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Everything posted by jeffbroadslover

  1. Looking at the photos I cannot see any registration number so would assume that a toll has not been paid. (Offence No 1) If it has been "abandoned" then is this not a form of Fly Tipping (Offence No 2) There must be some way of tracing who the owner is so that they can be contacted in order to arrange removal or disposal and forward the fines for offences 1 and 2 and also an invoice for the cost of removal/disposal and any other costs to the BA for admin time etc. Jeff
  2. My feelings are that if I have been given exceptional service by an individual (not a matter of whoever has nothing to do go see if the people at that table want anything) then that individual can be rewarded for the attention they have given me. I DO NOT enjoy the idea that I should pay extra for someone doing a job that they are paid for whether they do it well or just DO IT ! Jeff
  3. Always amazes me that taking into account the amount of money they are given they cannot do the job properly and it's always someone else's fault. The fact that they cannot do the job properly has nothing to do with it. All I can say is that if when I was working I produced such a pathetic result I would be out of work. Jeff ( NOT A ballkicking Fan)
  4. Scotty, I have just had a look at the prices for Bewilderwood . You should be ok if you have someone from Camelot with you !!!! Jeff
  5. You could try Bewlderwood at Horning but not sure of the prices there. Jeff
  6. Maybe but did he also make mum and dad stand as far forward as possible? Jeff
  7. I remember back in 1964 the pilot said that if me and my brother climbed into the wardrobe in the bow of Gala Girl then he would just be able to get us through the bridge. I cannot imagine the pilot suggesting the same thing in this day and age!! I also remember that just inside Herbert Woods yard there was a replica of the bridge arch so that you could see if your boat would pass through the bridge. This was just on the right hand side where Mallard is now and was swung out over the water when it was needed. Jeff
  8. Think it could be the mill on the river Ant just before How Hill (can never remember it's name). The church could be Ranworth. Jeff
  9. I wonder how the emergency services would get to the development in a hurry if they needed to bearing in mind you could have 4 residences at risk in the case of fire. Jeff
  10. I remember the days when Wing Line Cruisers were based at the end there. Jeff
  11. The varnishing looks so good it seems that there will be no need to fit a mirror of any description anywhere on board ! Jeff
  12. I have a vision of a beautiful area of countryside having a HUGE slab of tarmac marked out with white lines all over it. These lines would be so close to each other that you would not be able to park an average sized car between them and there would be no space to sit next to your car to enjoy a nice cuppa if you so wished. There would be a large ugly sign next to an ugly machine which would be there to extract all your spare cash for a small piece of paper which says you can leave your car where it is for a certain length of time. You would then be allowed to purchase another piece of paper which then allows you to stand and wait for an undersized bus which when you eventually get on it does not go directly to the part of this wonderful countryside that you would like to visit. You would then have to get in another queue to carry on to another area or to go back to your car. Can't understand why no-one hasn't thought of this before!!!!!
  13. It's BB's little boat that they use for transporting things from one part of their site to another. Have seen it before with furniture on it moving from a to b across the river to and from their land based properties Jeff
  14. I would like to thank All the team for their "devotion to duty" and helping me (and many others I would guess ) to get my daily "fix" Jeff
  15. Wishing all members and guests a very Happy New Year and hope everyone has a good and healthy one Here's wishing you all you wish yourself Jeff
  16. Here's wishing everyone everything you would wish yourselves and more. Let's all hope that 2021 will let us all forget 2020. Have a pleasant and restful Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Jeff.
  17. They will have to develop batteries that will last for 300-400 miles at least or your journey to and from your holiday destination will probably take longer than your holiday !! Jeff
  18. Could it be that Absolute Freedom has been sold and is going to be totally internally refigured and that is why there are no proper details of an internal layout ? Jeff
  19. I didn't know that Gracie had recorded her version of Santa Baby !!!!!!!!! Jeff
  20. Maybe Clive will see this thread and feel that he should save everyone guessing what is happening and give us the full details. We all know how informative he can be when he wants. Jeff
  21. Just wondering if it's my computer or has anyone else had the same problem. When I try to expand the picture to full screen using the arrows at the top right it does not expand and it reverts to the blank page. Is it just me or does do the same for anyone else????? Jeff
  22. There is another way of looking at it. If it may come in useful one day why get rid of it now and have to buy another new one when you need it? Jeff
  23. To solve the problem of your "substantial meal" going cold why not order a salad and then ask for a doggy bag so you can then convert it to a takeaway !!! Jeff
  24. Griff, can you name all 44 yards shown on your tray? I remember having one of those trays many many years ago but have no idea if it is stashed away in the loft somewhere. Jeff
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