we decide to go back for another night.

At the moment, there’s only one other boat here and the rivers are unexpectedly quiet for the start of a school holiday week.  We’re back to the yard tomorrow and returning home.  It’s Deb’s dad’s funeral on Monday, so we have a few things to do before making the journey to Northampton.  I know it’s been troubling her, but will bring closure to a difficult few weeks since he passed.  At least the peace of the rivers will help before the sad event to come.










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Thanks for the lovely photos Malcolm, as always.

I hope all goes well on Monday for Debbie. I had dreaded my Mam’s funeral, but on the day found it very comforting. As you said, you do get a sort of closure. 

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After a fairly average sort of day weather wise, later this afternoon the clouds drifted away and the sun came out.  It’s been quite pleasant sitting here watching not very much at all, frankly.  One hire boat arrived a couple of hours ago and alls quiet at Langley Dyke.

I’d made individual ‘Delia’s’ cheese and leek topped shepherds pies for dinner and brought them with us, so heated them in the oven and cooked some broccoli as an accompaniment, which we’ve just finished. I don’t like to boast, but it was very tasty.  The washing up has been done and we’re just relaxing now with a bottle of Merlot.

Heres a few more photos, captured with my iPhone this afternoon.






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Those shepherds pies sounded tasty Malcolm. Are you getting all cheffy during your retirement?

I’m struggling slightly trying to juggle between Graham’s vegetarian diet and the rest of us. I shouldn’t be really, as both Graham and I and the kids were vegetarian between around 1990 (the that Harry was born) and about 7 years later.

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