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8 Rescued River Bure Last Night


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that's a old video

8 minutes ago, Graham47 said:

On the EDP website under MOST READ there is a short video which shows the boat. I doesn’t look like a normal day boat more like a small cruiser.



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42 minutes ago, Hylander said:

Well from a bloke who was there and involved: about 4 foot of the bow above the water.. .75% under the water...maybe too many on the boat (8). Just takes a bit of maths really. 

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10 minutes ago, floydraser said:

Well from a bloke who was there and involved: about 4 foot of the bow above the water.. .75% under the water...maybe too many on the boat (8). Just takes a bit of maths really. 

If it was a private day boat, then there is no limit. Still yet to see or read anything which gives any definitive facts.

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1 hour ago, Meantime said:

If it was a private day boat, then there is no limit. Still yet to see or read anything which gives any definitive facts.

I believe the Radio Norfolk piece stated that the boat had too many on board. I wonder if this is an incident the MAIB will become involved with.

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9 minutes ago, vanessan said:

I believe the Radio Norfolk piece stated that the boat had too many on board. I wonder if this is an incident the MAIB will become involved with.

What Darren from Hemsby lifeboat actually said was "we think there was probably too many people on the boat" he didn't say there was or it had too many on board.

I'm sure there will be an investigation and then we may get to know the fuller facts. Darren actually said they didn't get to the bottom of why it sunk.


6 minutes ago, annv said:

That's what i suspected it ran into bank front went up and stern dipped below water. John

Again what Darren actually said was

"Lucky enough the womans son diverted the boat towards the bank, which actually saved them"


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Again , too much speculation and not enough facts .

It’s suffice to say that eight individuals suffered a very traumatic experience whilst afloat on the Norfolk Broads and the combination of the sons actions aboard and the quick response of the marvellous emergency services prevented it developing further into a tragedy .

A big thank you and well done to Hemsby Lifeboat volunteers , and the other groups that came to their aid .

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21 minutes ago, CambridgeCabby said:

Again , too much speculation and not enough facts .

It’s suffice to say that eight individuals suffered a very traumatic experience whilst afloat on the Norfolk Broads and the combination of the sons actions aboard and the quick response of the marvellous emergency services prevented it developing further into a tragedy .

A big thank you and well done to Hemsby Lifeboat volunteers , and the other groups that came to their aid .

And also to Chris Tucker of Belaugh boats for providing assistance during the rescue and in getting the boat refloated. 

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There are comments on the Hemsby lifeboat page, 

The first boat on the scene, a private boat, couldn't get close enough to take anyone off, which suggests it really was stuffed into the bank.

A later comment is the boat has been recovered and has little visible damage..

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14 hours ago, CambridgeCabby said:

The boat which was submerged was indeed a private vessel , appears to be one of the open 16ft Dutch launch type with the rope fendering all round , open to the elements with the helm position just foreword of the stern .

yep, That's what it looks like from the photo I've just seen.. Eight on board would be a tight fit, 8 times UK average 76kg per person, that's 608kg. I suspect the boat may well have been overloaded.. Yhough that may not be the cause of them taking on water, it certainly won't have helped.

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33 minutes ago, SwanR said:

I haven’t seen a photo. But your description sounds like some strange day boat craft that I think Barnes have been hiring out this year. 

No it’s not the American style picnic boat it looks like a private craft similar to the one at the Norfolk Mead. 

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