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That Settles That.


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So that’s that then. 
The Broads are now shut to all.

This next bit from government website. 

Exercising and meeting other people

You should minimise time spent outside your home.
It is against the law to meet socially with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble. You can only leave your home to exercise, and not for the purpose of recreation or leisure (e.g. a picnic or a social meeting). This should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area 

So I guess this applies to fishing and sailing?

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17 minutes ago, Cheesey69 said:

So that’s that then. 
The Broads are now shut to all.

This next bit from government website. 

Exercising and meeting other people

You should minimise time spent outside your home.
It is against the law to meet socially with family or friends unless they are part of your household or support bubble. You can only leave your home to exercise, and not for the purpose of recreation or leisure (e.g. a picnic or a social meeting). This should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area 

So I guess this applies to fishing and sailing?

As ever the devil is in the detail. Fishing is recreation and not exercise, and even though allowed in November, wouldn't be now. However sailing could arguably be exercise and if you live locally to your boat, even better if within walking distance, and only sail once per day, then why not.

On the surface this is still not as restrictive as last March, but stricter than November. If need be you can still access your support bubble, that could be a life saver for some. Recreation is of the cards but elite sport still allowed, meeting one other person for exercise as opposed to exercise and recreation. Recycling centres staying open, filming of dramas and TV shows still allowed. Shielding back in place for extremely clinically vulnerable groups.

So basically a middle ground between last March and November. 

The biggest disappointment for me, is they haven't rammed home the 2 metre distancing and asked supermarkets to limit numbers again and enforce distancing. Too many people see masks as a false sense of security and drop their guard.

Space Space Space Sanitise and leave space.

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As time passes more and more people I know have had this virus, to me there doesnt seem a lot of difference between tier 4 and this new lockdown, as in it wont change what I have been doing anyway. I will still need to go shopping once a week, I will still need to take my father shopping once a month for all the heavy shopping he cant normally carry home, other than that I wont be going out, same routine as I have been following since October then.

I am lucky in as much as I have had 4 weeks on the broads last year, but those 4 weeks are the only time I have spent away from home since last March, add in one day in the office to pick up my new laptop, and thats it, the rest of the time has been spent at home.

I dont even leave the house for exercise as I have a treadmill that I do my daily walks on (at least I dont meet up with anyone that way). though one of the cats does come up and keep me company while I use the treadmill, chatting away to me all the time I am using it.

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I'm  now back in shielding,which in fact I've moor or less been doing since before Christmas.It is in many respects strange.The vaccine  is starting to be rolled out,yet it's at a very dangerous period. Infections are moving  very fast, and I worry the damage it's doing to hospitals  and staff.The sooner infection levels drop the better.Most of the public are sticking to the rules thankfully yet,some seem to think rules dont apply to them. 

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Off course the new "rules" don't become law until the 6th Jan. Lets hope this time that people start to follow the intent of the rules before they become law. The virus will not wait for the 6th Jan. People should modify their behaviour now. Fortunately for most the move from tier4 to Lockdown 3 will mean little change as the chance to escape your tier, visit the pub for a final drink, enjoy a day trip out, visit the hairdressers or nail saloon, shop till you drop before lockdown starts has already passed. 

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Try telling all this to the people on New Years Eve who thought it amusing to demonstrate in a crowd, no distancing, no masks, to inform us all that the virus is a scam. I wish they would  look at what's happening in hospitals and the heart wrenching stories of the thousands and thousands of people who have been affected by this and families torn apart and I don't mean not being able to go the pub or hairdressers either 

This is all so heartbreaking but people like this will never follow the rules or guidelines, they either don't care or don't want to because it won't affect them.....yet

So what if we can't have holidays or browse the shops (desperate to walk round Next :default_biggrin:) it's a very small price to pay compared to some

Sorry about the rant, I really didn't want to have my say on Covid again but now one of my Brothers is showing symptoms and booked a test, he is young and healthy so fingers crossed

Take care and stay safe x


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22 minutes ago, Gracie said:

Sorry about the rant, I really didn't want to have my say on Covid again but now one of my Brothers is showing symptoms and booked a test, he is young and healthy so fingers crossed

Don't apologise for the rant, it's good to get it off your chest rather than bottle it up. Hope your brother is ok.

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5 minutes ago, SteveO said:

Just as well we now have a full lockdown. I was getting tired of smug locals posting photos of them cruising deserted rivers that I am not allowed onto.

I would wait until the law is published and passed. This "full" lockdown is not the same as March, there are many subtle differences already. The mode of transport used to access shops for your essential shopping might not be specified again, so you might still see some locals using their boat on the rivers. 

It's annoying, or I should say frustrating, but it's just geography. I cannot travel to Snowdonia, but it won't stop people living very local from taking their exercise there and taking pictures if they want. One or two of the forum members here have been posting some welcome  pictures of their local walks exercise around Broadland. 

If, or I should say when, I live in Broadland, I could be tempted to use my boat to go shopping, providing the law allowed it.

This is where I walked on the 2nd Jan. It's where I intend to do a lot of walking over the next few weeks. It's local to me, its quiet and when this blasted rain stops it's where I intend to go walking today.


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48 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Very sorry to hear about your brother,hope he gets a negative test.

The scary thing is Ian, my Brother has stuck to the rules and only been to a supermarket and for walks. 

I'm so sorry for you having to shield again, you've been through quite enough already, bless your heart

Take care :default_icon_kiss:

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Our life hasn't really changed since March other than for a few weeks  during the Summer when rules relaxed enough for us to be able to visit our family in London. This latest situation, other than missing seeing them it isn't too difficult. We go out every morning for a walk into town to get the papers, a round trip of about a mile and a once a week  visit to our local Aldi for the  weekly shop. I never go in, Tony insists on going in alone and is very scrupulous about sanitizing both his hands and the trolly and wearing a mask and takes a very dim view of anyone who fails to wear a mask or gets too close. I am worried that when people get vaccinated they will imagine they are no longer vulnerable from the time the vaccine is administered which is of course not the case.


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9 minutes ago, addicted said:

I am worried that when people get vaccinated they will imagine they are no longer vulnerable from the time the vaccine is administered which is of course not the case.

My understanding of the Astra Zeneca vaccine is that the efficacy is lower than the Pizer vaccine in terms of preventing you from catching Covid, however if you do catch Covid then the vaccine makes it a much milder disease, and that in the trials no one who caught Covid needed hospital treatment.

The big takeaway from that for me is that even once you have had the vaccine, and waited 3 weeks for it to have maximum effect, you can still catch a milder form of the virus, which in turn also means you are still more than able to pass it on to others who have not yet had the vaccine. There will also be a group of people who for what ever reason will not be able to have the vaccine.

So really anyone lucky enough to get the vaccine early needs to carry on following the precautions for the first three weeks for their own sake, and then keep following precautions after three weeks for the protection of those who haven't been lucky enough yet to have the vaccine.

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2 hours ago, SteveO said:

Just as well we now have a full lockdown. I was getting tired of smug locals posting photos of them cruising deserted rivers that I am not allowed onto.

Don't think that you'll see many smug photos from today, it's peeing down with rain and blowing a near gale! 

Just to remind us locals of what even we are missing: 

Wherry poster.jpg

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Not much change in cold and miserable Nottinghamshire. Apart from three visits to the office (Bishops Stortford), two face to face meetings in London & a week on holiday in North East Norfolk in August, it's been the same routine, get up at 6, walk the dog, feed the dog, switch the computer on, Teams & Zoom meetings, walk the dog, feed the dog and then supper with the wife when she arrives home from work (teaches, no sign of her working from home, she's currently conducting chemistry practical's for onward online transmission to the students who are at home), then a couple of hours catching up on emails, etc., before an early night. Rinse & repeat...

I've never worked close to home in the last 25 odd years, always "worked away" including three years in Canada, so having my family close to me is still very much a novelty.


Not sure what going back to a "new normal" will feel like as previous to lockdown in March I was a frequent flyer to Scandinavia, Germany and the Baltic Countries... 

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3 hours ago, Gracie said:

The scary thing is Ian, my Brother has stuck to the rules and only been to a supermarket and for walks. 

I'm so sorry for you having to shield again, you've been through quite enough already, bless your heart

Take care :default_icon_kiss:

Gracie keep the faith and hope above hope that he proves negative and it is just a winter cold.  Thinking of you.

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Like others I'm still waiitng for the small print. First lockdown, and so far since restrictions impossed this time, I did not sail as I was neither 100% sure of the legality, nor comfortable with doing so.

However, if I can walk to a sailing boat in my village, I may technically be OK to sail it

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