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Everything posted by Karizma

  1. Yes certainly well deserved. Being our 'home moorings'; they have a great team there, who are always available when you need something.
  2. My youngest son and his girlfriend is taking over Karizma on the Northern rivers, on their own, for the very first time in a couple of weeks, and although he's had a couple of long 'tuition' weekends out with us, I'm still a little bit nervous - not about his handling of the boat (I'm sure he will be careful and remember everything he's learnt), but how much thought he gives to making sure boats around him are also careful, and what to do if something unfortunate happens. I'll be taking Vaughan's guidance and printing it out for him to follow ......... hopefully he won't need it!
  3. I have the same unit and you can buy the glow plug 'tool' off fleeBay (not much money) and certainly worth the purchase if you intend to service the unit yourself in the future mine was doing a similar thing to yours and I hadn't a clue but decided to take it out, take it home and strip it down. They are very simple units with not many parts and mine just needed a good clean out. Gaskets, filters etc are all easy to purchase off fleebay. mine now works a treat.
  4. Excellent thread - always good to read and then compare with ones own installation. Agree with all the key points made on here and my experience is that we use our's mostly when connected to shore power (mostly for convenience with domestic appliances, knowing we'll definitely have hot water in a morning! and fully charged batteries), or whilst cruising to make a cuppa with the canopy down (as it blows out the gas hob ). Thanks again to all those for sharing their knowledge and experiences
  5. thanks - will look out for it when next down on the river.
  6. ".............after mooring at the totem pole moorings" thats a new one for me (and I travel that stretch of river often being Beccles based), any chance of a clue / photo where that one is?
  7. boats look fantastic - have a great day everyone - we'll try and arrange our diaries to join you all next time round.
  8. some great info sharing from this post - I'm learning loads - keep it up please
  9. I think I would have expected them to 'test' the system to make sure it was all ok. Certainly worth going back and asking them the question!
  10. thanks for sharing, you've been on a tough journey. as always boats are full of surprises for the first 12 months ..........at least. I'm sure it will all work out fine for you. ATB.
  11. we are moored up here tonight - recycle bins were emptied this afternoon, though they didn't pick up the waste that left on the floor, which is a real shame as it makes the area look a mess. Think the bins were better placed where they were before rather than on the quay side. one positive, it's noticeable that they are trying to tidy up all the waste ground area between the basin and the railway lines - looks a lot better.
  12. Still a couple free at Potter Heigham about an hour ago, which surprised me with the amount of activity today. We've gone for the 'quiet' option & its lovey out still.
  13. glad you didn't - we are really enjoying 'looking after her' at the moment & so glad we brought her back to the broads.
  14. Hope it settles down some time soon or we'll all be paying 'over the odds' ...... though I won't hold my breath for it ever coming back down.
  15. We were one of those private craft that had just left Somerleyton (after a lovely overnight stay) and finally got to wave to a boat (and it's owners ) that I recognised from reading posts on NBN. Though I'm not able to yet put forum names to boat names, so had to log on this even to find out it was Mouldy
  16. Dont tell everyone Mouldy - or there'll be none left for when I get back
  17. The uk body thats helping define the rules for drones is the British Model Flying Association (BMFA), you can google their website for more info. If you join as a member you also get comprehensive insurance cover. I'm a member to allow me to fly in F3A model aircraft aerobatic competitions.
  18. nice line up, equally spaced - we hope to be there this weekend (fingers crossed).
  19. Just passing WRC after a few days on the River Yare..........
  20. Thanks for the heads up - went through today on route from Beccels to Waters edge on the Yare and you could see they were getting ready with the equipment just south of St Olaves Marina.
  21. oh ok - good to be organised well before the holiday.
  22. Great week planned - hope the weather is kind for you. We will hopefully be down next weekend, so might see you on the river ..... or in The Wherry
  23. We've just had 4 days on the southern rivers .... it was lovely to see a few more boats starting to get out and about.
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