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Broad Ambition - TLC Time Again

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1 hour ago, JanetAnne said:

My patches are bigger than your patches :default_smiley-taunt014:


Now that is a proper patch. Those tiddly things aren't fit for diddly squat.


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Nope, everything is far from ok. To much to explain right now. We will make the water on Monday as we have to.  Deadlines for the yard and ourselves come Monday and Tuesday. Everything has been fighting us. Doug came to help as did Grendel, their help was invaluable. Also had a mate from home plus the wizard. Londonlad since Wednesday. JA visited and proceeded to do some welding for us, he needed the practice

12 Hr days every day. Get into Sutton Hotel for 2015 nightly for dinner. I’m sleeping soundly every night but I hurt. Hands are a wreck.

Just to give you one scenario , increasing the counter balance weighs for the sash sides took 14lbs in weight and there are four of them. Start to finish? 48 man hours, it was horrendous

Heating system?  Fired up at. 1800 only today. That was started Monday morning

Hull - tomorrow will be final sanded on repairs then final primed where required and anti fouled with boot topping applied

I’m sat here in the Bar having at last had a shower my eyes are sore, my hands are cut I ache all over

Raring to get stuck in tomorrow as per the norm. I’ll do a proper write up with photo’s next week

Don’t even mention the hull water ingress underneath the engine.   That cost me a day and a half and I never even had to touch the hull p to rectify it


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I turned up having driven straight up after work Friday, I didnt get the chance to take many pictures. among the many things I did was measuring up the skeg to produce drawings should a replacement ever be needed, working on the heater, getting it positioned, ducted, exhaust connection etc, it fought us every inch of the way, one of the ducts to the rear had split where it came through the bulkhead, so this had to be re-routed to gain an extra 2 inches to get it further through to connect to the undamaged section. planing hull patches down ready for sanding, cleaning up the area to be welded, it was non stop from 8am until i had to leave at 7.30 pm, i had a good 3 hour run home, so just have to get everything I need to do this weekend done in just the one day.

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it seems I only had time to take pictures of the skeg as I was measuring it up to make a drawing. you can clearly see the part cut out that needed replacement parts welded in, it was surmised that something had at some point caught in the prop and caused the damage there, thus allowing for the rust to set in.












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Enroute back from Sutton Staithe Boat Yard to the big smoke. After 4, 12 hour days which have taken their toll on me, I have a better understanding of the devotion, time, effort, skill, mates, money and of course love that goes in to owning a woody. Thanks to Charlie, Robin Et al. That showed me some new skills and let me loose on their boat with a hammer and chisel. Very brave. :default_biggrin: it made a nice, if knackering change from tapping away at keyboard all week, :default_pcwhack:and I learnt loads! 

It was great to put some more names to faces forumite-wise and great to see so many people coming to help or offer moral support. Long may it continue!

Now for a nap on the train. :default_yawn:

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your help, assistance, dedication were very much appreciated and moved the whole project along by days. Without your help many other items would not have got started let alone completed.

Your company, was as always a lift for us all

’B.A’ and her skippers very much appreciate your efforts. 

Thanks mate


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Doug, (Nipper) turned up yet again, bearing yet more cakes. He was just calling in to say Heyup, before we new it he had picked up Andys paintbrush and proceeded to complete the boot topping, not happy with that he second coated it for good measure, then swept up for good measure too!  Is there no end the mans talents?

Thanks Doug - I know it’s only a word but it’ll have to do 


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Grendel, A’s always looks at issues, then comes up with solutions, excellent with his hands too. What never surprises me is that for such a huge specimen he can get into the most awkward spaces in a boat!  

Thanks for your help once again


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Sunday was for me the longest day. Robin departed at 1900 for Indy to spend time with his t’other half (well, it is her Birthday). Howard left for home at the same time which left me on my todd. I completed the anti fouling, touch up white gloss and then varnishing. A fifteen Hr day and relax  Launch day today, Still stax to do


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just for proof bruise picture taken this morning, to be fair I didnt find this until later yesterday, I do know when I did it, when I missed footing on a beam across the engine bay with my elbow and managed to land on my shoulder (I was lying across an open hole at the time getting close up and intimate with the new heater.


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