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We woke to a grey overcast start to the day at Paddy’s Lane. The original intention was to spend a couple more days on the northern rivers, but a fairly uninspiring weather forecast prompted a spur of the moment decision to head south for the last few days of our holiday.

After a short detour into Marine Tech at South Walsham to top up our diesel, we crossed Breydon and finished up at Somerleyton.

We’ve been rewarded with a wonderful sunset though at the end of a fairly grey day!



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Can I ask how much was the diesel at MarineTech?

and is it normal stuff rather than GTL?

it’s so easy to get into that I might start using it more often. 

I thought I’d asked when I went there for a pumpout, but can’t remember now if I did or not. 

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Tomorrow is Daughters much awaited day at last.

This has been in the planning stage for what like seems forever.

What came as a big shock was the amount they have spent on this affair, it's somewhat extravagant imho but hey ho, its their day, they are only doing it once and they can afford it so they tell me.   I have contributed of course as any doting Dad would do so if possible.  The event is costing more than our present house cost to buy - Mind you so did her engagement ring for that matter

My duties in order are:-

A walk down the aisle to 'Hand her over' - Might as well seeing as I'll be there and not doing owt else that day and we did get a proper invitation too

Brides Father speech - I've had this sorted for a good two months now, it has been vetted many times by MrsG under strict orders from the Bride.  - Then of course I will have the 'Real' speech ready to go too :default_norty:

Followed by Bride and Dad dance - Do I take it traditionally or break out into 'Dad Dancing'?

There will be around one hundred guests attending the ceremony with about one hundred and fifty for the evening 'Do'

Family and friends keep asking me if I'm nervous for tomorrow especially my speech - No, I'm not, not even a tad, what I am is ready in all respects

Got a telling off from my MrsG when she informed me that the mother of the Bride will be dressing the Bride on the morning of the event.  I stated that therefore it was only fair that the Father of the Bride should undress the mother of the Bride at the end of the day :default_eusa_naughty:





BA NBN 1295.jpg

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14 hours ago, kpnut said:

Can I ask how much was the diesel at MarineTech?

and is it normal stuff rather than GTL?

it’s so easy to get into that I might start using it more often. 

I thought I’d asked when I went there for a pumpout, but can’t remember now if I did or not. 

I didn’t check the price before going.  We made a last minute decision to head south from Paddy’s Lane, so rather than go back to Sutton or Stalham, we diverted into South Walsham.

Not sure if it’s GTL, but 26 litres was £45, so about £1.73 per litre.  Not the cheapest, I know, but it saved a bit of time.

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1 hour ago, BroadAmbition said:

Tomorrow is Daughters much awaited day at last.

This has been in the planning stage for what like seems forever.

What came as a big shock was the amount they have spent on this affair, it's somewhat extravagant imho but hey ho, its their day, they are only doing it once and they can afford it so they tell me.   I have contributed of course as any doting Dad would do so if possible.  The event is costing more than our present house cost to buy - Mind you so did her engagement ring for that matter

My duties in order are:-

A walk down the aisle to 'Hand her over' - Might as well seeing as I'll be there and not doing owt else that day and we did get a proper invitation too

Brides Father speech - I've had this sorted for a good two months now, it has been vetted many times by MrsG under strict orders from the Bride.  - Then of course I will have the 'Real' speech ready to go too :default_norty:

Followed by Bride and Dad dance - Do I take it traditionally or break out into 'Dad Dancing'?

There will be around one hundred guests attending the ceremony with about one hundred and fifty for the evening 'Do'

Family and friends keep asking me if I'm nervous for tomorrow especially my speech - No, I'm not, not even a tad, what I am is ready in all respects

Got a telling off from my MrsG when she informed me that the mother of the Bride will be dressing the Bride on the morning of the event.  I stated that therefore it was only fair that the Father of the Bride should undress the mother of the Bride at the end of the day :default_eusa_naughty:





BA NBN 1295.jpg

Have a great day Charlie, Laureen and family 👍😀

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What a perfect day yesterday was.  Everything went to plan throughout with not one hitch, not even a tiny one.  We are gonna be on a high buzz for sometime after 'That Day'.  I kinda wish we could do it all again.

The wedding planner (A really professional nice lady) was delightfully bossy so everything was minute perfect from start to finish.  Some key moments:-

1)  I got ordered to wait outside the honeymoon suite by the bossy wedding planner at around 1300.  Then walked in with my eyes closed.  Upon receiving the instruction to open my eyes I was greeted by the sight of my daughter stood there looking radiant like a fairy-tale princess.  I held mysen together somehow, commented how lovely she looked and said that I had seen her looking a lot worse before now.  There was two photographers, videographer, wedding planner and Mum of t bride in the room with us

2) Next it was the turn of her Aunty Linda and Uncle Howard.  Howard (Bro') completely lost it.  He later remarked that it was ridiculous him being a trained killer (Which he was for a while in a past life) and couldn't even speak!

3)  Next the six bridesmaids came in together hands on shoulder with their eyes shut to meet the bride - Same reaction but some with tears of joy

4)  'The Walk' their three boys went in front of the Bridesmaids down the aisle (Outside venue) carrying signs in identical outfits, that performance rendered most of the congregation into tissue mode.  Then it was our turn.  I paused us both and said   'This is the last time we will walk together with you bearing the family name, lets take it slow and enjoy every step'   I was so proud I thought my heart would burst. 

5)   I had managed a quick private word with the registrar beforehand (unbeknown to my daughter) so when she asked asked   'Who gives this woman away'?   I turned to the congregation and said       'Well now, seeing as I'm here, not doing owt else today and I did get an invite - I do'     That surprise went down very well so I got away with it

6)  My speech without printing the whole lot off here, I was informed afterwards that it was well received, even got a standing ovation.  I did have one surprise for the Bride and Groom at the beginning of it:-

'Apparently it’s customary for the father of the bride to kick off the speeches so here goes.  I have prepared a small speech.  This speech has been vetted or should I say censored by my wife Laureen,  many times with strict instructions of what not to say from todays stunning bride - and here it is'

Then I proceeded to rip it up and throw it over my shoulder stating ' We won't be needing that'!

I did get one apt Dad joke in there -      'Today is an emotional day, Look even the wedding cake is in tiers' -    Had to be done

7)  My last duty was the Father n Bride dance.  We both had a surprise up our sleeve for this one.  We started with   'This Dance' by Scott Thomas (It's a tear jerker - See it on Youtube) then at a pre arranged time the DJ changed it over to Darude by Sandstorm where we waived at the guests to join us on the dancefloor - Magical


And that was that, we danced the night away.  The best man and the Grooms men made one big mistake though.  They insisted on inviting me to the bar to partake in consuming various 'Shots'   I dutifully informed them that they didn't want to get into any sort of drinking session with a sailor, particularly not this one but they wouldn't have it.  One by one they fell away so yet again I was the last man standing, and the state of them at this morning breakfast was as sight to behold - Well I did warn em :default_beerchug:

We now await the publication of the photo's and videos from said profeessionals.

It was a truly fantastic and emotional day.  I'm so glad we have a daughter




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A conversation was being had between granddad and dad about when 

the girls could have boyfriends. there'll be none of that until you're at least 25  said granddad. That's right isn't dad. said grandad

Quite right said dad. But dad you won't know  said Phoebe aged 3 Ought we be worried about the future we asked ourselves.


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Finished the update to the cockpit of the Shetland.

Removable, folding  cabin doors made and fitted last year,

New mega comfortable reclining helm and nav seats, as used by the RNLI. I did take the arm rests and seat belts of, seemed a bit of overkill for the Broads.

Cushions reupholstered in black fabric to match the helm seat, not my work.

New back rest pads in black to match

The mucky looking fabric wall lining replaced with white vinyl. That was a horrible job.

The carpets might get replaced, I fancy having a go at edge binding, something I learnt at 14 on a Saturday job but haven't done since.

The final finishing touch, the table and chessboard, went in today.




Edited by ExSurveyor
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2 minutes ago, ExSurveyor said:

New mega comfortable reclining helm and nav seats, as used by the RNLI. I did take the arm rests and seat belts of, seemed a bit of overkill for the Broads.

It looks beautiful. Amazing what an update does. 

Regarding that seat, I better not tell my son in law, he’s always moaning about my helm seat and if he knows you can get them with seatbelts, his risk averse nature will have me having to wear one😂

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They are a bit large really but very comfortable.

I managed to pick up the bases on Ebay, they were due to be used as high end bar stool bases but the order was cancelled due to Covid. £10 each, they had 100 in a container.

Fortunately the cabin is fine so no works there.

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Just on our way home.We went to the flower show ,at Sandringham. Brought lots of things.Weathrr was on our side.Food snd drink,reasonably priced. Well worth  a visit. Only for today sadly.We saw the King.Now to put the wallet into ICU.

Some photos..








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A few weeks back I reported to the county council that a one year road closure on a national cycleway had occurred, and that the traffic diversion posted was dangerous for cyclists to use as it was a busy road that narrows right down at one point (widening just where cyclists are required to do a right turn, and just where the cars following try and overtake) I recieved a response yesterday that an alternative route had been decided and that temporary divesion signage for the cycle way would be going up soon, the only problem is that one short section (about 100 ft) is through a pedestrianised high street so cyclists would need to dismount, not too much of a problem as its a very busy pedestrian area, and the route proposed is far safer than the posted diversion was, its great when the county council listen, and take action.

Why the builders who closed the road to cars cyclae and pedestrians for a year needed to do that I really dont know, they even closed the footpath just past the front doors of several houses leaving them facing a wooden fence about 2 foot from their houses (the pavements are narrow) enclosing another 6 foot of footpath, would have left the access open for pedestrians at least. 

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