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Good morning and Hi everyone

I joined the forum late last year and have only just plucked up the courage to write my first post. Don't know why because you all seem a decent bunch. Anyway I started coming on the Broads when I was about 8 years old ( 40 years ago ) with my parents. I remember those holidays as some of the best ever. The feeling of being somewhere just totally different from the fast paced life we all lead in the towns and cities we live. Peace and quiet and back then the waiting for the TV picture to slowly get smaller and smaller on the black and white screen, if you could get a signal, told you it was time for bed unless you wanted to run the batteries flat and not be able to start the boat the following morning. 

Being able to drive a boat at that age is certainly got the heart racing especially when mooring in tight spots. I continued as a young lad to hire with my mates. Never got up to the antics of recently though. I remember hiring a boat from Horning Pleasurecraft in October 1987. I think it was Calypso. Yes the year of the hurricane. I, unfortunately could not make the holiday and nearly cancelled but my dad said he and mum would go instead. They were moored at the Berney Arms, always a favourite with my parents back then, when the hurricane struck. According to dad there were boats losing their tops but everyone helped each other out and the landlord of the pub came out hand helped secure what they could and took everyone into the pub out of harms way even though they had lost power. Both my parent said it was the best holiday they ever had on the broads ! . I miss that pub when I come down now. Always tried to pick the seat where the spider came down when you gave the landlord a nod. Such a shame how the place has ended up although I read that it may yet re open. Lets hope so and good luck to the new tennants. 

I then missed a few years in the late 80's and early 90's when I started a family but towards the end of the 90's the pull was too great and I just had to introduce my own kids to the Broads. We would always meet with a customer of mine on the Friday night  in the Ferry at Horning for a few pints and a good old catchup ready to return the boat the next day usually with a rather fuzzy head. Some of you may know Maurice Read who co owned R Thorpe fish merchants in Lowestoft. Sadly passed away a few years ago now. Always an absolute gentleman and with the laid back Suffolk approach to life. Nothing phased the guy.

I, again, missed a few years in the mid 00's until in 2007 we were flooded at home and had to vacate our home to have the kitchen fitted. Seemed a good idea to hire a boat for the week and let the tradesmen get on with it. We hired one of the Romany's from barnes as this had the washer and dishwasher and electric cooker etc etc and 240 volt power !. Never had 240 volt on a boat. Although this had to be powered by generator which was a little noisy and annoying having to spark it up to just boil the kettle or make toast. 

Until last year I haven't hired since 2010 so I thought it was now time to get back on the wagon and return to where my heart was. I brought my children from my second partner with me, 10,12 and 14 years old. We hired Broadsman from Richo's and what a surprise I had. In the few years I had missed the boats had got all up to date and techy. We were all amazed and the missus was over the moon to be able to use a hairdryer and straighteners ( as they do ). I wanted to give the kids the same experience as I had as a child so the day we took Broadsman back we boarded Crystal Gem for 3 days. All the memories cam flooding back and I'm sure the kids got sick of my stories and the countless times I told them that this was proper boating. I did, however, not miss the old gas heaters mounted on the wall and the single battery for domestic and engine. We had such a good time that on the last day I booked Glistening Horizon from Acle for a further three days to make our stay a full 2 weeks. What a boat and what a yard !!.  We all loved the boat so much i have it booked for May next year. I had caught the bug big time and we returned in May of this year with all 6 of my children and 1 grandchild. Best holiday any of us have ever had ! So much so that myself and the missus are returning late September this year on Swan Rapture for a week and we are now counting down the days and planning where best to go although I guess I should know better than to plan anything when on the Broads.

Sorry for such a long post but I could have gone on for a lot longer. Hope you all didn't get bored by the end.




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Cheers Guys and Gracie

I have been reading the forum for near on a year now. Such a wide range of topics discussed and I must say that the knowledge I have gained from you all has made for an easier time while afloat. 

Thanks for the welcomes





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Hello Glenn,

Welcome to the forum, I am so glad to hear that you benefited looking in on the sidelines and have now decided to take the plunge .

A great opening post on the forum. I look forward to more  posts and maybe a report of your forth coming next visit back to the Broads.



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Welcome Glenn and thanks for posting. Your story has parallels to mine (and no doubt to many others) who started out as a child when my parents hired (in the early 80s in my case) and the passion has stayed through adulthood. Like you I handed over the passion to my children  (now 22 and 17) who've been coming since they were babies. 

Yep Horizon were a great yard from whom I hired 4 times and it felt really strange this year to see all their boats mixed in with the Stalham fleet. Last year I hired Soprano and I also really like the low level dual steer design. 

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Thanks for posting Glenn.  Not too long at all...fortunately for me fellow forumites seems to like long posts!

A warm welcome to the forum from me too.  I too hovered for ages before posting.  Once you start it gets addictive!

best wishes,


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Thank you all so much for the warm welcome. Feel just that little but closer to the Broads.

Eight weeks and counting unless I can get down there on business before then. Usually come back from Lowestoft through Acle, always stop at the bridge inn for a half and a walk along the river, then on to Potter for cakes for the kids from Lathams and never miss an opportunity to have a stroll round Richardsons before a final stop at Wroxham then the drive back to Grimsby. 

Cant wait


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What a great introduction. :default_icon_wave:

You have definitely got the same bug that we all seem to be afflicted with round here. With such engaging writing I hope that you will share your holiday tales with us. :default_smile:

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