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Private Boat Hire Request


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Hello all, thank you for accepting me on the forum. Very excited about living in Norfolk and being so close to the broads. Just wondering if anybody has a boat that they would potentially hire out to myself and my partner this coming weekend? 15-17th feb 2019. We are looking to purchase a boat and would like to try it out as much as possible before taking the plunge! It seems this time of year a lot of the commercial boat hiring places aren’t yet open for business. Any info would be gratefully received! Best wishes Terri and Danny x

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Hi Terri and welcome to the forum. I feel it unlikely that anyone would be willing to hire a private boat out to you, I think our insurances would prohibit it. You may be lucky for someone to offer you a trip out with them in their boat - it’s a case of ‘watch this space’! 

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Yes, i think Vanessan has hit the nail on the head. That said, you could always try a phone call to Herbert Woods, as i believe they might hire through the winter months. You don`t say which type of boat you are looking to buy, traditional aft cockpit, centre cockpit, forward drive, or sports cruiser?. Herbert Woods will likely have a number of those i`ve mentioned, but make sure you tell them exactly what type of boat you want to hire, as i`ve heard all too often of people hiring a high top dual steer, and then complain when they can`t get under any of the low bridges, which again is something to think about when you wish take the plunge and buy your own. 

Also, think about where you will be doing your cruising, if you already have plenty of experience in boat handling, you may wish to moor it on the southern rivers with their stronger tides and greater range of tidal difference. If you are NOT experienced, then the much slower tides and lesser tidal difference of the north rivers would be more beneficial, which i would seriously recommend.

Some of the hire fleets have facebook pages, and often post up pages of how they are refurbing their fleet, Bridgecraft at Acle have, and they have already refurbed a number of their fleet and put them back in the water, so may be able to help.  Freedom Boating at Thorpe also do, but they are based on the River Yare on the south rivers, and have strong fast flowing tides, which as i`ve said, if inexperienced, may be rather daunting for you.

Anyway, have a think, and make a few phone calls, all you will hear is yes or no.

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16 minutes ago, SwanR said:

Welcome Terri! :default_icon_wave:

Apart from the boat, which I can't help you with, have you just moved house to Norfolk? Would be interested to know as I would love to make that move at some point.

Hello SwanR

i live in Reepham Danny in Cromer. Norfolk is a great county. I highly recommend living here. We’re looking to buy a river cruiser in the near future. Have you got a boat on the broads? 



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27 minutes ago, Paul said:

Oh thank you Paul. Some great options on their website. Will investigate!


Regards Terri

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2 hours ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

Yes, i think Vanessan has hit the nail on the head. That said, you could always try a phone call to Herbert Woods, as i believe they might hire through the winter months. You don`t say which type of boat you are looking to buy, traditional aft cockpit, centre cockpit, forward drive, or sports cruiser?. Herbert Woods will likely have a number of those i`ve mentioned, but make sure you tell them exactly what type of boat you want to hire, as i`ve heard all too often of people hiring a high top dual steer, and then complain when they can`t get under any of the low bridges, which again is something to think about when you wish take the plunge and buy your own. 

Also, think about where you will be doing your cruising, if you already have plenty of experience in boat handling, you may wish to moor it on the southern rivers with their stronger tides and greater range of tidal difference. If you are NOT experienced, then the much slower tides and lesser tidal difference of the north rivers would be more beneficial, which i would seriously recommend.

Some of the hire fleets have facebook pages, and often post up pages of how they are refurbing their fleet, Bridgecraft at Acle have, and they have already refurbed a number of their fleet and put them back in the water, so may be able to help.  Freedom Boating at Thorpe also do, but they are based on the River Yare on the south rivers, and have strong fast flowing tides, which as i`ve said, if inexperienced, may be rather daunting for you.

Anyway, have a think, and make a few phone calls, all you will hear is yes or no.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a comprehensive reply. Looks like we have lots of options but I think the best thing to do is get out on the water and mix with other boaters to get a taste of what would suit us best. And have lots of fun in the process hopefully. We’re after a river cruiser boat hopefully with an outboard engine and intend to moor up and boat from Stalham mostly around north and mid broads  


Thank you again



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I would also agree that looking round and trying as many boats as possible is a good move before committing to ownership.

There are many on here that have discovered that what they actually want and what they think they want are worlds apart. Buying the wrong boat could lead to a very shaky start for your maritime adventures.

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1 hour ago, TerriDew said:

Have you got a boat on the broads? 

We thought seriously about whether to buy a boat given how much we love the Broads and how many times we were hiring. But in the end, for various reasons, we bought a static caravan at Lowestoft. Gets us close to the Broads and there are lots of places to enjoy. It works for us and is a nice halfway between staying in Essex and actually moving.

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Warm welcome to the forum.  :) Yes, dont rush into buying otherwise you will end up joining the Buying Three Boats in a Year Club which a few of us are members of. Look at loads of different types of boat before deciding. 

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Welcome :12_slight_smile:

I can only echo all that has been said, in particular Lulu's comment but then I am the other founder member of the Three Boats in a Year Club! A lot depends on how much you will use your boat, your budget and any limiting physical factors (creaky knees in my case :12_slight_smile:

We moved to Norfolk last year, in our case because we retired, we have never looked back.. looking for your boat is part of the fun and just the beginning! 

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