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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. Pretty sure it’s a small Nanni, the original pontoon boats had 15hp Honda outboards
  2. Thanks Helen. This is why we now have a share in MS, to enjoy more family time in an area we love.
  3. Yes, just a dayboat and I think it has a proper hull. They also have a pontoon boat that was around when I worked there, it’s been refurbished since though. They are quite popular in the USA and can be pretty fast with the right engine. Interestingly the very first one was supplied by Bill Maxted in Loddon, he also bought some of the older hire boats back to the Broads.
  4. Sorry to hear of your loss. This year has not been a good one as I also lost my mother who caught Covid 19 whilst in hospital. It was mum & dad who introduced me to the Broads.
  5. When in flood the Thames can make the tides at Great Yarmouth look pretty tame. In those conditions I suspect these would be tied up and unable to move. Normal hire craft can be moved in some flood conditions with an experienced helm, usually from the hire yard, local knowledge and a few extra revs. I’ve done it several times and It’s not for the faint hearted, especially shooting some of the bridges.
  6. Turned a Connoisseur 45 outside the lock this morning, reckon you could turn one of Brinks 48 footers now with care.
  7. Just pulled onto Irstead staithe ourselves, couldn’t believe it was empty! Although busy there were at least 3 wild moorings free so we we’re spoilt for choice.
  8. His mum was on one of the Facebook groups a week or so ago saying he still owned it. He often lets family and friends take it out.
  9. Oh no, now my wife is here, I'll have to be careful now! Yes, we have just bought Jays share in Moonlight Shadow. Our first week is not until October half term but we are on Emerald Light 2 from tomorrow.
  10. Deer's are pretty good swimmers and don't seem fazed by the water. Did it have both eyes.....?
  11. I thought the island belonged to the Broads Authority? If so probably someone being a little cheeky!
  12. That's good, was planning to stop there in week or so to catch an early tide through Yarmouth.
  13. NeilB

    My Day

    No, it's because I'll be on a boat that week and they are a tad nervous in case my wife drives !
  14. I've heard of case's where they have disappeared in 6 weeks due to faulty wiring !
  15. NeilB


    WE rescued the occasional broken down boat so I had a couple of conversations with them over the years, they were in civvies and I never saw any guns so whatever they had was concealed. Most conversations consisted of them saying " you need to move that boat NOW" !
  16. AS already suggested definitely Kris Cruisers, I maybe biased as I worked there for 10 years but they knock spots off the competition ! If you fancy canals I can recommend Kate Boats in Warwick or Stockton as we've had 2 boats from them plus they are dog friendly. For a short break I would avoid going up Hatton Locks though as it's about 3 hours each way !
  17. NeilB


    If they moved upstream to a section of riverbank in Datchet they would be in trouble as it's the Queens Windsor back garden. A bunch of burly men in blacked out Land Rovers would soon descend on them !
  18. NeilB


    I live close to the Grand Union canal and there are half a dozen or so "continuously cruising" liveaboards, they tend to movbe back and forwards along a 5 mile stretch so are not really abiding by the regulations. However, they are all very friendly people you can stop and chat to and I've never heard of any issues. The original story posted relates to a selection of vessels moored at various location on the lower Thames, when they get evicted the owner moves them somewhere else. They are not what I would call a liveaboard as the owner rents rooms out on each vessel. It's been going on for several years now and one of the vessels was worryingly described as being a "bonfire waiting for a match" https://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/news/13800268.boathouse-moored-illegally-for-so-long-in-west-molesey-its-now-on-google-maps/ https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/slumboat-returns-thames-molesey-after-13653358
  19. NeilB


    I'm aware links to other forums are not allowed but if you search from *slumboats* on the Thames forum section of the Motor Boat & Yachting forum you can see the history stretching back several years.
  20. Does anyone have a link to the planning application please? I've had a look and can only find the one from 2015.
  21. Thanks Chris, much appreciated. We have a bungalow booked which backs directly onto the beach here.
  22. Any idea what it's like down the Keswick end please, near the Poachers Pocket pub?
  23. That thought did cross my mind, but my wife occasionally browses the forum. Ooops, that's done it !
  24. Personality I would say you picked the best boat out of the 2. Hope you have a great time !
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