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Broken Down Nanni Engine Problems


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I I’m stuck at bridge craft at acle and need to get to Beccles I have a Nanni 4 cylinder diesel 1500 it keeps cutting out we have replaced filters and hoses  sometimes it will run for up to 30 minutes then struggles feels like fuel starvation and dies then will start but won’t run properly 

Do you no a good diesel man I really need to get this sorted sos 

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1 hour ago, craigmc67 said:

It can be 30 mins or 30 seconds 🤦‍♂️

a few years ago i had the same problem,  it turned out the fuel tank had around 3 inches of sludge and water on the bottom and it had finally reached the fuel intake pipe,  i changed the filter 3 times between the thurne mouth and my mooring at stalham, i had  a spare filter but had to keep washing it out,  the engine would  run for seconds and sometimes for 30 minutes,  was your filter dirty when you took it off

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If cav filter head (very common for pre filter) it's very easy to miss the top O ring and put a new one in on top of it, they just fit but distort and let air in so will run till the air builds up then stop needing bleeding, then will do the same again.

If working upside down in a tight engine bay you will highly likely fall foul of this sooner or later thinking the seal must have dropped somewhere but will still be there.

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Thanks for all the reply’s the guy at bridge craft was great very helpful but we could not solve the problem 

filters changed tank clean and we even isolated the espatcher heater as I have read this can be an issue but to no avail 

she is being towed to Eastwood whelpton at Upton for further investigation and possibly peachments the nanni experts 

we wanted to bring her home to Beccles a bit of a disappointment but we met some nice people along the way who helped out it could have been a lot worse we could have been crossing Breydon water 

I know it maybe a silly question but can you get breakdown assistance on the broads?


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It has to be fuel starvation. If it were air in the system, it would not restart, simple as that. 

My suggestions: 

Trace the fuel initially from the tank to the fuel stop. If this is a ball valve, it should be a full-bore one. If it's a gate valve, there may be a restriction in it that has some debris restricting flow.  My money would be on that from your description of the problem: I have seen it before. 


Check every union in the fuel line. A failing lift pump could cause such problems as could a failing injector pump. These are simple enough engines and such problems should be relatively easy to trace. I say "should" as I and Peachments had real trouble diagnosing one a couple of years ago that was leaching air into the system when it wasn't running. I sold the engine on, so I don't know what the fault was, but I am pretty certain it was the injector pump as we had ruled out everything else. 



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1 hour ago, Oddfellow said:

A failing lift pump could cause such problems as could a failing injector pump.

I agree with Andy on that.  A Nanni will accept a small amount of air in the system and keep running, which the BMC certainly won't.  Hopefully just a worn cam striker on the lift pump but I have known injector pumps to fail as well.

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Hi Craig Disconnect fuel pipe going to fuel pump connect a hose that is long enough to go above engine then with a funnel fill with diesel then check all joints if no leaks does the fuel drain down slowly, if so pump diaphragm brittle,leaking or attacked by veg oil in diesel,(non FAME free) if you can connect a large container to hose so that gaverity feed is to pump and then run engine this will be a cheap way to rule out pipework and confirm fuel pump as culprit ie worn pump,worn cam without fitting unnecessary parts. Nannie's are Kubota based,  factory is in Oxfordshire. should you need any parts for the engine John

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