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My Field Of Dreams, Do You Have A Dream?


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I posted my comments below in another thread, but I thought I would start a new thread as it really inspired me.

So with reference to the broads, what is your dream, what would you like to see?


Here is my dream, slowly coming true.

My field of Dreams.    The dangers of CO

I think the BA will be putting up signage in areas like Ranworth, Womack water and other other congested areas to prevent the running of engines from early evenings to breakfast time at many moorings. There will be additional signage at visitor moorings. This will help people from dying in their sleep. At other times whilst un pleasant, signage alone won't stop it. I think the boat hire companies will be adding to their handbook about the dangers. This just leaves the BSS to incorporate it into their requirements,  time for yet more emails lol I still intend to crack this one lol 

I also think the BA should be leafleting all toll payers at renewal, and short visit toll payers should also have something included in their welcome pack.

If we talk about it, they will come. 

The above comment, inspired by the film "The field of dreams"  "If we build it, they will come." 

In fact some of the above are already in action, expect some changes in 2017.


Still trying to make that difference.


What is your dream?



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3 hours ago, Viking23 said:

"The field of dreams"  "If we build it, they will come." 

On that basis, my dream, as I have said before, would be shore power. Then no need to run the engine.

Having said that, I must mention that I have proved on another thread that a diesel in neutral at low revs produces hardly any CO.

Webasto type heaters are another matter though, and they are run on moorings by every boat, in the off season. I can't find any specifications on their exhaust gases and that alone, makes me suspicious of them.

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55 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

...Webasto type heaters are another matter though, and they are run on moorings by every boat, in the off season. I can't find any specifications on their exhaust gases and that alone, makes me suspicious of them.

We have a propex heater, run on propane, it doesn't smell like diesel exhausts, it must give off some CO.

As I have said, even a boat with no facilities, no gas, electric or  fuel are at risk from third party fumes so all boats should benefit from a CO alarm.

I would also like to see more shore power on the Broads, more especially at places like Ranworth. As a low user of electricity, it would be nice to have a smaller credit, or have a £1 - £5 card and nominate how much credit to give at each time. in 10-20p increments. Mind you as it is, with the small usage, we often find enough credit on the post, so overall one day you might spend a £1 then for the rest of the week nothing.

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My 'Field of Dreams' of course this is a very personal matter...it's my field so it may be controversial to some, abhorrent to others but...it's my daydream after all.

An elected Chief Executive of the Broads Authority and an abandonment of psychics and other persons who have visions involved in the Broads Authority. An end to attempts to see boating as a negative to a successful Broads and acceptance that it is it's life blood. Active cooperation between stakeholders in Broadland. A fair approach to Broads Tolls including the introduction of tolls for wildlife organisations.

On a more personal level I would like to see the reintroduction of the smack in the ear hole for potential offenders before they offend. 'Because I said so' an acceptable explanation given to misbehaving children. Clean air fanatics sat outside the pub in the fresh air where they belong. The raffia knickered Zan Izal users barred from telling anyone what they can eat or drink...chaff is not meant to be consumed it is the gunk you throw away. A return to Imperial units of measurement.Tabloid press to be sold in brown paper wrappers. Enforced wearing of a shirt for all blokes in public places during the summer. An independant BBC. Common sense as a part of the school curriculum along with basic geography, history and sailing. Nationalised Railways and...and...a Time Machine!

My field of dreams has altered somewhat since I was younger. But I decided I'm old now...officially that bit where you are described as eccentric and not quite at that bit where you are described as senile and get to be president or prime minister. I'm looking forward to the bit where I can just stop walking and block doorways so younger people bump into you and you can really have a moan! 

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1 hour ago, stumpy said:

Cracking post Timbo, the only thing I'd add would be a ban on the wearing of football shirts in public unless one is actually playing a game.

I'd have to make an exception for Newcastle United Shirts. Us 'Toon' supporters we are born with black and white stripes and a birthmark in the shape of two seahorses. Mind you in some cases its the only shirt we own...I'm given to understand that in the maternity unit in Newcastle straight after the smacked bum the baby doesn't cry but bellows 'Howay the lads!'.

59 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

And baseball caps

Unless of course it's one of the high quality baseball caps featuring the NBN logo available in a variety of colours and part of the extensive high quality range of NBN Merchandise available HERE! But it has to be worn correctly...not back to front or at a jaunty angle or God forbid sideways!

43 minutes ago, imtamping2 said:

And hoodies.....unless its snowing :swordpir:

Unless of course it's one of the high quality... OK I'm going to have to give you that one. Even Dylly the Boats Beagle takes exception to hoodie wearers and barks and growls until they either take the hood off or slope off. But still ...high quality hoodies featuring the NBN logo are available in a variety of colours and are part of the extensive high quality range of NBN Merchandise available HERE:naughty:

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2 hours ago, Timbo said:

On a more personal level I would like to see the reintroduction of the smack in the ear hole for potential offenders before they offend. 'Because I said so' an acceptable explanation given to misbehaving children. 

I once got into trouble with mr Plod for doing just this, a kid was sat near my house throwing stones at my daughter, I asked him kindly to stop, whereupon he started throwing them at me. at this I got upset and administered the smack around the lughole.

the kid burst into tears and ran away - great he has stopped throwing stones at my daughter  and me.

next thing I know and there is a sergeant knocking on my door, who gives me a good talking to- apparently kid had run straight home to mum and complained - her words to mr policeman- nobody but me clips my kid round the lughole.

anyway after explaining everything I had done wrong and getting me to admit that I had been a bad person. mr policeman says to me "it was about time somebody did that to that little sh1t, he has been asking for it for years" then told me he didnt say that- wink wink.

the thing was we never had any more trouble from the kid in question - he steered well clear of myself and my daughter, which just goes to prove that it works as a deterrent.

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8 hours ago, stumpy said:

Cracking post Timbo, the only thing I'd add would be a ban on the wearing of football shirts in public unless one is actually playing a game.

Oh dear,  I couldn't agree with you less.  My son and I wear our Bournemouth shirts with pride,  in Norfolk and elsewhere.  As a footballl man  I'm very comfortable with seeing people wearing whatever club shirt,  it's an important aspect of supporting today's game. 


Bringing the discussion back to topic, my dream would be a resurgence of the south Broads from a hirer's perspective, to see hire operations at Beccles,  Oulton Broad and St Olaves once again. 

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I'd like to see the Horseshoes pub in Wroxham open again just like it was in the 70's, roses in the garden overlooking the river and complete with dartboard and chicken or scampi basket meals, none of this Masterchef nonsense with twills, pineapple airs, deconstructed pies and stupid prices etc. etc.

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My field of dreams, apart from ending all wars, every single child in the whole of the world to have three good meals a day would be the Berney Arms up and running with good honest pub grub, nothing fancy, real ale (and some Stella) having to moor up so far away because all the good spots in front of the pub are already taken, people sitting outside having a nice drink, kids with packets of crisps and real beer shandies (thanks Dad lol) just sitting back watching the boating world in all it's glory, not forgetting the stunning view. Build it and they will come, eh? Just build me a boat and I'll be there lol :Stinky


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Mine is simple and probably obvious. I would dearly like to see a change of ethos at the top, the culture of pursuing personal 'visions' to become a thing of the past. There has to be a positive unity in driving both the Broads of today and more especially the Broads of tomorrow. I would dearly love to see the trust between stakeholders & the Broads Authority returning to its previous. enviable level. I would like to die knowing that the Broads is in good hands. At the moment both governance and management have distanced themselves from the stakeholders, that has to change. The Broads is unique, I wish for that to continue, in good hands.

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You may be in luck Gracie......We will have the cafe and shop open by Easter with the pub to follow ....Our history has been creating beautiful organic outside areas at posh festivals. Entertaining adults and children outside is our specialty and your dream of happy kids , crisps , shandy and decent grub looks very likely.......And of course chocolate

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23 hours ago, Broads01 said:

Oh dear,  I couldn't agree with you less.  My son and I wear our Bournemouth shirts with pride,  in Norfolk and elsewhere.  As a footballl man  I'm very comfortable with seeing people wearing whatever club shirt,  it's an important aspect of supporting today's game. 


Bringing the discussion back to topic, my dream would be a resurgence of the south Broads from a hirer's perspective, to see hire operations at Beccles,  Oulton Broad and St Olaves once again. 

Two fifths of the above I can only agree with, even like;)!

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11 hours ago, Gracie said:

the Berney Arms up and running with good honest pub grub, nothing fancy, real ale (and some Stella)


You You You drink thug juice (Stella) darlin I'd have put you down as disco water (Kronenburg) drinker darlin :hardhat::kiss . Both drinks named in our pub in the 90's by the the friendliest thugs around.

Charlie :hiding:

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8 minutes ago, ranworthbreeze said:

Hi Liz,

I assume that this is Water Rail?




Yes it is - she as I have said before has to earn her keep - no serious mod cons though! True back to basics except excellent fridge for keeping the wine chilled (or Stella), invertors so small electrics can be kept charged and another serious dream any profit !!!

(ps absolutely chucking it down with a hail storm at the moment definitely not boating weather!)

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