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Boat Stuck Under Potter Bridge


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2 hours ago, Meantime said:

Surprised at that. I thought the most accurate gauge was the one in the pilot's office. I was once told by a ranger that the height either side of a bridge can differ by as much as an inch depending on tidal flow as basically the bridge acts  as a restriction either against an incoming tide, or against outgoing flood water. I'm surprised that a gauge a mile up river can be anything other than a guestimate.

yes but if they know the heights each of their boats needs using their height gauge on their slipway, they have a constant measure that they can check before they leave their yard which may save them a trip to the bridge.

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4 hours ago, vanessan said:

Well, the story made the EDP but could easily be read as though it was the hirers that got the boat stuck! Makes for more exciting news I suppose. 

Broads Watch managed to get some exposure I see. Not enough room to say what they're all about though...

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7 minutes ago, Cockatoo said:

Do these people never think of helping rather than filming? It really boils my water  er, I mean grinds my gears when I see things like this.

I guess the guy that was fishing who filmed it didn't have x-ray vision to spot the boat that was about to try and come through the bridge from the opposite side to that which he was on!!! Perhaps he could have suggested that it's about time that people take some responsibility for their own irresponsible actions!

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52 minutes ago, Cockatoo said:

Do these people never think of helping rather than filming? It really boils my water  er, I mean grinds my gears when I see things like this.

I don’t see how he could have helped with the boat stuck where it was.

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