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Coronavirus And The Broads


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Everyone is making sacrifices,

 I have had to close 2 businesses that i started from nothing nearly 40 years ago. I doubt one will be worth restarting.

The list of exercise was limited, that is it.

Now is not the time to start adding to it to please a minority, and lets be honest, boaters and other water users are a very small minority in the greater scheme of things.

I would rather wait 6 months to get back out and about than lose another doctor, nurse or member of society.

If people insist on breaking the guidelines issued by the government then they deserve the full wait of the law.

The public are encouraged to report the fools to the police, the rangers are doing no different.

In my view flocking to Norfolk to boats or second homes is no different to taking a boat out, they are both putting others at risk unnecessarily.

 Stay safe and Stay at home, let the ones who are risking their own and their families lives get on with what they are doing.


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I am certainly not refering to 'snapping a chain' or 'pulling a muscle' . 

Cyclists are regular victims of road accidents and eed the help of A&E , the Ambulance service and other such help far more frequently than canoeists, kyakers or for that matter any type of people engaging in water born relaxation.

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1 hour ago, Vaughan said:

I am a bit wistful this morning, on Good Friday, as Susie and I would normally have been making the final preparations to the boats before they went out for the first time today, and we welcomed the first customers of the season.  Last weekend would have been my last weekend off until the end of the season in seven months' time.  You don't get bank holidays, in the tourist business.

At Hearts, my mother always made hot cross buns for the staff tea break on Good Friday and all the boats went out with a jar of daffodils on the saloon table;  all grown in long beds in the woods on the island.  I carried on this tradition by ordering in the buns specially, for the team on our base in St Gilles.  They don't do them, in France!  I also made sure there were daffodils in the reception office, to welcome the customers.

I can't help thinking of all my friends on the yards right now, both in Norfolk and in France, as they must be feeling the same as I do.

If it doesn't sound silly, I wish you all a happy Easter, wherever you may be.

I too was a bit wistful this morning. (Not enough sleep at both ends of the night looking for non- existent things that dig holes and breed a lot) thinking of family Easters, if it was a late one we may have gone down to Wareham if the weather was good and start antifouling.

I then got to thinking about the situation we are in. How the few left who remenber the war probably wonder why the moaning from some quarters. How those who have been incarcerated think "They don't know what lockdown is". But for the majority of us, as long as we are safe disappointment at cancelled plans.

Then I thought to myself, "Hang on I've been here before"  I can remember spending all winter in the study of charts, Reeds, tidal streams and approaches to Harbours. Laying alternative coarses for different wind direction, having an A & B harbour depending on weather and getting the latest corrected charts.

Only for our annual three week cruise to France and The Channel Isles to be scuppered by constant Atlantic Lows barrelling up the Western Approaches.

Chin up folks!

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It often happens that minority groups suffer as a result of well meaning guidelines. Tough!

Far better just to grin and bare it rather than antagonise people. What would the rivers look like if we were al told that Rowing was acceptable? No, sorry guys, just put up with it rather than try justifying it.

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The problem then becomes, if he can go rowing, so can I, and then how far is acceptable to drive to go rowing or canoeing? Only yesterday the police stopped a couple for driving 80 miles with a canoe. I know Peter can go rowing from his garden, but only the other day there were comments about canoeists at Wroxham. Where had they come from? Who knows but far easier for everyone to stay off the water.

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1 hour ago, Poppy said:

Good post JM ( on the changing face of authority). The Rangers as a whole are 'good eggs' . There are undeniably a few badones .

However I must confess to a growing concerh of the tactics being exercised  and the threats issued by some Senior Officers in the public media. One yesterday on BBC East was very beligerently suggesting that we shoud all do as HE says (what he is saying being nothing more than HIS interpretation of the Government's regulation). For example that we should only shop for essentials, lest his force should have to check the contents of our bags as we leave the shop. Where is the government's list of 'essentials' that 'his' officers will be working to? 

These individuals should remember that they work with the PERMISSION and COOPERATION of the public. They shoud take care not to damage the trust ( already weakened) , since they will continue to need it once this is over and normality returns.

It's started !  https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-cambridge-police-checks-no-one-is-in-non-essential-aisles-at-supermarket-11971517?fbclid=IwAR3RAgoOljFIZS9MYht9qjCXylDAMDf18Pt0nHU3tTK9V6PkItqO2RXEqNo

"Cambridge police do not have the authority to judge what is an essential purchase. Nor are non-essential purchases illegal. This is an outrageous power grab by the police, and we must stand against it."



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Over enthusiasm by some officers is going to happen, they are few and far between, they are being 'educated' on how to implement these new rules.

Even a Chief Constable has had his wtist slapped.

Half the problem is the press are hunting down every incident to fill their pages and justify their existence.

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There's somewhere in the region of 123,000 Police officers in the country. So far the press have felt it necessary to report on no more than a handful, which probably means the rest are doing a non press worthy excellent job in very trying times. Probably says far more about the press, than it does the handful of police being over enthusiastic.  

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6 minutes ago, Ray said:

I read a clarification from the government yesterday that said any shop allowed to be open and trading can sell anything they usually do from all their aisles. Hope that helps.

Oh for heavens sake, not common sense being used? Don't think I can handle that 

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1 hour ago, Poppy said:

This is an outrageous power grab by the police, and we must stand against it."

Despite whatever folk might think, and agreeing with the point that Poppy is making, I think that we do have to resist power grabs, from whatever quarter and for whatever reason. Which takes me to my favorite (alleged) hobbyhorse. The BA is acquiring a reputation for power grabs, e.g. the spread of its planning duties and executive area beyond its boundaries and its emerging anti boating agenda. Any attempt, for whatever reason and however well intended, to restrict boating activities has to be questioned, I truly wish it were otherwise. Mind you, for now:


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5 minutes ago, psychicsurveyor said:

Am i the only one seeing double standards.

I think that you are. 

I would love to visit the Tate & National Gallery but I am not allowed to make the journey to London.

That journey restriction works both ways.

All that the folk preaching 'stay away' are asking is that the virus is not brought into their/our communities, I don't see a problem with that, sorry.

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7 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Outrageous is too strong a word in this case. Perhaps 'ridiculous' might have been more apt! 

Not  just me...

"remarks condemned as "outrageous" by a leading civil liberties campaigner"


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Peter posted:


I would love to visit the Tate & National Gallery but I am not allowed to make the journey to London.

That journey restriction works both ways.

All the folk preaching 'stay away' are asking is that the virus is not brought into their/our community, I don't see a problem with that, sorry.


What is so difficult about the phrase - stay indoors - stay in your home - dont have visitors - no unnecessary journeys .  It aint rocket science is it.      I have a daughter in law who has just emailed me to say she walked to her local fruit and veg place in the village and bought everything she needed including the precious toilet rolls.      Fine also said that it is 25 degrees down there.    Hearing that I am not about to get in the car and travel there,  no I stay at home in Norfolk/Suffolk border.


As for the police and said to be checking your groceries - er hum!! this is not a communist state yet.

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2 hours ago, Poppy said:

I am certainly not refering to 'snapping a chain' or 'pulling a muscle' . 

Cyclists are regular victims of road accidents and eed the help of A&E , the Ambulance service and other such help far more frequently than canoeists, kyakers or for that matter any type of people engaging in water born relaxation.

If there should be a move to ban cyclists I think they will only have themselves to blame. I am motivated to post this having just looked out of the window to see, yet again, a cyclist ride by - on the pavement - with a knapsack on his back, at about 20mph.

I would confidently lay a bet on whether A&E departments see more cycle or canoe related incidents.

That is not really the issue. If we are supposed to refrain from any activity that adds to emergency service use then both activities are to be discouraged. Cyclists can walk like everybody else.

If the guidelines say exercise locally why are these people allowed to ride miles into the countryside, if they are staying local why do they need a backpack ? Drivers are pulled over daily to explain their journeys, what about the cyclists ?

I get the arguement about canoeists getting their exercise but they can use their feet as well as their arms (Unless disabled) and if we are all in this together then start acting like it.

Any apparent bias is down to not owning a bicycle and has nothing to do with sitting at red traffic lights whilst cyclists blithely ride straight through, or being nearly flattened several times by cyclists riding at speed on the pavement - honestly. :default_eusa_naughty:

I hope this is not too much of a deviation.

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Yes Poppy, let's all listen to "civil liberties" groups and ignore the government advise... sorry, orders.

Sorry, but I can't help but feel the various groups/individuals who are objecting to the lock-down regulations, or are trying to find ways round them are as greater danger to the public as the virus itself.


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