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Locks Geldeston


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23 minutes ago, NeilB said:

That happened quickly!

There is already an online group seeking to raise both funding and interest with a view to creating a community pub. 

We live in interesting times.

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very , very tempting !!!!!

a goldmine in the waiting 

have registered for the auction pack , always said I’d never go back into the pub trade but The Locks is one that could sorely tempt me , plus my youngest is at a crossroads and can’t decide what direction to take so perhaps a overseeing roll could tempt me back .

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25 minutes ago, marshman said:

Trouble is there is no community there to use it!!! My guess is that villagers use the Wherry!

At the same time it can often be cut off for long periods when it floods - which it can easily in the winter

True but its a classic case of a seasonal pub, most trade in summer . However the Locks used to put music on in winter, molly dancers etc. Its a case of being versatile. As for locals - I'm sure if it reverted to a 'proper' pub you would get local trade. It was never going to work as a gastro pub. An experience operator like CC could make a real go of it I'm sure. 

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You'd be surprised how many locals do, or at least used to use the Locks, certainly when Colin was there. There was without fail a decent number in the bar every evening both drinking and eating, even in late autumn when we used to visit. 

This is very sad news indeed, but not surprising. Sadly I, and certain others here questioned the direction of the Locks when it was "renovated" and have been proven to be right, though of course nobody could foresee this global pandemic but I agree with JM, the damage was done long before the world ever heard of COVID-19. I only visited once after Colin left, in the summer of 2019, a beautiful hot Saturday, the moorings were full, car park was full, every table in the garden was occupied, lots of people eating but far, far too many plates were going back to the kitchen half eaten That speaks volumes and word gets around. 

It is another example of an inappropriate business model being imposed on a premises and location for which they were wildly unsuited. You have to use the location to your advantage. You will never mould it to your needs. 

I'm afraid the Locks, rather like the Berney Arms is never going to be a goldmine, it's going to be a hard slog just to break even and earn a living. A labour of love rather than a get rich quick enterprise but it could be profitable. Sadly nowadays people want the get rich quick option, numbers drive today's business models, rather than rationale and common sense. Equally sadly this is not the only well loved pub in our household to have gone the same way in recent times. One of our favourite locals here was "themed" about a year and a half ago, it didn't go down well. The pool table and dart board went, the dominoes too. We started playing cards one Sunday evening as we had for a decade or more and were asked to leave. We did. Sadly, so did everyone else. It closed in March, even before lock down and less than a year after £80k was spent refurbishing it. The new tenants paid no heed to where there custom came from, and tried to appeal to a market which simply didn't exist, at least in that location. 


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14 minutes ago, Paul said:

it's going to be a hard slog just to break even and earn a living. A labour of love rather than a get rich quick

True, although I guess Colin paid rent, although a lot less than the Berney. If someone had the cash they would have to pay business rates presumably but not electricity!!! Ignoring making a profit on your original capital investment I reckon you could tick over in quiet times. 

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1 hour ago, marshman said:

Trouble is there is no community there to use it!!! My guess is that villagers use the Wherry!

At the same time it can often be cut off for long periods when it floods - which it can easily in the winter

I have more than a sneaking suspicion that the 'community'  will be deeply into decrepit boats. Not sure that bacon butties or steak & chips will be on the menu! A cynical thought, maybe.

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2 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

very , very tempting !!!!!

a goldmine in the waiting 

have registered for the auction pack , always said I’d never go back into the pub trade but The Locks is one that could sorely tempt me , plus my youngest is at a crossroads and can’t decide what direction to take so perhaps a overseeing roll could tempt me back .

Ooh Mr CC I'm excited. 

I'd love to hear you'd decided to the plunge, and I would certainly be doing my best to contribute to your profits :default_beerchug:

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There are pubs on the river that with imagination, hard work and a good selection  of food and drink can work.Even pubs such as Berney arms and the Locks can be a great place to visit.I've often said if I was younger I would have a go.Sadly age and health are not on my side.I hope someone takes these pubs on and wish them well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fingers crossed.

Because of the seasonal peaks and troughs in demand I think a lot of Broadland pubs would work better as a community-led affair.

It does require a few people to have a bit of business sense though, and that's not always the case with such setups.

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Very sad if it closes for good. Met Susan in late September 1966 and have used the pub since the early 80s whenever we have been able to get under Beccles road bridge and especially in the last twelve years since we had shared ownership boats from Brundall.

The pic was taken in 1966 and although you can see three other boats in the photo we were the only ones in the pub.

Apologies to anybody who tripped over the mooring rope – I hope we set them properly later. 

302 Chris locks mooring Geldeston.jpg

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