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Water Rail Out And About.

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Missed Griff's departure by 10 minutes due to popping into the museum of the broads, so followed behind , arriving at Griff's corner, shortly after him, moored up and went aboard BA for introductions to Griff's passenger, and an orange juice. After this we got stuck in, with 2 strimmers and a rake, it took a while and all the batteries we had to clear all the long grass on the mooring, and then extend another few metres.

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A great evening, I took my tea ( burger and chips) over to BA, where it was cooked for me, while Griff had the oven on for his and Jim's tea. Then we had a good evening of conversation with the TV on in the background, sometimes after 11pm I headed back to water rail, the grass managed to avoid tripping me and I got safely aboard. Then went straight to sleep. I accepted the invite of breakfast aboard BA for this morning.

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14 hours ago, grendel said:

Missed Griff's departure by 10 minutes due to popping into the museum of the broads, so followed behind , arriving at Griff's corner, shortly after him, moored up and went aboard BA for introductions to Griff's passenger, and an orange juice. After this we got stuck in, with 2 strimmers and a rake, it took a while and all the batteries we had to clear all the long grass on the mooring, and then extend another few metres.

Careful grendel,Griff ,Orange juice and long grass...................could all end in a disaster?:default_beerchug:

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After a full English breakfast aboard BA this morning, I finally set off for the trip down to great Yarmouth, I had planned to arrive at the end of slack, but was running over an hour behind, still there was only about 1.5 mph current running when I got to the yacht station, I executed a nifty about turn in the width of the river outside the offices and ended up in a slot near the electric post, handed over a bow rope and took the stern myself to tie up, once moored up I set my springs, strangely I was about an hour after high slack, and there was 9 foot clearance. I feel a wander into town in a minute beckons, time to go spend some pennies on the amusements.

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1 hour ago, grendel said:

strangely enough there were grass cuttings drifting in the river from stracey all the way to runham.

Wonder how they might have got there?

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Awoke to the pitter patter of rain on the roof, the weather forecast expects this to last all day. I'm looking out of the window at the water rushing past, I will get going as soon as it shows signs of slowing, as it's low tide right now, with over 10', and I can manage to get under at anything above 8' with the canopy still up.

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Well the best laid plans and all that, I left GY at 6.30, the end of slack, the flow was still going but not as strong. Successfully  negotiated  Breydon,  then planned a stop to get some breakfast, herringfleet  seemed a good bet, meaning I would be under St olaves bridge. When I got there it was rammed full.,ok Somerleyton  then, also rammed, with some of the saileys moored 3 abreast.

I wondered about Oulton dyke, but decided to avoid that, eventually arrived at the 'easter island mooring,  and, it wasn't occupied, so over 3 hours since my departure, I have finally moored to cook my breakfast.

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After a lazy morning  watching sailing boats come close by, and after a good breakfast, I was debating with myself what to do / where to go next, not wanting to drop the canopy in this weather dictated I wasn't going under beccles bridge, and as my parking expires about 9.30 pm tonight, I have decided on a slow meander back to base, by when hopefully thr rain will have stopped, and then a leisurely  pack up and drive home this evening, this will give me extra time at home before I need to head out to Coventry for work later this week.

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Back at beccles and I am not even considering getting the car and loading it, the forecast says the rain will stop in an hour or so, so I will wait until then, I got so wet I had to change, 

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3 hours ago, Lulu said:

It wouldnt be a proper Grendel holiday without getting soaked 😉

Many a true word.....

Water Rail has a small full height storage space opposite the loo. I am thinking of converting it into a drying locker :default_hiding:

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Shows the difference a week makes. Herringfleet was empty when we passed and only 4 other boats when we moored at Somerleyton. There is a wild mooring in a little cove on the left going up river between Somerleyton and Oulton Dyke. We've never used it but often see a boat moored there. 

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back home, i had a good run, making it back in 3 hours, I had ended up with more wet clothes than dry as to see properly I have the screen half open, even so I had spent more time cleaning my glasses than wearing them on the run back to beccles, which made getting past the sailies interesting.

all in all a great 10 days on the water, I would have been heading back later today anyway, and this saved me having to add an extra days parking (you can book 10 days at beccles fen through pay4bay (car park 0007) for boating

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52 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

Forecast for the next week or so not looking good either

As we are due to be on board from next Friday, I hope the forecast will follpw the tradition of being wrong.

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