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Pre- Booking Moorings


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Only at the Yacht Stations, as far as I’m aware. Don’t think the boat yards would reserve you a place, though it’s always worth phoning up to ask if they have space. I might be wrong about that though. Staying in a boatyard didn’t used to have much appeal to me, until I stayed in NDB’s Yard and found out that it was a lovely peaceful place to be overnight.

There are several pubs that will reserve mooring spots, including The Ferry at Surlingham.

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I’m afraid CC thats a reflection on modern Society (going into old git mode) if I book somewhere I bust a gut to fulfil my obligation, should for unforeseen circumstances I can’t, I ring and cancel so they have a chance to re-book if they can’t I’m prepared to pay something towards my cancellation!

But I suppose I’m ‘old school’  

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Just to add I have a dog, dogs by nature to their business where they want!

i always have bags in my back pocket and clear it up!

I also don’t hang it on the nearest tree (what’s that all about) if I can’t find a bin I take it home!

Ok, apologies for a non subject rant, but some bad owners give dogs a bad name!

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1 hour ago, YnysMon said:

Errr..maybe I should have said a ‘few’ pubs, rather than several. :default_blink:

Semantics I know, but what’s the difference between several and a few?  😉

Are they not the same?

Blimey this is the first time I’ve been on this site so much after my holiday, I normally hide away too jealous of you lot still enjoying yourselves!

Maybe, having been so grateful to enjoy boating during Covid, I’m hanging around to enjoy others enjoying what I enjoy!

There, must be a record 4 ‘enjoys’ in one sentence?  😂

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LOL. I know, but semantics or not, ‘several‘ conjures up more than two or three in my little brain. 
Glad you are sticking around. I find the forum gives me that ‘Broads fix’, at least in the summer when lots of people are posting about their holidays.

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1 hour ago, tim said:

I’m afraid CC thats a reflection on modern Society (going into old git mode) if I book somewhere I bust a gut to fulfil my obligation, should for unforeseen circumstances I can’t, I ring and cancel so they have a chance to re-book if they can’t I’m prepared to pay something towards my cancellation!

But I suppose I’m ‘old school’  

No, just good manners. 
If I say I’m going to be somewhere at a certain time, I’m usually anything up to and hour early much to the horror of my family. 

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3 hours ago, PAULG said:

Can moorings be pre-booked at the popular destinations and boat yards.

When are you going? Are you going north or south? Are you hiring?

Sounds as if it’s very busy out there at the moment. I’m reading a lot of questions on social media from people who haven’t been on the Broads before. And the common theme seems to be what should I take and please help me plan my route. I think on my first trip the only moorings I planned were where I could get to for my first night. And where should I be for my last night so I could get back to the yard in time. 

Everything else happens as it will. Have enough food onboard that you can eat wherever you end up. And just enjoy being afloat. 

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11 hours ago, SwanR said:

When are you going? Are you going north or south? Are you hiring?

Sounds as if it’s very busy out there at the moment. I’m reading a lot of questions on social media from people who haven’t been on the Broads before. And the common theme seems to be what should I take and please help me plan my route. I think on my first trip the only moorings I planned were where I could get to for my first night. And where should I be for my last night so I could get back to the yard in time. 

Everything else happens as it will. Have enough food onboard that you can eat wherever you end up. And just enjoy being afloat. 

Hi all thanks for the responses.

I did try and post again last night but for some reason it never appeared.

We pick the boat up from Brinks on Sat 5th Sept so on advice IF we manage to get away Salhouse broad has been recommended.

I am probably worrying about nothing but being new to this would like to know I will be able to get moored up at night.

I was going to put plenty of food and drink on the boat as I did read/watch somewhere about not getting in where planned and going hungry:default_icon_eek:

We are so looking forward to it and just trying to gather as much info as possible from the knowledgeable people on the forum.


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The beauty of using Salhouse broad as a first night stop is that there are lots of moorings. Some on the southern edge of the broad, some on the riverside edge just outside the broad and of course mud weighting mid broad.

Unless you fancy quite a walk though, you will be self catering ie cooking your own evening meal.

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24 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

The beauty of using Salhouse broad as a first night stop is that there are lots of moorings. Some on the southern edge of the broad, some on the riverside edge just outside the broad and of course mud weighting mid broad.

Unless you fancy quite a walk though, you will be self catering ie cooking your own evening meal.

The food in the Fur and Feathers is worth the walk. It isn't all that far 15 minutes from the moorings.


If you book a meal at Pedro's they will also reserve you a mooring. We like it in the basin there of the main river.

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13 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

You must walk bl**dy fast if The Fir and Feathers is a 15 min walk from The Salhouse Broad moorings , it takes me a brisk 30mins and if Katie is with me nearer to 40mins 

No you walk slow. :default_laugh:

Half a mile from the moorings to the car park and half a mile from the car park to the pub.

Surely you walk quicker than 2mph?

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54 minutes ago, Cal said:

No you walk slow. :default_laugh:

Half a mile from the moorings to the car park and half a mile from the car park to the pub.

Surely you walk quicker than 2mph?

Hi, thanks for the info.

I have noticed on the map just down river from Pedro's there is a lot of moorings on boat dyke lane, are these private and accessible for overnight with a fee.1318736179_ACLE2.thumb.JPG.c4a513bacd8a451320f4950c2bf2f2d7.JPG

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25 minutes ago, jeffbroadslover said:

It only takes 15 mins to walk to the pub if you do it at a brisk trot !!!!   lol


According to our walking app View Ranger our average walking speed is 3.5mph.

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