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Sutton Protest.


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Griff, in your previous post you asked in what way could we help these people. Sadly you then proffered a number of shall we say, rather flippant suggestions. I'm afraid it was that flippancy that I over reacted to. I apologise unreservedly for the annoyance that this has caused you. You are well known for your charitable deeds and attitude, and for me to imply otherwise is totally unacceptable. 

Your question asking HOW we can help these people is no less valid and apart from donating kit we have finished with I struggle to think of other ways.

I don't believe anyone should be above valid criticism, but we all must accept that not knowing all the circumstances puts our criticisms in some doubt. 

I am aware that one liveaboard has to stay close to the head of the Ant to enable him to pick up his daughter from school.

I put this forward purely as just one example of things of which we may be unaware. 

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21 hours ago, dom said:

All of the housing along that side is really the bit I find most offensive, as it has ruined the outlook from the staithe and Kings Head area - which make up a sizeable chunk of the publicly accessible space in Hoveton. It never should have been allowed and particularly not to the height that it is. As bucket says though, the image quality isn't great and the scaffolding is deceptive, making it look like newer development up towards the railway bridge. It's actually just maintenance on an established property.

The whole area needs Hoveton Parish Council, sorry Hoveton Community Council :default_icon_rolleyes: to step up and decide a proper plan for its future. BA are responsible for the riverside park, but are pleading poverty regarding their obligations to maintain the area, the Three Horseshoes site needs a long term solution and P&H's yard is just running to ruin. It needs a clear vision so planning follows suit but they seem more wrapped up in petty squabbles than anything of late. It also doesn't help that they employed a Parish Warden to tackle some of the lesser issues, but the person concerned went off long term sick within months of employment.

And this is "The capital of the Broads" in a "Nationl Park" ! If you were a first time visitor and walked by the river past the Kings Head through the park to the railway bridge, what would be your first impressiom? What a dump ??

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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

Griff, in your previous post you asked in what way could we help these people. Sadly you then proffered a number of shall we say, rather flippant suggestions.

I don't think either MM or Griff need to apologise to each other.  They are both regular users of the navigation - and what little is left of its "facilities"  - but they are seeing it from their own viewpoints.

I think Griff's post was objective rather than flippant, since he is quite right.  As a regular cruising boat owner, whilst he understands the circumstances that some of the "liveaboards" may be in, he is nonetheless put out by their mis-use of BA facilities and their casual attitude to their surroundings, which detracts from the beauty of the Broads rivers.  Quite understandable.  I would just say that most of this has to do with anti-social behaviour, which is a police or local council matter and not necessarily anything to do with them living on a boat.

MM is living on a boat, so he is very naturally looking at it from that perspective.  As such, he has had much more opportunity to get know the characters personally.

My own perspective is that of a commercial boat hirer, who has grown up to love the Broads as well as to earn his living there.  If the Broads were not a beautiful and attractive place to come on holiday, we wouldn't have any customers and the BA would not be able to afford to maintain the place!

So I try to set aside the "symptoms" of the problem, such as overstaying on BA moorings, and look more at the root cause of it.  It is the BA who have overturned the traditional way of life on a Broads houseboat by banning residential moorings.  Why have they done this?  With my knowledge of the 10 years of saga at Jenners, I would point the finger and say their attitude has been snobbish and overly class conscious.  Their Chairperson even described residential boaters as "Feral people in a shanty town" and for some reason, was never obliged to resign.  That speaks volumes in itself.

The BA have created this ugly scenario by their own hands.  It is now up to them to face up to the fact that living on a boat is an ancient Broads tradition and to allow it to continue in peace.  What about all the wherrymen and their families ; the eel catchers ; the wildfowlers and indeed the boatyard owners themselves?

This is the persecution of what has become a perceived underclass and it is time it stopped.


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53 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

My own perspective is that of a commercial boat hirer, who has grown up to love the Broads as well as to earn his living there.  If the Broads were not a beautiful and attractive place to come on holiday, we wouldn't have any customers and the BA would not be able to afford to maintain the place!

That's fairly closely aligned with my view. The subject of the news article marked himself out as someone who either needs to curb his behaviour, or to be moved on when he started verbally attacking holiday boaters and making overt physical threats against both them and BA staff. For anyone who grew up in Broadland, that type of behaviour is tantamount to treason, as everyone recognises the importance of tourism to the local economy.

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2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

I am aware that one liveaboard has to stay close to the head of the Ant to enable him to pick up his daughter from school.

That sounds like a clear cut "priority need" case which would get allocated social housing. A family would normally get self-contained emergency/temporary housing?

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4 hours ago, Gracie said:

Salt of the Earth is what you are Griff :default_icon_kiss: 

Grace x

Yes Gracie and being ex Navy he is more of an old Salt in the true sense of the word.      Dont ever change Griff or Gracie.

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We could never judge anyone else as to their opinions as ours are probably very questionable. Just don't want to see the Broads race to the bottom as many holiday towns have as the living is potentially easy. Always a commeraderi amongst boaters that appreciate their environment , otherwise they would not be there, and do their very best to protect their surroundings. It really doesn't need abusing by anyone. 

Kindest Regards Marge and Parge 

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Griff, in your previous post you asked in what way could we help these people. Sadly you then proffered a number of shall we say, rather flippant suggestions. I'm afraid it was that flippancy that I over reacted to. I apologise unreservedly for the annoyance that this has caused you. You are well known for your charitable deeds and attitude, and for me to imply otherwise is totally unacceptable. 


MM - Just to clear up any misunderstandings, your apology well intended as it was - from my point of view was not needed mate.  I feel we are both pulling on the same end of the rope furthermore I have nothing but respect for you and your views.

The difference is that you have direct close direct contact with some of the liveaboards and therefore much closer personal information which I understand.  That though does not excuse any of them from playing fair or by the rules imho


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  • 1 month later...


Wanna know a 'Secret'?

A mate of mine has today onboard his fine woody managed to berth alongside at Sutton Green, yes the actual grassy bit with ease :default_shocked1animated:

As we speak (Type) there is just ONE liveaboard there, thereby giving room for visiting boats to enjoy the place and elec hook up if they wish. 

There's a novelty eh?


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One of the regulars seems to have taken a berth at Richos and the other is now just before Paddys Lane.  There was one blatantly hogging the BA 24hr moorings for several weeks but I've not been up there for a few weeks so not sure if still there.

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  • 1 month later...

I’m moored there at the moment on the “pathway” moorings , it would appear the usual protagonist has remained put for more than the permitted time again (according to the boatyard) . 
The rangers weee there when I arrived having just finished talking to a couple of boats who then moved off , 15 mins later after the rangers had departed they returned 

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The chap with the err, historical decorations, on his boat was awaiting a crown court date.  I've not seen him around recently so not sure if he's moved on or has now secured some more permanent housing......  He always gave me a cheery wave anyway!

The BA did disconnect the electric over winter due to misuse but I've not been up there for a week or so.

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Was working a week ago, the livaboards that were there then seemed to be coming and going as they should according to the 24hr rule and were not causing any problems, only a couple on the green and only one was plugged in, couple more were further up the dyke with plenty of room for the few boats that were around.


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There is a Broads Authority notice published on their website. 


Our electric points at Sutton Staithe have been closed due to misuse of the moorings and facilities. It is hoped they will be re-opened soon. Thank you for your understanding.

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