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Broad Ambition - Underway on the H2O

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You are on as I will be up there in September. I say  St Bennet's Abbey Salhouse broad then down to Acle Bridge from there over the other side stopping at Somerleyton then on to either Beccles or Down to Oulton  Broad any1 where from thier on the to ward's Norwhich 

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I will say stracey arms Wednesday night, early tide over Breydon thursday morning to Oulton broad, friday to beccles (basically because thats the itinery of the wooden boat show, between now and wednesday, who knows.

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JanetAnne is of course spot on

We didn’t sail yesterday, arrived at 1700, lots to sort out. This morning off to Rainbow cafe, then Tesco, tackle shop and La’tharms. We will sail eventually but have to be back here at Richo’s to receive Daughter, son-in-law, third grandson & Tally dog at around 1600. Then not sure where we’ll be heading for. Wednesday evening will of course be Stracey 


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I too will be crewing up this evening, i will head off as soon as I can after finishing work, the only complication, I have a job that should take at least 2 days to complete before I leave, I started it at 6am, and have just got the first part complete- updating the cable record in our system, next I have to do the CAD drawing for the network operator., I am hoping to finish at 3pm, but if I am close to finishing will work on until its done. then a nice 4 hour drive up to beccles.

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just finished my drawing, its been a while since i put that much pressure on myself and i am now ready for my holiday, in certain circumstances I can almost triple my  output if neccesary, but nowadays 1 day at that level really does me in, there was a  time when I could produce that sort of output for weeks at a time, but soon learned that that is how you have a nervous breakdown, so that level is now reserved for true emergencies.

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53 minutes ago, BroadAmbition said:

Then sailed back to here waiting for rest of crew to arrive. Presently at Broadside for scran. Sail later for where?




That looks a tad wet!! Just like being at home eh?? :default_hiding:


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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

Sail later for where?

At 7.20pm, there’s space down fleet dyke on the wild moorings if you don’t find somewhere (Johnny Crowes or Griff’s corner?) beforehand. 

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Thanks, saw that and you about 2135.

Griffs Corner - overgrown - needs a cut. Ludham bridge - full, St Benets - full. However one 42ft gap on Port bank before St Walsham Broad so we squeezed in at 2150 - Nav lights now off. 

I’m so glad ‘B.A’ doesn’t have a plimsole line otherwise I’d be guilty of breaking shipping laws. Our boot topping line on t transom when underway is no longer visible, I haven’t dared look at the rest of it yet. I’m surprised we still floating tbh. 

We were proper close to being fully laden prior to a bursting at the seems Q7 arrived. Goodness knows how they have stowed all that gear. My cabin is somewhat busy. We’ve even got a paddle board on aft coach house roof (not yet inflated).


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9 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

I’m so glad ‘B.A’ doesn’t have a plimsole line otherwise I’d be guilty of breaking shipping laws. Our boot topping line on t transom when underway is no longer visible, I haven’t dared look at the rest of it yet. I’m surprised we still floating tbh.


Possibly too much Wurst in Germany


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11 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Thanks, saw that and you about 2135.

Griffs Corner - overgrown - needs a cut. Ludham bridge - full, St Benets - full. However one 42ft gap on Port bank before St Walsham Broad so we squeezed in at 2150 - Nav lights now off. 

I did hear a boat go down about then. 

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2 hours ago, FairTmiddlin said:

Was it putt putt putting or glug glug glugging as it went down? :default_coat:

Well, it was certainly quieter than the buzzy outboard engine boats that scoot about after dark with no lights on! 

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At lights out I now have to remove gear to find my bunk, rumour  has it my cabin does have one

Up fairly early, dog walks n fishing, well the boys did, me - I wish

Sailed at 0850 said Hi to Kpnut as we passed. Stopped at Horning, proper jammy got alongside by the closed  cafe at t green. My job was to take the gash over t bins. On my way back I called into the shop where MrsG and daughter were, in a loud voice I told the shop lady that both of em were prolific shoplifters and to keep an eye on em then scarpered. Great fun and it was worth the double bollocking I got when they returned onboard 

We then sailed for Salhouse, spent the day there till 1520. Both dogs in off the beach, Tally is certainly learning off Purdey. 

We are now alongside at Stracey with plenty of other woodies. We sail in t morning at 0645 for OBYS. 

Perfect Wx, perfect day


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