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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

Hi guys, I've been and gone and got myself in trouble again.

I think I've picked up some spyware, What's the best freeby for getting rid?

I told you last time we had a couple of beers...'people shink that, that that Milk Marketing...hic... Board are all wossaname...all ben, benny, benevolololent fing...hic...but they's hiding a multi...tude...anal...ooh that was wude...hic multitude of shins an an wossanames...SPYS!...hic'

But yet another vote for malwarebytes.

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I once got a virus on my computer which effectively prevented me from using anything at all, It kept trying to sell me "40  good, clean  Russian women" after 4 days of this it obviously thought I was a lost cause and switched to trying to sell me a  shipping order size consignment of Viagra!  AVG sorted it out.



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windows defender to stop them getting in, malwarebytes to remove them, and nothing on the linux machine. in the past year I have had to use malwarebytes once, and that was to clean a machine I inherited from my wife, that had malware before I got to it.

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2 hours ago, Poppy said:

I've just installed Malwarebytes. A scan found ELEVEN malicious files, all of which are now deleted!

It is quite amazing how much c*** can get downloaded onto a computer just by going onto perfectly innocent sites. A lot of it is PUPS which translates into "possibly unwanted programmes" . A lot of the sites have tick boxes and unless you un tick them you get the c***.

I sorted out a computer that he acquired for a friend if mine a few months ago and there were over five hundred PUPS and much worse on the hard drive that were identified by Malwarebytes. I downloaded the AVG freebee trial programme and there were some horrendous things on there that had been unwittingly downloaded.

Needless to say, the computer is now working ok but I know it will not be looked after and the friend will not do what I call "housework" to keep the computer clean and running sweetly.   

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Isn't good when you get ask to sort a slow running pc out. One thing is when you check installed programs never click the uninstall as it re-installs under something else. I find the program dir & run file renamer then in the programs directory rename the files with a `z` before the filename. Reboot in safemode and delete the folders then remove from services.

over the years the source of the c**p has moved from xx sites to voucher codes and game sites from the ones I've the years.

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9 hours ago, VetChugger said:

I use Malwarebytes  as well but I have also occasionally used Spybot which seems very efficientas as well, Particularly for spyware.

Quite a few years ago on a Windows 98 I downloaded Spybot as it purported to be a freebee. After a few weeks the owner of the programme started asking for money for the programme. I declined and within a couple of days the computer started doing some funny things. At the time I was also Running McAffee virus scan. Whatever it was just zipped past the virus scan.

I dumped Spybot and McAffee and loaded AVG which sorted out the problem after a fashion but the computer was never quite the same after that. No doubt if I knew about Malwarebytes if it existed then it would have sorted out the last glitch.

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Another vote for Malawarebytes

Also use Revo Uninstall to get rid of Programs it really does get rid of everything. Use it on the advanced scan and see how much cr@p the program uninstaller leaves behind.


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