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International Airport For The Broads.


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It's serious, deathly serious. The planning implications for The Broads could be far reaching. Imagine a Lowestoft International Third Airport on Ranworth Inner Broad for example or a Broads National Air Port on Wroxham! The only positive being the dredging to allow access for Ark Royal to it's proposed new home on Hickling,

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Ah that explains it!

Last week Spirit of Breydon was on Oulton Broad full of hi viz bods catching seagulls. They were then dipping their beaks in luminous paints and getting them to swim in lines.

This must be one of the new eco friendly flight paths they are trialing to stop those deaf old residents in Romany Road complaining about light pollution ;)

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46 minutes ago, JanetAnne said:

This must be one of the new eco friendly flight paths they are trialing to stop those deaf old residents in Romany Road complaining about light pollution ;)

Those deaf old residents of Romany Road are far too busy complaining about the B.N.P. to be bothered about mere issues like light pollution!

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20 hours ago, Hockham Admiral said:

HMS Illustrious at 25kts (for launching) anywhere on The Broads would be an interesting spectacle (or debacle!).   :facepalm:

I remember one day when my parents went up river to Coltishall with some friends and we had lunch at the Anchor. The skies were split, all afternoon, by Lightnings roaring around practicing for the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

My father eventually announced that next year he was going to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Battle of the Narrow Seas, and come up there flat out in an MTB!

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7 minutes ago, Jonzo said:

Lightings... Now there's an aircraft! Big old engine with a seat strapped to it :naughty::naughty:

Max speed well in excess of 1000mph and insane max altitude!

I was told by a friend at Coltishall that they had a power-to-weight ratio of just less than one to one. So if it were possible to stand it on its end and light up the afterburners, it would have gone straight up in the air!

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48 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

I was told by a friend at Coltishall that they had a power-to-weight ratio of just less than one to one. So if it were possible to stand it on its end and light up the afterburners, it would have gone straight up in the air!

P/W ratio was about 1.3:1, Vaughan. She could accelerate vertically!

I once flew the T5 out of Binbrook and low level over the North Sea. The Unit Test Pilot kindly let me pole her for the entire flight........ awesome!     :D

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52 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

I was told by a friend at Coltishall that they had a power-to-weight ratio of just less than one to one. So if it were possible to stand it on its end and light up the afterburners, it would have gone straight up in the air!

Quiet often, They did exactly that soon as the wheels were up. left the ground

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I told this story before, but I will tell it again. When I was in Saudi for British Aerospace in the late seventies, the Saudi airforce had american F5s and Lightnings. One day they decided to see what was fastest in a climb and an F5 and Lightning were placed side by side on the runway. The F5 let the brakes off on max power and max climb. When it was at 10,000ft - the lightning let the brakes off - when the F5 was at 20,000 ft - the lightning was at 30,000ft. WHAT A MACHINE.

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I loved the Lightnings, used to see them regular at RAF Finningley, especially impressive during the air displays, take off was a unique affair to the Lightning when doing a display, they would set off down the runway, get to flying speed, lift the undercarriage but maintain the same altitude, then stand them on their tail and go vertical til out of sight.  10 mins later or so they would back to complete their display


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