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First Time On The Broads


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My wife and I are having a 4 night break on the Broads beginning on 18th April and we have booked a Brinks Omega cruiser from Barnes Brinkcraft in Wroxham. Although we have visited the Norfolk area many times with our touring caravan this is the first time we have hired a boat for more than just the day. We have already booked a mooring at The Bridge Inn at Acle on our first night but we are still undecided where we go from there. We fancy crossing Breydon Water on our second day and maybe staying at Lodden on the second night. We are then thinking about crossing Breydon Water on the third day and making our way to Stalham for the third night before pottering around on the fourth day and staying at Horning on the last night as the boat needs to be back for 9am the next morning. Any advice on things to do, places to see, places to eat (and drink!) would be gratefully received. As we have travelled around most of the touristy places in the area before when we have been in our caravan we would like to spend as much time on the boat as possible. 

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Brinks Omega was the first boat my wife and I hired back in 2002.  We had a great time.  The boat has seen a few upgrades since then but the layout and style was what attracted us to her.  The shower being an actual cubicle rather than a shared space with the toilet was also an unexpected feature whe didnt know she had.  

I cant remember the exact airdraft but it must be around 8ft 3 to 8ft 6 so you will need low water at  Ludham (or somewhere in between) and Great Yarmouth if you intend to cross Breydon will definately need to be at low water with Brinks Omega. 

For 4 nights I might be tempted to remain on the Northern Broads, a return trip to the southern broads from Wroxham is certainly doable but you will be doing quite a lot of cruising to achieve it and your timings may not all be convenient if your having to hang about to get under bridges etc.

Re food and drink, anywhere open is worth a visit!  Northern broads wise theres nothing passed Stokesby food wise till you get to Great Yarmouth but plenty of places up to Acle.  Horning is usually a good first night stop from Wroxham, 3 pubs there all serving food. 


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Hello Crooky,

Welcome to the NBN forum.

Here is your proposed journey times which do not allow for any tides.

First day Wroxham to Acle 3 1/4 hours

Day two Acle to Loddon 2 1/4 hours to Great Yarmouth plus 4 1/4 hours from Great Yarmouth to Loddon.

Day 3 Loddon to Stalham, 4 1/4 hours to Great Yarmouth plus 5 1/4 hours from Great Yarmouth to Stalham.

Day 3 maybe a little too far?



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I always suggest that a boating holiday should be a time to relax and go gently. Don't try to cover too much distance in a mid-week break, especially if this is your first time on a cruising holiday.

I would also suggest avoiding the passage through Yarmouth this time, if you have not done it before. There is always next time!


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Just now, Vaughan said:

I always suggest that a boating holiday should be a time to relax and go gently. Don't try to cover too much distance in a mid-week break, especially if this is your first time on a cruising holiday.

I would also suggest avoiding the passage through Yarmouth this time, if you have not done it before. There is always next time!


Agreed; chill out and slow down to Norfolk time.  You'll be screaming along the river past some beautiful spots.  Drift along and explore and enjoy them!

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I agree with Vaughan completely. There are many lovely places to see on the northern side - we've done midweek breaks several times and might typically do something like:

Day 1 Wroxham to Ranworth - you never know what time you're going to get away from the boatyard

Day 2 Ranworth to Acle and then back up to Womack Dyke

Day 3 Womack Dyke to Potter Heigham then back to somewhere up the Ant - How Hill, Paddy's Lane or Sutton Staithe depending how far you want to go

Day 4 Back to Salhouse Broad ready for a 45 minute run into Wroxham the next morning

I realise that you have already booked Acle for your first night so there are many variations on this theme, and lovely places to moor that I haven't mentioned. Everyone will have their favourites.

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You have booked a boat that won't go under Wroxham bridge, otherwise I would have suggested Coltishall. All the same, this will be a very comfortable and warm boat for the uncertain weather in the early season! Easy to handle and a very convenient aft well.

This will be Easter week, so you may find a problem mooring in the most popular places. Stock up with food on board, in case you can't moor near a pub. You may find that an evening on a mud weight on Salhouse or Wroxham Broad, would be just as good!

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Hey Crooky, I'm a noob and hired my 1st boat last year. I've been twice since and have 1 booked for Easter weekend! I've only explored a fraction of the northern broads as far as I know, and I could go round all those bits again and again. I couldn't recommend exploring the upper reaches of the River Ant enough the settlements around Barton Broad are what hooked me! Irstead and Neatishead are gems! I cannot wait to get back out! Enjoy yourself wherever you end up! 

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Hi Crooky & welcome from me as well.

I'd agree with all of the above & stay North for your first visit (on a boat) there's loads to see & do.

save the crossing for your next visit (you will be back :party:)

I'd also agree with Londonlad 1985 that Neatishead & Irstead are well worth a visit.

have a great trip.

we are down the following week & can't wait.

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Welcome on board Cooky and what they all said... I can spend two weeks pottering around the Northern Broads without contemplating going south. 

Best food on the Broads... Wayford Bridge Inn without a doubt. A night mudweighting absolute bliss!

A boating trip resets my body clock. I find the fresh air and being out on the river means an early night and an early morning. Sheer relaxation. 

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Welcome from me too.

If you have only hired day boats before, you may find a larger boat a bit different to handle. I couldn't agree more with what has already been said, take it easy and enjoy the north. Going south and back in the time you have will be very draining. SwanR has made some good suggestions, the Ant is lovely especially this time of year. :Stinky

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Hi Crooky and welcome from me.

I would like to suggest that you forget the idea of going south on a short break. The time it will take you to get to Loddon and then back again could be used admiring more of what the north has to offer at a much more relaxed pace. After all the idea of a boating holiday is to relax !!!!

The more you "dash about" the less you will see.

Enjoy the break and      r e l a x


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Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to comment on my question and the consensus seems to be that we should stick to the north this time which I think we are probably going to do now. My next question would be then where are the best places to head for to moor overnight? We are wanting to eat out so recommendations for good pubs that have mornings would be appreciated.  

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It's all good! I love the white horse at Neatishead (worth booking a table) and you can moor in the public staithe (if you can get a space) or Gaye's staith for a 20 min walk and Paddy's Lane for a good half hour yomp. 

Or go urban and moor in the Richardson's yard at Stalham and go for a pint and curry on the high street (10 mins walk)

You can top your water at Gaye's staith and at Richardson's. 

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My favourite on the northern side is the Wayford Bridge Inn. Closely followed by the New Inn at Horning where they have someone who will help you to moor. Both very different locations.

What we tend to do now is to head for a mooring near a pub late morning and eat out at lunchtime. That avoids the scramble for moorings at the most popular places for eating out in the evening and staying overnight. We prefer a quieter mooring for overnight and this allows us to combine both.

Ranworth has the Maltsters pub, a shop and other facilities so is extremely popular but worth a visit if you can get moored up.

We've been several times over the last few years but still have places we haven't tried. So it really is a case of seeing which direction you fancy each day and making your mind up as you go. There are plenty of maps and other publications or websites that will give you lots of information as to where there are moorings, places to fill up your water and pubs or restaurants to eat out. So I would say it's good to have a few ideas ... but be prepared to change them! We will all be interested to hear how you got on and where you ended up once you've been and come back. :)

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My favourite dining experience on the whole of the Broads is the Wayford Inn. There's the public mooring down river on the bridge and some 'pay for' mooring just the other side of the bridge.

The Wayford Inn has been my home from home during this last year of restoration on Royal Tudor. The food? Oh let me wax lyrical about the food! After a hard day's sanding or watching Doug work my favourite dish is the liver and bacon. Succulent, melts in the mouth! I'm very partial to the various soups...love the prawn and crayfish cocktail...I swear I put five stone on in a week. If visiting over night at Wayford don't forget to book into the hotel for breakfast with Sally and her hubby the following morning. I swear to God the best breakfast in the known world. The service too is excellent. If you visit please mention Dr Johnson sent you...I'm about to make some advance bookings for the rest of the year! :naughty:

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