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A Plea To Private Boat Owners


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Hi everyone. Wishing you a lovely season of boating and if the weather continues like this, we are in for a good one.

Can I just make a little plea - small business like ours spend all winter getting our shops at lovely mooring spots ready for the season. I know you come all armed and ready with your picnics and Pimms (beer & wine etc....I know you lot!), but can you call in to the local shops to have a look around and say hello, and may be buy at least an ice cream to support local businesses? Think of all those lovely places, like Womack and Ranworth. Please remember us!

Look forward to seeing you all soon!

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Ohhh, how I agree with that opening sentiment. Been there, got the T-Shirt etc.. Things were very different when people came by train but those days are long gone. What I now see as the biggest problem is moorings near shops and pubs being taken by people, generally private boats, who don't use those facilities. Why moor outside a pub if you don't intend to use it for example? To do so is discourteous to the traders relying on passing trade, it is also discourteous to those wishing to use the shops or pubs. Does it happen? You bet it does! 

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We rarely do that, as we don't really like those moorings much! However, we do support local business where we can... Last week, we took some provisions with us, but bought all of our fresh stuff (meat, eggs, veg etc ) at riverside shops - even at the higher prices ;)  

We also enjoy a walk in to places like Neatishead to visit the coffee shop and store... 

My one request is that the riverside traders don't unreasonably over price their goods... :)


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4 minutes ago, Broadsword said:


My one request is that the riverside traders don't unreasonably over price their goods... :)


No question that some traders have both damaged the long term Broads industry and their own reputation by their excessive charges, not least mooring charges.

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2 hours ago, Calderdesigns said:

Hi everyone. Wishing you a lovely season of boating and if the weather continues like this, we are in for a good one.

Can I just make a little plea - small business like ours spend all winter getting our shops at lovely mooring spots ready for the season. I know you come all armed and ready with your picnics and Pimms (beer & wine etc....I know you lot!), but can you call in to the local shops to have a look around and say hello, and may be buy at least an ice cream to support local businesses? Think of all those lovely places, like Womack and Ranworth. Please remember us!

Look forward to seeing you all soon!

Don't worry......Some of us private owners love to sample the local delights on offer:bow

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We went to Loddon over the weekend. Shortly after we moored on the staithe and worked out the puzzle that is the new electric posts another boat arrived I use the term " boat" loosely  It was the most ramshackle craft I've ever seen,  quite literally falling to bits held together by dirt I believe .At the h helm the dirtiest individual you could imagine, who prompt!y tried to sell us a battery for the boat. Within a few minutes he was joined by 4 more of the same. They sprawled about on the grass bank drinking beer, whisky, and smoking heaven knows what and proceeded to get louder and louder. The language they used while bawling and shouting at each other, very quickly caused the hire boats waters moored there with young  children  aboard to move off. It was truly appalling. By about 8.00pm 3 of them had gone off leaving the boat owner and the loudest and most obnoxious of his companions . They got on the boat and we then put on the  T.V so could no longer hear them.  Until first light the next day, when the racket started again. I cannot believe that this boat which showed no sign of registration has a valid boat test certificate . apparently this chap is a regular there , and someone who seemed to know him said it was he who was the live aboard whose boat caught fire at Pye mill. Why is this being allowed to happen it seems that BA is turning a blind eye? Why?





one of our favourite spots this weekend.

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Do I count as a private owner now that I have a caravan?! 

Have just had a lovely day out supporting local businesses. First the NWT at Hickling Broad Nature Reserve. Then a sandwich and drink in the Pleasure Boat Inn. Followed by coffee and cake at Bridgestones at Potter Heigham. 

I have a copy of a very useful leaflet called Eating out in the Broads and fully intend to work my way through as much of it as possible. :)

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Carole - can you give a description of the boat to a BA Ranger? That may be one way to find out if it is registered etc. I feel sure the boat/owner will be known to the BA and if they were causing a disturbance, that of course is a bye-law offence as Loddon staithe is a BA mooring. Worth a try I would have thought.

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1 hour ago, brundallNavy said:

I hope you bought it from the shop at Ludham :wave


I used to sell them, I had the shop at Burgh St Peter. We sold t-shirts when they were adorned with iron-on felt letters. T-Shirts with a boat's name on was a good little earner. The latest thing back in the 1970's!

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The BA will be getting a call from me Tuesday morningif they are turning a blind  eye to this character I shall be requiring an explanation and wanting to know how I can arrange for them to turn a blind eye to me when  the next Toll is due!  I thought the idea of the BSS was to protect boaters from the risks surrounding inadequately maintained craft I was very concerned for our safety with having this boat so close. I honestly can't work out  how it was even afloat never mind running!




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22 minutes ago, addicted said:

The BA will be getting a call from me Tuesday morningif they are turning a blind  eye to this character I shall be requiring an explanation and wanting to know how I can arrange for them to turn a blind eye to me when  the next Toll is due!  I thought the idea of the BSS was to protect boaters from the risks surrounding inadequately maintained craft I was very concerned for our safety with having this boat so close. I honestly can't work out  how it was even afloat never mind running!

Having worked with other liveaboards on the Broads from time to time, I can assure you that the BA do not turn a blind eye to whether or not they have a BSS. They will try to work with boat owners who're taking steps to be compliant, which I generally see as a good thing, but they will eventually take what action they can against boat owners (liveaboard or not) who try to ignore their legal obligations.

Having said that, remember that if I go to do a BSS examination on any boat, the only reason I can fail it is if it fails one or more of the required checks in the BSS. There is no check pertaining to what a boat looks like, or for the most part, for things like it's structural integrity. If all of the relevant parts pass the examination, it gets a pass. Once I've done the examination, I'm not even allowed to refuse to issue the pass if I haven't been paid (which is why some BSS examiners, although not me, will ask for payment in advance from some or all of their customers).

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The BA will be getting a call from me Tuesday morningif they are turning a blind  eye to this character I shall be requiring an explanation and wanting to knoow I can arrange for them to turn a blind eye to me when  the next oll is due



When you say the B A will eventually take action, that is worrying in itself, it infers an unsafe boat is given leeway, I suppose it' just ones bad luck to be  injured while tne owner is being given time to. comp!y I presume the BA allow continued use of the "unsafe" boat while they wait for the owner to get his act together. It wasn't just the appearance of this boat that caused my concern, the integrity of the boat looked to have been severely compromised it actually had lumps hanging off and "hastily filled-in holes in the hull, plus no sign of registration. When we first brought our boat to the Broads. I arranged and paid for the licence immediately ,however the paperwork didn't arrive in time for us to take our planned holiday, We were stopped by a ranger 3 times in the 1st 24 hours. This chap is a regular at Loddon apparently so how comes his boat has no sign of the required registation?  This is what has made me wonder if the BA is turning a blind 




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Well as I said, unless the structural integrity is compromised in an area that causes the boat to fail a BSS check (such as the gas locker, or the transom for an outboard-powered boat), then it will pass. If I examined a boat with a hole in the bottom big enough to climb through, I'd have to pass it unless there was a specific reason not to do so.

I don't think I've ever had to alert the BA directly to an immediately unsafe boat (such as one with a gas or petrol leak), but we do have a procedure to do so if necessary when we find one during an examination, and I'm confident, given my previous dealings with the BA, that they would take appropriate action in that case.

Not displaying registration numbers is a byelaw offence, but the lack of registration numbers does not mean that a boat does not have a BSS.

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Just now, addicted said:

The BA will be getting a call from me Tuesday morningif they are turning a blind  eye to this character I shall be requiring an explanation and wanting to knoow I can arrange for them to turn a blind eye to me when  the next oll is due



When you say the B A will eventually take action, that is worrying in itself, it infers an unsafe boat is given leeway, I suppose it' just ones bad luck to be  injured while tne owner is being given time to. comp!y I presume the BA allow continued use of the "unsafe" boat while they wait for the owner to get his act together. It wasn't just the appearance of this boat that caused my concern, the integrity of the boat looked to have been severely compromised it actually had lumps hanging off and "hastily filled-in holes in the hull, plus no sign of registration. When we first brought our boat to the Broads. I arranged and paid for the licence immediately ,however the paperwork didn't arrive in time for us to take our planned holiday, We were stopped by a ranger 3 times in the 1st 24 hours. This chap is a regular at Loddon apparently so how comes his boat has no sign of the required registation?  This is what has made me wonder if the BA is turning a blind 




Can I ask a question ? Why are you waiting until Tuesday to report this BA could have a ranger there tomorrow with broads beat if req .

And as already said BA are not turning a blind eye and what might not be pleasing to the eye may well be fully complaint BSS wise , and BSS as o see it is not solely for the protection of other boat owner's its for the protection of the owner as much as anything else .

Contact broads radio control tomorrow otherwise others have to put up with this and That's doing other boat owners an injustice + he could move making it harder for BA to find him .

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Just now, teadaemon said:

Well as I said, unless the structural integrity is compromised in an area that causes the boat to fail a BSS check (such as the gas locker, or the transom for an outboard-powered boat), then it will pass. If I examined a boat with a hole in the bottom big enough to climb through, I'd have to pass it unless there was a specific reason not to do so.

I don't think I've ever had to alert the BA directly to an immediately unsafe boat (such as one with a gas or petrol leak), but we do have a procedure to do so if necessary when we find one during an examination, and I'm confident, given my previous dealings with the BA, that they would take appropriate action in that case.

Not displaying registration numbers is a byelaw offence, but the lack of registration numbers does not mean that a boat does not have a BSS.

Exactly no reg is a bylaw offence , it needs reporting and not on here to BA .

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Loddon is being let down by these characters.  Nobody should need to suffer people laying about drinking and swearing in a public place its just not on.  

Boat fire and reports of intimidation at pyes mill it could all be connected. 

This I can only think is a downside of having constant cruisers.  

To be honest I reckon I would have moved on to, if only to ensure I wasnt moored up next to it when it eventually ends up on fire. 

Theres no excuse for the soap dodging either, I wonder if he availed himself of a nice warm shower in the refurbished toilet block! 

Just out of interest, how much did he want for the battery? :party:


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1 minute ago, dnks34 said:

Loddon is being let down by these characters.  Nobody should need to suffer people laying about drinking and swearing in a public place its just not on.  

Boat fire and reports of intimidation at pyes mill it could all be connected. 

This I can only think is a downside of having constant cruisers.  

To be honest I reckon I would have moved on to, if only to ensure I wasnt moored up next to it when it eventually ends up on fire. 

Theres no excuse for the soap dodging either, I wonder if he availed himself of a nice warm shower in the refurbished toilet block! 

Just out of interest, how much did he want for the battery? :party:


How is it that all those who live afloat always get grouped together with people who break the rules ???? , some of them have no intention at all with complying in anyway yet I and others are grouped together with them , how would anyone on here like to be grouped together with a group that they didn't particularly like just because its easier , its completely unfair to say that all are the same people are judging all those that live afloat on the actions of a minority and that's nothing short of disgusting :norty:

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