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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I once got handed the controls of a small norman while the owner went up front to deal with ropes, it had twin lever controls, and he failed to tell me the gear cables were oposite as they were the wrong ones and he'd knocked it out of gear as he approached the bank.... Being a small outboard it was a job to tell if it was just not good at stopping or if I was genuinely trying to crush him against the bank as he clung onto the reeds with one hand and tried to fend off with the other, as it wasn't stopping I gave it more throttle to stop harder, oh how he laughed...... (well I did anyway) Does this take me up the idiocy scales?
  2. A typo but no dancing involved, he had eskimos sorting the ropes......
  3. 5 mins sounds a long time to get tied up, that's what wound him up I guess. Once stopped I want to be in the pub within 2 minutes.....
  4. I spotted it from the ferryhouse friday night, looked to be NNW and pretty low in the sky around 11.00pm, gave the barcrew a shout as they were talking about trying to see it, not long after it clouded over so good timing, not my timing but Tina the dog, she wanted a mooch around the garden to check for any free range chips grazing.(she found plenty)
  5. Probably the big hire boat from a northern rivers hirer that came past surlingham ferry saturday afternoon making loads of noise heading towards norwich that was apparently all over faceache saturday night being knobheads in norwich, at least they were spending money on the broads, even better they kept going towards norwich.... Oh and Hi Mouldy, nice to meet you!
  6. Are they not allowed out on their own?
  7. The big question is, where are the bits???? Time for a heat exchanger cleanout methinks..... An any oil coolers along the plumbing.
  8. If you change it over I'd suggest either go through changing the red/black cables or label everything or at some point it will cause a problem, possibly with something expensive going bang.
  9. Is the shaft bonded to the engine or is it isolated?
  10. If there's a thumbs up there should be a thumbs down, both or none, yes I know I used the thumbs up before now (even today) but I also know I'll get banned for calling someone something that sounds like anchor with a lisp. If we all just agree or keep quiet we start to sound like the retarded yanks that tell you everything is "awesome" despite the fact that whatever you just did was either "normal" or "pathetic but we don't have the balls to say", don't tell me you've not thought that many times, oh you haven't? Thats awesome.......
  11. This what I like about the southern rivers, you lot stay north!
  12. My local has moved about 6 seats and stopped standing at the bar and that is about all the capacity they've lost, the have screen between tables and across the bar at face level and so far everyone has behaved very well, they have a board by the loos with a two way switch for each loo with red and green lights that you can see across the whole pub so dead easy, with hand gell beside after using switch. Top marks to "the ale taster"!
  13. "lost motion" is something you find a day later in the back of your socks after it fails to engage reverse in a close manouvering situation in a strong breeze.
  14. Downloading now, will report back, gotta make sure my local features. Gits they missed it, email sent.......
  15. Ferryhouse every time, and if the pub is booked up for food they will bring your food out to the boat for you, best to call and book a mooring just in case.
  16. It'd work for me and probably wouldn't take long, certainly at the front and top. To be fair a wiper blade would do.....
  17. You must have me mistaken for someone else.
  18. What is an iron??????
  19. Been to the ferryhouse at surlingham and although chaotic very civilised, I say chaotic because the best systems go to crap once joe public gets involved and evolves as it goes, everyone was behaving very well and being cautious as it got worked out but safer than your normal day in a supermarket, top job Sonia, I hope it gets more streamlined and more efficient(I know it will), tell pubs what sauces you want ahead of time if eating as the rest have to get binned once placed on tables and they are struggling to survive as it is, keep the overheads as low as you can for them. Now for an idea, with track and trace pubs want contact details so a cheap sheet of address labels will save some time and pen contact, you don't need to put address on them just a working gmail address (spam avoidance) phone number and name. Richard at snugtopz has done a blinder on flexible screens from boat canopy windows, what a superb idea! Back at home one of my locals have done a superb job and felt very secure, the other is doing the bare minimum to be allowed to open and doesn't really care, guess where I will be spending my money for the foreseeable future......
  20. Smoggy

    Keep Safe

    Unfortunately so far Boris's approach of trust in common sense has failed to grasp the lack of common sense, to be fair it's a minority of stupid people but still big numbers and the minority get the headlines. Let's hope......
  21. Anywhere below half tide I can get 9' under haven with good clearance, needs good control though as there's some fierce Eddie's at half tide.
  22. Sometimes ANY movement is a good movement.....
  23. Very true but doesn't beat a listening "watch".
  24. I'm sure there's a few that will have saved that message and have that paragraph already highlighted, maybe it's took a major revenue hit for to realise this.
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