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Fuel Prices, Northern & Southern Broads


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Just now, webntweb said:

Brooms petrol was £1.55 on May 31st.

Petrol or diesel? I know Their diesel price has recently increased outrageously. 

Well they did say that their new focus was on the hire boats; so simply less of a fuel deposit refund for unsuspecting hirers..

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12 hours ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

Wow I was lucky I filled up at Brooms on the 28 May and was £1.23 a Lt bit of a jump to say the least.Not sure what Andy charges at Freedom?Any ideas?

Freedom no longer selling diesel as equipment is non compliant for retail sales. Also pump out is currently not working. 

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21 hours ago, Philosophical said:

Petrol or diesel? I know Their diesel price has recently increased outrageously. 

Well they did say that their new focus was on the hire boats; so simply less of a fuel deposit refund for unsuspecting hirers..

Petrol. Diesel is £1.25.

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2 hours ago, YorkshireAndy said:

Are we talking road diesel here ? Or has someone found a way round the European rules and it’s gone back to red diesel ?
If it’s road fuel then can you fill a car at any of these boatyards by any chance ?

Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app

It's red diesel.

These prices you lot are quoting seem very high for diesel.

We currently pay 75ppl here in Lincoln.

Might top the tank up before we come down next week.

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On 04/04/2018 at 19:11, ranworthbreeze said:

Old enough to remember it being 1 & 3 but that was in the mid sixties:default_norty:

4 pints a chips & fish with slight change from 10 bob.



I remember something in the 60s being one and three but it wasn't beer.

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5 hours ago, Stranger said:

boatyards use red diesel but theres a 40/60 split tax on it  heating / cruising i hope you arnt filling your road  tank up with red !! its £1 a litre at Boulters or it was a few weeks ago HERBERT WOODS is currently £1.20 A LITRE

No. We drive petrol cars :default_biggrin:

Red diesel for the boats (obviously) at our marina is 75ppl.

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7 hours ago, Cal said:

It's red diesel.

These prices you lot are quoting seem very high for diesel.

We currently pay 75ppl here in Lincoln.

Might top the tank up before we come down next week.

Diesel everywhere on the broads is more than around Lincoln.  

definitely a good idea to brim your tanks prior to coming here. 

Not sure if diesel is available in Southwold or not, or if its any cheaper. 

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