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The Sunken Boat On Haddiscoe New Cut Should Be Removed Tomorrow

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9 minutes ago, Hylander said:

If posts are being removed willy nilly then sorry thus is not an open forum.  It is just for people without an opinion. 




Posts are being removed if they ignore my request.


"Enough bickering, it is tedious and does not reflect well on the forum.

All take a breathe or posts will be hidden or the thread locked."

Opinions are what the forum is about and are not hidden, constant point scoring will be.

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when a moderator or site owner has asked for something not to be discussed then posts that contravene TOS will be removed. we have to protect the forum from possible comebacks and action being taken against it (something that would shut the forum down faster than you would imagine)

its as open as we can legally allow, opinions are allowed as long as they remain within the terms and conditions and refrain from attacking others opinions. 

I am probably not wording this correctly and allowing ambiguity to creep in, so best go here -https://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/guidelines/

and read what you agreed to.

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I had a post taken down for a throw away comment about parliament which was my opinion and I didn’t think it would offend anybody in a way it was funny ( or I thought so) so I’ve realised it’s best not to have a sense of humour on here as some people may not have a sense of humour or see it that the way I meant it to be I guess it’s hard to understand that on a forum I’m also am starting to think we are not allowed to voice our opinions too by reading some members comments 


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2 minutes ago, grendel said:


its as open as we can legally allow, opinions are allowed as long as they remain within the terms and conditions and refrain from attacking others opinions. 


As a mod on a different type of forum I fully agree with what you say grendel until you get to the part I quote above.

People should be allowed to question and debate posts, this I believe will make posters choose their words more carefully.

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if you want some idea of the constraints we have to work under then I suggest reading the full online harms bill, and see where that places the line with respect to social media, there are some platforms that really are going to have to clean up their act.

2 minutes ago, OldBerkshireBoy said:

As a mod on a different type of forum I fully agree with what you say grendel until you get to the part I quote above.

People should be allowed to question and debate posts, this I believe will make posters choose their words more carefully.

thats why i said go look at the guidelines, I am notoriously bad at wording my responses, we allow questioning and debate, until it gets to the point where people are being attacked by others, or start trying to score points off one another, then its no longer debate.

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1 minute ago, Andrewcook said:

As long we all do know it was a complete accident due to the very High Tide then normal and thankful everyone was all right. Who is going to Salvage this Boat as it's not going to be cheap either with Repairs and refurnishing it fit for the Broads once again.

The unnamed yard will recover, repair and have it ready to go quicker than you think all under their insurance Andrew.

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Just now, Andrewcook said:

As long we all do know it was a complete accident due to the very High Tide then normal and thankful everyone was all right. Who is going to Salvage this Boat as it's not going to be cheap either with Repairs and refurnishing it fit for the Broads once again.

but that is what the boatyards do best, returning a boat back into service, so you would never know anything had happened, (and another good reason not to name a boat and deter any potential hirers)

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For clarity, ONE post has been hidden, not for factual content but because it followed my request to stop the tit for tat behaviour.

The Online Harms Bill is delayed and subject to further alterations, this piece of legislation will fundamentally change social media.

It is daunting for me as the owner and ultimately the person responsible to ensure we comply and pay any fines.

As a forum we have tried to prepare for these changes over the past couple of years, an awful lot of groups and forums are going to get a huge shock.

The wild west that exists on some platforms, allowing members and other organisations to be harassed, belittled and bullied will be closed or fined.

On the whole the mods have relatively few posts to discuss given the large number of threads the forum has.

By far the most complaints I hear from members is about the petty point scoring between some members, it adds nothing to the discussions but reflects poorly on the forum and puts off members posting.

As a team, the mods avoid censorship and only judge reported posts against the agreed Terms of Service.

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I hope this is not heading to another forum melt down.

They usually happen after a boat runs aground/sinks.

Trying to alot blame and/or fighting between members about the right to post their suppositions about blame/fault has caused many a problem here!

We cannot know what happened unless the parties involved tell us the facts.

These things occur, car crashes occur, acts of your god occur.

Calm down and have sympathy for those that have suffered.



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2 hours ago, ZimbiIV said:

I hope this is not heading to another forum melt down.

They usually happen after a boat runs aground/sinks.

Trying to alot blame and/or fighting between members about the right to post their suppositions about blame/fault has caused many a problem here!

We cannot know what happened unless the parties involved tell us the facts.

These things occur, car crashes occur, acts of your god occur.

Calm down and have sympathy for those that have suffered.



A boat has got into difficulties in a very tricky part of our beloved Broads. 

It has had a mishap that has resulted in the boat sinking.

The boat is from a Northern boatyard

It is damn near impossible to teach people how strong tides work when doing the show out when you are based North.

The boat is wreaked but it belongs to a large Northern boatyard,  

Another Northern boatyard that I am very familiar with would have recovered that boat ASAP and re fitted it inside 2 weeks if it was needed out on hire. As I am sure this one would.

I have seen boats come in on a Saturday morning with awful damage and be turned around and out on hire that very afternoon. The owner of that yard who is btw a member here replied to me when I said that was impressive, said that was c**p we will do it right this winter.

Some and I mean Some hire yards are truly impressive.

Unfortunately some are not.



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Hi All

Ole Marge and Ole Parge are so pleased that we made a rule ALWAYS WEAR LIFE JACKETS WHILE UNDER WEIGH OR WORKING ON DECK.

So many crews make the kids wear life jackets but the adults don't.  We can not understand,  will the kids save the adults if they are used as floats. 

Stay safe to all.

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 



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Sorry I don't buy into some of the reasons we have been asked not to comment. For a start all the information was already in the public domain to a far bigger audience then this forum reaches. It's absolute nonsense that the mods here believe our comments would damage a companies reputation that's just being a tad over sensitive and believing the forum is something it isn't. Sorry a tad harsh but it's the reality. There's no harm in debating what may of happened as some good may of surfaced because of the debate. I mean if we use the logic of some here we may as well close parliament. Thoses that want to live in a world of pink fluffy clouds where no one disagrees etc are a tad nieve in my opinion. Healthy debate is good, differences of opion are good ,isn't it how we learn from eachother?? Your always have thoses ppl in life who's egos know no bounds, but like bad smells if ignored they dissappear. Stiffening Healthy debate and over moderating is not healthy whichever way you want to look at it. 

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In another life I do philosophy with children (P4C) . One basic to this is that, in questioning statements, challenge is encouraged, aggression and personalisation is not. My favourite comment from a participant is ‘This is great; we can disagree without having a row.’

Just saying…..

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9 hours ago, FlyingFortress said:


I have seen boats come in on a Saturday morning with awful damage and be turned around and out on hire that very afternoon. The owner of that yard who is btw a member here replied to me when I said that was impressive, said that was c**p we will do it right this winter.

Some and I mean Some hire yards are truly impressive.

Unfortunately some are not.



Well that is a relief to hear,   when I read that this boat would be in service by next weekend I was absolutely astonished.  River water stinks , just take a whiff of a keep net when it is drying out.       You can imagine the logistics of it all,  everything has to dry out, all electrics stripped , beds. bedding, linings of the boat all would have suffered and lord help the poor engine.      Yes it will be a mammoth task.     I feel for them.

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