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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. I must admit I would prefer an on suite bolted on the side but I guess these are only intended as posh tents.. I couldnt do camping but a full size bed is clearly better..
  2. They looks cool.. I'd be game... good luck james and co..!
  3. Erm it does depend on what type of leg it is?! Not all legs are close coupled... our little sillette for example has two seals so if the bellows split it no sinks which is good.. However it is certainly a good idea to get them checked at service intervals.. Boulter marine have a cradle which makes lifts cheap and promise us to be able to service our leg whilst we wait/drink in the pub.. Worth a try...
  4. Is it... i'm crap with maths.. hence got fired from my computer job...It's not doing that at the moment though... think there's a setting to unset somewhere then
  5. I think it only goes to 150 meters John
  6. Can someone kind of explain what role these committees have within the BA.. It seems to me that they are ignored and a certainly couple of people in the BA just do whatever they like..
  7. It's a Parrot Bebop.. it's been the hardest thing to buy (Got it just after christmas)... as there are so many..and the price varies hugely.. eventually I decided on this one (mainly as it's a well known brand for me anyway, it had ok reviews, its small and good integrated camera and nibble enough to "play" with it can also be confirgured with autopilot to go off and do it's own thing which i need to play with).. I'm kinda pleased I didnt go too nuts as I've only taken it out a couple of times. It's a bit of a pain to try to fly Mark, it's really stable in the air but It can't be flown when it's windy or wet so limits it's use.. it's bloody quick though and if it goes just out of eye view it has the habit of doing it's own thing.. for some reason too it won't go very high but I think the government have limited it's attitude now considering the misuse of them but I'll get it out more over the summer hopefully and will get better at it
  8. I finally got my drone up to norfolk.. .. it was a bit windy and it hates the wind so I just had a play.. more coming soon hopefully though.. don't expect anything overly polished
  9. Back on this one for me .. Orca is a deep vee semi displacement hull and I think everyone knows how much trouble she is to handle now, she needs to be moving to stay between the banks.. I'm well aware of how much wash she can make although I think shes pretty good if we stick below the limits.. in fact she produces a lot less wash.. The same for the other one, at senisble speeds it's really good and on tick over it produces nothing.. so sorry to say but I think it's a speed thing.. if your boat is producing too much wash then your are going too fast no matter what GPS's, rev measurements etc...
  10. Now Mark, as per previous posts...Us Broom owners, demand the best we must be seen and ensure we are seen... therefore be thankful that you've been graced by the presence of a "Broomer".. (I understand the new models are semi displacement hulls and not sure if they still are but the original ones had nice big engines in... I think Brooms got told to slow them down as they was given the rangers lots more work..)
  11. Mother.. I so wish we took you out sailing before getting rid of it.. if anyone can give my ma a trip out on a sailing boat please do offer. As peter said there would have been no real danger from a sailing boat it really wouldn't have made contact.. if they are racing then it can be deadly serious and indeed the place on earth I would want to be is anywhere near racing sailies.. but sailies in general (and yes there are of course the odd rotten eggs) are pretty polite and understanding, there's also rules in clubs that they must never sware at passing boats and bear away from motorboats if they are going to hit.. if they disobey these rules then they can be removed from the club.. please can us NBN members follow the same rules no swaring... put yourself second... do all we can to be civil etc etc. In fact I feel safest on the broads amongst a group of sailing boats... Back on subject.. I agree with earlier observations that at least 1 of these boats is helmed by staff and perhaps the camera angle is deceiving, although Wroxham is busy and I've seen tailgating and admittedly at times I probably am seen to get too close but Orca is a bit of a cow really doesn't do 2mph in a crosswind so sometimes I have to get around slow moving boats or end up sideways across the river... again life isn't always selfish sometimes people do things for reasons and lets not be so quick to judge and criticise.
  12. Peter, can't get carpet off your mind or is the computer trying to tell you something! Free samples available you know where
  13. Or being really kind... any plastic boat which hit's that will quickly find the crew swimming with the fishes
  14. But daddy you know us broom drivers really don't need the help.. you know how hard it is to turn a well built broom around whilst reading the financial times, pouring out another G&T and trying to look all snobby.. one day I'll let you have a go . About the waving thing... sorry y'all too... far too many boat's to wave at you all up here.. I will wave back though... What have I become... lol (Joke y'all).
  15. @Berneyarms.. hi there.. I have been following on facebook.. sounds a fun project. Sadly ive never stopped there and sadly our.mooring is too far out the way.. but possibly one day. The boaters have your support! But as im sure you know theres been a lot happening there and its hard to work out.. have you acquired the pub? Last I saw i was up for sale at an extortionate price as to hope to turn it into another use? We had a couple members interested but due to its no land access rules, sadly getting the figures to add up makes it hard..
  16. You should just oprn the gates to the wetshed and let everyone walk around in there... the place is amazing.. if I was a varnish salesmen...
  17. Happy easter grace and all.. I was up here with work today so im all primed and ready... lovely evening only my tinnitus to hear!
  18. It can also act to preserve the teak decking.... Looking good though Mark... looks like you are ready to enjoy your summer!
  19. I wouldn't Formica either, new boat builds are currently installing plastic teak decking (dek-king) etc... perfect for bathrooms and showers.. We have normal cheap household vinyl in ours though.
  20. JawsOrca

    Thurne Lion

    Brilliant news! Congrats Rick and team!
  21. You would be hard pushed to find anyone as good as Graham..I wouldn't recommend one of the people mentioned here (and thats not MBA).. But for legal reasons I can't explain any further.
  22. Ive not had the pleasure of removing tekdeck I suspect its something we wont as its too expensive. Id say a mixture of clives method and a scaper is the way. I guess it depends if it was laid properly though as it should have grooves like a tile spreader... if not u suspect you will make a right mess. Once you.do get it off.. ive found silicon eater pastes do a good job at dissolving all types of glues.. if it was me id just lau the carpet over and spend more time in the pub ;-)
  23. Keith, You have my support on this one. I see certainly people don't quite understand it but society wouldn't have got this far if it didn't make a pain of itself and question things... I doubt asking such questions is costing anyones time and certainly we as a consumers shouldn't end up paying for authorities lazyness. So please keep driving forward.. I think it's about time we all got an answer to the Edward Williams situation... I suspect it is a scam but somethings occuring to stay just the right side of the law. I have been approached by this firm on a couple of occassions and would have fallen for it if I wasn't aware. If there is anything I can do to help the authorities I'm happy to help.
  24. Thanks Clive ill get something sorted and be in contact.. it would look brill on the commodores upper deck too. Much cheaper than that flexi teak!
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