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Likely Impact On The Broads?


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I fully understand why 'My' comment has been removed - no surprise there then - I thought the over sensitive snowflakes would see to that.  Even though it was posted with an emoji in a light hearted manner, never intending to cause offence or be grown up serious. (I'm sure we all knew that)

If it has offended anyone I unreservedly offer my public written apology, furthermore anyone has my permission to notify News at Ten and publicize it even further - There that should do it



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Hang on a minute , just because someone doesn't see it the same way as another doesn't make them a over sensitive snowflake or anything else , if a post is outside TOS or believed to be then it's perfect ok as far as I can see to report it , this person isn't a member and has no ability to reply , that in many way makes matter's worse .

As probably the last member to be verbally attacked on here I definitely don't see myself as a over sensitive snowflake for reporting the post  as the post clearly broke TOS and on more than one count , hence it was removed .

Smiley's and alike aren't a get out of jail free card and really shouldn't be treated as such , if posts are against TOS then no matter how many Smiley's etc  are after that post they shouldn't make the slightest bit of difference .

Before anyone thinks I'm a fan of this particular school girl I'll state now I most certainly are not , but it's hardly decent and fair to rip into her when she can't reply .

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it is sometimes very difficult when you throw a light hearted comment into the mix when the discussion is in the middle of an ongoing debate, as quite often some of the rest of the participants arnt thinking in a light hearted manner, and the humorous witticism falls flatter than a pancake as they havnt spotted the smiley or come to the conclusion that the post was light hearted when they respond.

witness my post in another thread that upset Vaughan where I casually threw in a witticism, only to have it backfire on me (apologies were proffered afterward once i realised my error).

perhaps we should have a no joking rule in speakers corner (just kidding)((oops done it again)):default_coat:

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And to add to the happy thoughts, I just heard on the local news that the A14 at cambridge is due to be opened properly in spring 6 months early :default_biggrin:, well done to those contractors indeed, they got the other bit open a year early too, not something you hear often these days on big projects.

That will be my journey easier. :default_beerchug:

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After careful thought and due consideration I have prepared the following statement.

"I would like to make a full and unreserved apology to the moderators, members and other interlocutors of this assesmbly, to Miss Thunberg and her family and to any third party who was in any way whatsoever offended by my previous observations on this subject. I am old, I have consumed more summers than I have remaining to me. I was raised in an age when society did not benefit from the safeguards and protections of political correctness which it enjoys today and as such I am no expert on that subject, as in deed I am not expert in any matter. Notwithstanding my self acknowledged deficiencies of age and ignorance I offer no defence for any animadversion or stricture contained within my recent interposition. I appreciate that in this day and age to suggest that a child should go to school is unacceptable and I deeply regret the upset this has so obviously caused. That was not the declared intention of my post.

I accept the hierarchical precept that it is improper to make comments or statements regarding a person or group of people or to make criticism of them on any platform to which they do not themselves have access to make a response. The fact that this forum is open to anyone, unlike the stage of a United Nations Climate Change Conference would I believe be an unnecessary interjection at this time.

To this end I should like the forum's appointed arbiters to also consider previous analogous misdemeanors herewith catalogued but not deemed worthy of objection at the time of posting, or missed by those monitors likely to raise such objection.

i) That elsewhere on this forum I did bring into doubt the integrity of His Royal Highness Andrew Duke Of York in the matter of his relationship with Mr Epstein and alleged relationship with Miss Virginia Roberts.

ii) That elsewhere on this forum I did bring into doubt without evidence the medical well being of the Former German Chancellor and Fuhrer of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, suggesting that he might be missing one or more appendage(s) usually found at one end of the vas deferens in adult males, and that this was done in a deliberate attempt to derogate or belittle the person in question without the opportunity of response.

I plead guilty on all counts. 

I order to protect the integrity of this forum and those individuals who gather here I shall from this point forward restrict my postings to those matters on which I consider myself expert and in all other matters ensure that my thoughts and opinions maintain their own counsel."


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I started at this end of the thread and worked my way back to when the tone of the thread became skewed. It is a changing society that we live in, seemingly we now all walk on thin ice, aware that we will undoubtedly, often innocently, offend someone. Having been involved with various forums now for many years I can say with great feeling that a thick skin is an obvious attribute. It's not just an NBN thing, it's forums in general. Beyond that, and I've said it before, if folk don't like what they are reading then, for heavens sake, ignore it.  Heavens, if I were to take offence at some of the comments aimed my way then by now I would be a disturbed, dribbling wreck! Oh bug*er, appologies to all those unfortunates who dribble! 


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In this particular case I didn't get the impression that there were particular people having a go at other forum members, so maybe not a case of 'thin skin'ness'. Personally, I felt the tone of some posts was unnecessarily nasty about a certain young lady, and not what we would normally expect of discussions on the forum. It's fine to say that you don't agree with a person, and present an alternative argument, we do that all the time, but some posts on this thread were just vitriolic. I never find the practice of ridiculing a person an effective counter argument anyway. 

In such threads it goes beyond a question of just the option of ignoring posts you don't like (which I frequently do). Not if you care about how this forum presents itself to the world anyway - as a 'friendly forum'.

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I was in a shipyard yesterday, enjoying and involved in the banter that is often part and parcel of the working environment. The subject of one topic was a good friend of mine, a bloke I knew as Steve. It soon became clear that his workplace nickname was 'Squeaker', he had a tendency, when talking, to slip into a falsetto squeak. Squeaker has departed this world, did I take offence on his behalf? No, it was banter and banter can be less than respectful. 

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Sadly legislation moves faster than us dinosors,

In all walks of life, things that were said and done over the past 40 plus years are now considered to be unacceptable, and rightly so.

Gender, religious belief, race and minority aged children are rightly protected. The certain young lady is 17 and therefore protected from personal abuse.

Just consider if your 17 year old daughter was subjected to personal on line abuse, who of us would be happy with that.

Pull anyones campaign apart, but don't have a go at the child.

If I think her campaign is based on half truths and misinformation I would attack that not any percieved short comings she has and that she has no control over.

Blimey, I appear to be getting very liberal minded, not something that has ever been suggested before.

I have a whole stack of inappropriate gags I could have added but they are inappropriate and not suitable for a friendly family forum.



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Once upon a time the subjects to steer clear of in friendly conversation were politics and religion. Now add climate change and all should be well. Trouble is, climate change is a ‘hot’ (sorry!) subject and is very often difficult to avoid. I tend to (mostly) avoid all three subjects because I don’t understand enough about them and don’t pretend that I do. 

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While I agree and accept there are boundaries that shouldn`t be crossed anyone who chooses to put themselves in the public eye as a spokesperson  for extremist action groups must expect to be challenged and have their reasoning and motivation questioned particularly if it appears to be creating career opportunities for their family, I am just glad I have already lived the majority of my life now when I see what the future appears to hold.


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