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Acle B.N.P.


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Correct but that alters not one jot that NATIONAL PARK is a world wide recognisable brand and can only aid the promotion.

I am getting a bit fed up with the way this forum has been hijacked by a few people who seem to have some sort of vendetta with the CEO of the authority.

Not long ago the only point of conflict was, when casting off did you pull a halyard or turn a key. It trully was a friendly place of like minded people. Not now, and folk will start to wander off.

I am not going to ask Grendel to take me off the list of members because of the 50 posts rule, so I shall take a holiday, frankly there are more important things than road signs.

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31 minutes ago, ChrisB said:

Possibly because "National Park" as defined by the International Union for the conservation of Nature, as we have been made aware on numerous occasions, is a brand used by very nearly 100 countries and recognised for what they are in many more worldwide.

Good marketing practice, feed them " A Known and Trusted Brand"

The last sentence was added after I had replied to the original post, so I will add, feeding them  a counterfeit of a 'known and trusted brand' may be good practice if you are running a Far Eastern 'knock-off' business, but it hardly inspires confidence.

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2 minutes ago, Paladin said:

I had seen that post, but he was reacting to a post which had a big grinning smiley attached to it, so hardly anything to get upset about, I would have thought. But he'll be a loss to the forum, if that is the case.

I have been in contact with Vaughan. I can confirm that he has left the forum. We have lost a valuable and important member. To be clear, he is a friend, we lived in the same village. We both came from boat yards, boat families, Hearts Cruisers, and Jenners, of Thorpe St Andrew. 

We did not always agree, but never, ever fell out over it. It is called respect and consideration. 

Perhaps one of our most important of the TOS


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1 hour ago, Paladin said:

Has anyone heard of the Interreg Experience? No, nor had I, but I've found this information.

It seems that the EU is providing more than £21 million, over 4 years, to boost the numbers of French tourists coming to the south of England, during the off-peak season (October – March). Norfolk County Council is leading the project in the UK. This is what they say about it.

I assume that this EU support will cease at the end of this month?

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we are looking at the latest posts area to see if there is an easy way to allow users to ignore sections like speakers corner, at the moment you can achieve it in the parameters for the latest posts by following all the sections you wish to see and then click the only show the areas i am following, I understand that more detailed instructions how to do this are in the process of being drafted.

its all available in the section illustrated below

unread content.JPG

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Lets be honest shall we? Speakers corner was created because of a perception that people were getting tired of the bickering/sloganeering was it not?

Hasn't really solved the problem has it??

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21 minutes ago, batrabill said:

Lets be honest shall we? Speakers corner was created because of a perception that people were getting tired of the bickering/sloganeering was it not?

Hasn't really solved the problem has it??

Answers quite simple really if you don't like a thread don't read it don't respond to it, so long as there is no breach of the TOS what`s the problem.


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22 minutes ago, batrabill said:

Lets be honest shall we? Speakers corner was created because of a perception that people were getting tired of the bickering/sloganeering was it not?

Hasn't really solved the problem has it??

This is what was written when Speakers' Corner was set up:

"This section of the forum is dedicated to the open discussion and debate of subjects relating to the present and future stewardship of the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads. This area has been specifically set up to enable moderation of these threads to be simpler, quicker and fair to all participants and to provide better access to the important information the threads contain. In order to facilitate these changes please note the additional guidance for posting in this section...

Moderators will adhere strictly to the NBN Terms of Service (ToS) with the following additions...

General Guidance For Posting

Keep it civil.

Keep it factual."

I haven't noticed the moderators stepping in much to separate any bickering members. I don't read threads in which I have no interest, but I do have a keen interest in the Broads and its management. I do my utmost to keep it civil and, just as importantly, factual.


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We should not be encouraging people to blank certain topics.  The heading of the section should be sufficient to encourage our members to visit that particular subject or ignore it. We should not have to jump through hoops to achieve our individual preferences. 

"Knitting on your boat", would not entice my attention. I simply would not visit. The many rivers of Norwich and their tributaries would. (You can see the passage of one albeit in tiles in the centre of Norwich)

We have a very small number of Bellweathers on this forum. Knowledgeable people, articulate. I enjoy their contributions very much, I enjoy their banter and their ability state their views so easily and quickly. What I am fearful of is the the way in which they tend to monopolise a subject............endlessly.

But tell me. Out of all our members, indeed out of all our visitors and I would dearly like to know how many, and I believe that they are known, why are so few people contributing?

Take Davos, climate change. Is this not important? Does it not effect the Broads. How about Sandford by default.......lack of dredging, boats designed to be Yare boats or Bure boats basically. They cannot go anywhere else. How does this effect the economy, the lack of investment indeed the decline of othe areas of the broads. Health and Safety on the Broads. Pollution on the Broads. I am given to understand from MM (not that one the other one) that bookings were down last year..........why?

WHY are these matters not being discussed. What should we be trying to achieve and what could we achieve to broaden (do you like that) our overall position in the Norfolk Broads and influence of those in "Authority"  that we do have a concern

Old Wussername 


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1 hour ago, Wussername said:

I have been in contact with Vaughan. I can confirm that he has left the forum. We have lost a valuable and important member. To be clear, he is a friend, we lived in the same village. We both came from boat yards, boat families, Hearts Cruisers, and Jenners, of Thorpe St Andrew. 

We did not always agree, but never, ever fell out over it. It is called respect and consideration. 

Perhaps one of our most important of the TOS


I want to ‘like’ ‘sad’ and ‘thanks’ that post but I can’t do all three! Which is most important? I’m really not sure but probably the ‘sad’ reaction comes out top. We have indeed lost a very knowledgeable and interesting member from the forum and I do hope Vaughan will reconsider. 

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3 minutes ago, vanessan said:

I want to ‘like’ ‘sad’ and ‘thanks’ that post but I can’t do all three! Which is most important? I’m really not sure but probably the ‘sad’ reaction comes out top. We have indeed lost a very knowledgeable and interesting member from the forum and I do hope Vaughan will reconsider. 

ChrisB has also stated that he is somewhat disillusioned with the forum and will be giving it a "rest".

We cannot afford to haemorrhage these valuable contributers. 

The issue needs to be addressed. But having said that I have no idea as to how we go about it. 

Old Wussername 

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42 minutes ago, Wussername said:

ChrisB has also stated that he is somewhat disillusioned with the forum and will be giving it a "rest".

We cannot afford to haemorrhage these valuable contributers. 

The issue needs to be addressed. But having said that I have no idea as to how we go about it. 

Old Wussername 

There is no easy answer, as someone once said you can please some of the people some of the time you can't please all of the people all of the time, I choose what interests me and ignore what doesn't not just here but in all forms of media.


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Well, you mostly know my view - this is the result of just a few, dominating most of the topics related to the BA and their determination to take them to take them to task over, what they see as, really important issues!!  But as has now materialised this constant ranting over not a lot, has led to a schism that will be hard to heal - I await with interest to see if indeed this will prove to be the beginning of the end of this Forum. Will it go the way of its predecessor?  Time will tell but those individuals would do well to remember to learn what is really important and what is not.

I am sure even this post will be taken apart and criticised, but how refreshing to see others commenting on the trend that has developed, and now seen to be to the detriment of this Forum.



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2 hours ago, Wussername said:

The issue needs to be addressed. But having said that I have no idea as to how we go about it. 

There are those amongst us with a passion, there are those amongst us who appear to enjoy a spot of trouble making. No names, no point, it's the nature of forums, whether it be crocheting or whether it be the Broads. 

I can't abide one particular unfunny comedian  so I avoid programs in which she's involved, doesn't stop we watching TV though!

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Chris B and Vaughan both are a loss. 
I fail to see what is gained here or in the general life of The Broads by obsessively ranting against the BA’s leadership.

I know there is a problem re. National Park but the answer does not lie here in any meaningful way.

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2 hours ago, Polly said:

Chris B and Vaughan both are a loss. 
I fail to see what is gained here or in the general life of The Broads by obsessively ranting against the BA’s leadership.

I know there is a problem re. National Park but the answer does not lie here in any meaningful way.

To me I don't see it as ranting I see it as people who are not prepared to be Hoodwinked into the national park fiasco and it definitely is that a fiasco .

Now last time I looked this was classed as a discussion forum and that's what's taking place , as long as members are civil and don't break TOS then what's possibly wrong with it , sure there will be those that believe both sides of the issue but given that it remains discussed in s reasonable manner I see nothing wrong with rasing issue that people are passionate about .

While it's seriously not good to lose 2 knowledge members a forum is built around all it's membership , I'm really not sure that either member would appreciate being placed on a pedestal knowledgeable folk tend to not like that sort of thing , while I know neither member personally That's just my take on it nothing else .

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7 hours ago, Polly said:

Chris B and Vaughan both are a loss. 
I fail to see what is gained here or in the general life of The Broads by obsessively ranting against the BA’s leadership.

I know there is a problem re. National Park but the answer does not lie here in any meaningful way.

Like D46 I don't see any ranting just debate, as for the 2 members that are a loss I believe Vaughan went because of the potential stifling of moving threads behind close doors not the discussion itself which he was an active participant in, Chris B has chosen to take a break not a problem either.


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17 hours ago, Wussername said:

I have been in contact with Vaughan. I can confirm that he has left the forum. We have lost a valuable and important member. To be clear, he is a friend, we lived in the same village. We both came from boat yards, boat families, Hearts Cruisers, and Jenners, of Thorpe St Andrew. 

We did not always agree, but never, ever fell out over it. It is called respect and consideration. 

Perhaps one of our most important of the TOS


I totally agree. I for one have learned a lot from Vaughan, especially his post about the history of the Broads, and those that live and work on and around them. I feel very sad that he feels he's (possibly) been driven out, especially by a a minor few. I hope his membership HAS'NT been cancelled, and that he will think about those who respect him and his knowledge, and he will come back in the near future. 

Thanks Vaughan, and please come back soon. 

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It's somewhat ironic that Vaughan left after a moderator's reminder to keep to the topic, which he seems to have taken personally. Yet this thread has moved from a discussion about the original topic, BNP road signs at Acle, to an introspective debate about relationships between members, without a hint of moderation. Perhaps a new thread on the latter topic could be started, the relevent posts moved to it from this thread, and the new thread put into the members' area, where such matters usually end up.

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