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Men Vs Women


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49 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Right. I'm going to step out onto the thin ice on this one, but please remember I am using generalisations for which there are a multitude of exceptions.

Oh MM, that's not how you jump up and down on thin ice...this is how you jump up and down on thin ice...

Boating has nothing in common with driving any other vehicle with the exception of one. Just like a boat that vehicle pivots from the stern when turning, frequently encounters other vehicles of similar type drifting about aimlessly and is also found in profusion in rivers and canals. I am of course talking about the shopping trolley. Whoever pilots the shopping trolley in the partnership generally turns out to be the better boat pilot. In our case, I pilot the shopping trolley. I keep a steady pace up and down the aisles in a methodical manner, keeping a weather out for where they've put the special offers and where most of the products are located. By maintaining a steady pace, even when the boss stops to stare at a shelf for five minutes, I can encourage a rapid progression through the store, out the lock gates at the checkout and back to the carpark before successfully mooring the trolley, collecting a few more vessels left adrift on my way to the dock.

I have to admit that on occasion I generate a fair amount of wash but only when the grandkids are with me. You can't stick Arlo in a shopping trolley without swooshing him around a few times, or nudging the trolley with my beer belly pretending he's running away in the trolley! Sometimes I get caught and slow down for a few bends but once round the corner it's one, two, three, swoosh!

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Well now. If we are motoring, Phill helms, I thinkĀ itā€™s boring and noisy. I will be elsewhere aboard taking in the scenery away from the engine.

If we are sailing then I like to helm, itā€™s interesting and quieter.Ā 
Actually I think everyone should be able to do all the roles aboard....in case of the unforeseen.Ā 

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4 hours ago, Katiew said:

Quite right Jean.Ā I donā€™t see any allowance for any non-binary fellow boaters either....the NBN Unofficial Equality Champ will be making copious notes Iā€™m sure....

Certainly will...just looking up this non-bilateral pillow box thing you speak of first however...

4 hours ago, Katiew said:

And as for me? My lovely man loves doing the driving....oops I meanĀ helming...and I figure why have a dog and bark yourself? Iā€™ll sit back with a niceĀ glass of wineĀ and takeĀ in the view whilst heĀ enjoysĀ himselfĀ :default_smiley-angelic002:

Driving???Ā :default_smiley-angry047:Ā Next you'll be calling mooring parking.

Oh and be carefulĀ who you'reĀ calling a dogĀ :default_rofl:

Speaking of which, keep biting ladies, I better resume myĀ 


And just enjoy these replies before I get myself into trouble:default_rofl:


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9 minutes ago, Katiew said:

You areĀ such a purist....youā€™ll know what I mean, regardless of the technically accurateĀ termsĀ :default_biggrin:

Katiew, if you ever tell me to drive it over there and park it in that space, despite me knowing exactly what you're referring to, I assure you that your lovely little car will be going for a lovely little swim in order to teach you the "technically accurate" termsĀ :default_smiley-angelic002:

9 minutes ago, Katiew said:

But I amĀ starting to think Iā€™veĀ gone a teeny bit deaf....

Pardon??Ā :default_norty:


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12 minutes ago, Katiew said:

Pardon??? Whatā€™s that???Ā :default_smiley-angelic002:

That, my little lovely, is your hearing going. Must be anĀ advanced age thingy that me as a mere youngster wouldn't know aboutĀ :default_biggrin:

12 minutes ago, Katiew said:

Aw poor car....will that beĀ before or after I park your lovely boat up for you? Now...you will remind me about the no brakes thing in plenty time wonā€™t you...

Err moor up. And no need for me to worry, you have no idea where I keep my boat key'sĀ :default_smiley-angelic002:

Jay Wins. Just give upĀ :default_norty:


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6 hours ago, LondonGuy said:

...I was joking of course!Ā :default_2gunsfiring_v1:

Just wondered if their was a equal gender divide to piloting the boat.

I was kinda hoping your original post was a tad tongue in cheekĀ :default_biggrin:Ā Just beware of the Forum Ladies, the saying goes "Their bark is stronger than their bite" In this case "Their bite is stronger than their bark"Ā :default_norty:

I think at the end of the day it's best that both partners need to be able to get the boat safely moored in case of an emergency. That aside it's really whatever floats your boat (pun intended) and what ever works for you x


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I stepped back yesterday to see how the original post was taken!Ā  In jest and in seriousness etc. etc.

I prefer to drive the car and when privileged to be custodian of WR, nearly always took control.Ā  The crew does however, need to know what you plan to do.Ā  No point in coming into a mooring without briefing the crew and know they understand.Ā  They also can't just sit back and let you do the lot!

As to driving, I prefer to drive myĀ  beaten up Fiesta - plenty of dents, realignments of garden wall etc. but easy to park and get through tight spaces.Ā  Foreign holidays, I do the driving, whatever side of the road - the reason I prefer to be directed and if he gets it wrong its his fault.

However, more recently and with the need to drive into central London to collect our daughter from hospital, I have taken a complete back seat, I simply refused to drive the large car!Ā  We have SatNav but there have been several closed roads due to HS2 and its a nightmare.Ā  I don't think its age - just I don't like it and I don't want to be the one that has someone hit us!

I think its good that LondonGuy is asking all these questions - yes some have been answered in other threads but if more new hirers asked these questions we might not have so many problems.


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16 hours ago, YnysMon said:

Nothing worse than miscommunication when setting off or mooringĀ 


There's nothing like leaving a mooring perfectly, then look round and find your beloved waving at you from the bank with a full beer garden cheering!Ā  Ā Ā :default_icon_e_surprised:

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10 hours ago, tim said:


There's nothing like leaving a mooring perfectly, then look round and find your beloved waving at you from the bank with a full beer garden cheering!Ā  Ā Ā :default_icon_e_surprised:

Even worse when you are travelling back from Scotland at night and stop for a pee in a layby in a lane just before the English border and claim you didn't hear the Mrs get out of the car to do likewise and didn't realise she wasn't sat in the passenger seat beside you until you reached Doncaster as you were 'paying attention to the road in the dark'. Not Uncle Albert this time, but his father.

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