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Broads Swim 2019 23rd June On River Waveney

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17 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

As it happens I disagree with swimming on The Broads because it sends conflicting signals as the official advice is Don't.

dnks34, I agree with the above point. I too disagree with events such as these taking place at such venues as these. My eyebrows were raised not at the event but the attitude implied at the marshals.

The comparison was purely in that marshals do their level best but are often thought of as little Hitlers.

What choice does a marshal have if his request is ignored.

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What concerns me personally that we as boaters, be yachtsmen, cruisers, small boats, canoes or kyaks all pay for our right to be on the  waterways, the same can be said for fishermen with their licences. 

This event used the resources of the Broads Authority and also Broads-beat, surely the organizers of the event should have been charged for these services?



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1 hour ago, ranworthbreeze said:

This event used the resources of the Broads Authority and also Broads-beat, surely the organizers of the event should have been charged for these services?

Good point. 

15 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

Were they not?

We don’t know do we? If they were charged, then surely those fees should find their way into the navigation account, that’s something that could be established at a later date from the financial accounts. Where there’s a will and all that. 

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6 minutes ago, Matt said:

The BA has a webpage dedicated to open water swimming if you want to have a read. There is even a link to the organisation who ran this event.


Sent from my iPhone using Norfolk Broads Network

I think they had to construct that rather hurriedly after last year’s inaugural swim in case things went pear-shaped with every Tom, Dick and Harry jumping in the water!

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If they are really intent on going all in for this Broads Swimming lark then why stop at the Waveney. Coltishall to St Bennets would be a tremendous location on any weekend during the season....... It just wouldn't happen would it!

Obviously the Broads Authority are in all support of this type of thing by linking it to the BA website so next time Im out on the river I will be donning my budgie smugglers and going for a dip, if I get Weils Disease or worse drown then we will know who to blame!

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Perhaps the marshals should have been marshalling the swimmers as much if not more so than the boats. Forcing a boat into the reeds to 'protect' the swimmers could have resulted in detritus around the prop or crud in the water cooling for example. We are not talking motor bikes screaming around the Isle of Man, we are talking a degree of compromise (perhaps) whilst boaters go about their legal right to navigate a tidal water on the Broads at five or six miles an hour. A commercial entity has moved in, uninvited, and taken over. 

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53 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Perhaps the marshals should have been marshalling the swimmers as much if not more so than the boats. Forcing a boat into the reeds to 'protect' the swimmers could have resulted in detritus around the prop or crud in the water cooling for example. We are not talking motor bikes screaming around the Isle of Man, we are talking a degree of compromise (perhaps) whilst boaters go about their legal right to navigate a tidal water on the Broads at five or six miles an hour. A commercial entity has moved in, uninvited, and taken over. 

Gosh Peter, you are making out like they are " The Gentlemen Adventurers" ( Venture Capitalists ) the Fourth Earl of Bedford and Cornelius Vermuyden in The Fens. I don't think they have "Taken Over".

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5 minutes ago, batrabill said:

Pope revealed as Catholic.

Can you guaruntee that?

It's not a big deal folks, just motor on by slowly, with a smile and a wave, and perhaps a little friendly encouragement, like "work harder and next year you'll be able to afford a boat"

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17 minutes ago, batrabill said:

NBN comes out against swimming event - again.

Not the view of the NBN, just views of individual posters who are happy to share. We are happy for others to share opposing views as some have. The key part is that the NBN is happy to see different points of view and have them debated in a mature and non confrontational way.

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51 minutes ago, Paul said:

Can you guaruntee that?

It's not a big deal folks, just motor on by slowly, with a smile and a wave, and perhaps a little friendly encouragement, like "work harder and next year you'll be able to afford a boat"

I think exactly the same way about cyclists!!! 

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20 minutes ago, dnks34 said:

I think exactly the same way about cyclists!!! 

Same here, I adapted it. I keep telling my mate who cycles everywhere to work harder and he'll be able to afford a car. He's a deputy assistant director of administration or some such for an NHS trust and earns about 200k a year. 

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1 hour ago, Paul said:

Same here, I adapted it. I keep telling my mate who cycles everywhere to work harder and he'll be able to afford a car. He's a deputy assistant director of administration or some such for an NHS trust and earns about 200k a year. 

Deputy Assistant Director, third level in the food chain. 200k, the NHS certainly know how to pay themselves and then they tell us the current government (of whatever hue) keep them short of money!

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46 minutes ago, keifsmate said:

Deputy Assistant Director, third level in the food chain. 200k, the NHS certainly know how to pay themselves and then they tell us the current government (of whatever hue) keep them short of money!

Nobody employed in the cash strapped public service sector should be paid such an amount, its obscene. 


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9 hours ago, Paul said:

Can you guaruntee that?

It's not a big deal folks, just motor on by slowly, with a smile and a wave, and perhaps a little friendly encouragement, like "work harder and next year you'll be able to afford a boat"

If I read Vaughn's comments correctly then boats were not always allowed to motor on by and there lies the problem. Photos very clearly show that swimmers were monopolizing the full width of the river and comments suggest that the 24 hour moorings were also taken over. 

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10 hours ago, ChrisB said:

Gosh Peter, you are making out like they are " The Gentlemen Adventurers" ( Venture Capitalists ) the Fourth Earl of Bedford and Cornelius Vermuyden in The Fens. I don't think they have "Taken Over".

Not often that we disagree, Chris, but for once we do!

Sailing clubs have been criticised by some for taking over the river but, at least in principle, they ask for co-operation from other users. Judging by Vaughan's comments, and he was there, swim marshalls were demanding co-operation. On the scale of last year's swim not a problem but in one year the event has mushroomed, not just in competitor numbers but also in support craft. Where to next year? 

Hardly venture capitalists but nevertheless still a commercial undertaking. What next? 

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18 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Not often that we disagree, Chris, but for once we do!

Sailing clubs have been criticised by some for taking over the river but, at least in principle, they ask for co-operation from other users. Judging by Vaughan's comments, and he was there, swim marshalls were demanding co-operation. On the scale of last year's swim not a problem but in one year the event has mushroomed, not just in competitor numbers but also in support craft. Where to next year? 

Hardly venture capitalists but nevertheless still a commercial undertaking. What next? 

WHAT NEXT? you ask,

Well you have to look forward Peter. I rather fancy these driverless ski boats. We have the 3RR for sail..What about the 3RR for Power Solo Skiing using the following as a one design.

Potter Bridge would become as famous as the chicane on the Mulsanne Straight as they race to be first through "the hole" .

I can see it becoming a huge event with television rights worth millions and worldwide participation. 

The new building at Acle will naturally be race HQ 





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Chris, you never know! In the past the Broads community has given inches only for the proverbial yards to be taken. It does seem to me that 'down South' we get lumbered with what would be deemed as unsuitable on the North Rivers.  For example Dragon Boat racing came to Oulton Broad and actually it's great fun and works well, but it almost went sour. The BA inevitably wanted to close the Broad whilst races took place. A blockade by private boats was threatened before the BA conceded that the right of navigation held precedence.  

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7 hours ago, dnks34 said:

Nobody employed in the cash strapped public service sector should be paid such an amount, its obscene. 

It's not as cash strapped as they like to make you think, they just spend too much money in the wrong places, most major hospitals  spend about as much on management and administration as they do on making people better. It's not unique to the NHS.You'll find exactly the same in every local council office, Police force, Armed service etc. Remove the wastage and corruption and we'd have enough GP's, Police Officers, Hospital Beds et al.

Remember Yes Minister? Jim Hacker's economy drive, supported by Sir Humphrey with a whole new section, 500 extra civil servants to work out how to save money ......

It's not all the hospital or trusts fault. They are mired in so much legislation and regulation with such massive liability risks these days that they have to not only spend huge amounts of money on compliance control and such things but be seen to be doing so that if and when something does go wrong they can justifiably claim "reasonable precautions".

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Nobody (in their right mind) would do a good job if doing so made themselves redundant. It follows therefore that internal investigations on waste and spending will never achieve the best results.

I often wonder (in my own naïve little world) if an independent business could be set up which looks into company costs, charging a percentage of savings made. For "Company" read NHS Police etc. etc.

I still believe(in spite of Martins best efforts to convince me otherwise) that to get good people into the top management positions of the public sector, competitive rates of pay have to be offered,  why else would people apply to get such a position if they could earn more in the private sector.

9 hours ago, keifsmate said:

Deputy Assistant Director, third level in the food chain. 200k, the NHS certainly know how to pay themselves and then they tell us the current government (of whatever hue) keep them short of money!

Can't disagree with that.

PS, I would make "Yes Minister" compulsory viewing in schools. 

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11 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

I still believe(in spite of Martins best efforts to convince me otherwise) that to get good people into the top management positions of the public sector, competitive rates of pay have to be offered,  why else would people apply to get such a position if they could earn more in the private sector.

Agree with that, pay peanuts and get .............. comes to mind.

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