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We had a family meet up yesterday, using Zoom. It was great, and will definitely be doing it again.
Thoroughly reccomend it for those suffering Grandchild withdrawl .

It does help a liitle if like us of advanced years you have a 'tech savvy' grandson :default_biggrin:

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I am missing grandchildren as much as the boat :default_biggrin:

One pair live around the corner and we see them every other day when they go for a walk, the other two are about a mile away but we see them from the road when we drop food off once a week.


Over Easter we did a zoom cooking session with them all, they loved it as they could see their Nana and Grandad as  well as each other.IMG-20200411-WA0010.thumb.jpg.f1e8a1d1c9314b9ca3099707f8af24fd.jpg



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Working from home,  the three of us in the team have daily Zoom meetings and it works a treat.  Our respective hounds often make an appearance. 

This week myself and four friends used Zoom to have a good old gossip for over an hour. It was lovely to see everyone and we are going to make it a regular event. We are probably going to do a quiz too. It was great nosing around each others houses and criticising the state of our hair :default_biggrin:

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8 minutes ago, floydraser said:

But my son refuses to tell me how to change the background for fear of me crashing the technology!

Google is my friend ...

  • In the Zoom app, click your profile in the top right corner, and click Settings.
  • On the menu to the left, click Virtual Background.
  • You'll see a few default background options provided by Zoom, including an outer space scene or blades of grass.

We're using Teams at work - Zoom is strictly forbidden. Slightly ridiculous given that we were given access to some sessions around mental health and general wellbeing by one of my company's HR partners and, yes, you guessed it, you have to use Zoom to access them!! So I haven't been able to get onto those calls!

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Porn drop-in sounds good to me :-) but being serious we use Zoom For our committee meetings normally about 12 to 14 people on at a time, and normally the sessions last for about an hour, and depending on how you set the controls I prefer gallery view where you see everybody and the person speaking is highlighted, or you can choose to highlight just the speaker which means when somebody opens their mouth they fill the whole screen scary or what, anyway found the programme very good I realise there are others but for the time being I'm sticking with zoom

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Committee meetings sounds good to me :-) but being serious I use Zoom For the porn drop-ins. Normally about 12 to 14 people on at a time, and normally the sessions last for about an hour, and depending on how you set the controls. I prefer gallery view where you see everybody and the person speaking is highlighted, or you can choose to highlight just the speaker which means when somebody opens their mouth they fill the whole screen scary or what, anyway found the programme very good I realise there are others but for the time being I'm sticking with zoom. 


Sorry Eddy, just couldn't resist it.

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We've used Zoom for a family quiz at Easter, work colleague chats every Monday afternoon, and a committee meeting on Wednesday although taking minutes was harder!  But failed this morning to join in with a sailing related chat - not sure what went wrong but hey ho there will be another one.

So all in all a good format - we did find though that you need to place the laptop near to where the Wifi thing me gig is though - to get the strongest signal.


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We had a wonderful "wine and chat" evening with our 2 daughters and partners via Zoom last night. We haven't all been together since Christmas and have been missing them like anything.  As I am new to Zoom, they waived their normal 40 minute limit on a call involving 3+ people. We started at 9pm and were having so much fun that we didn't finish until 10.40 when our youngest has to be in bed, as she has an early start with our 17 month-old grandson.  The sound and picture quality was fantastic and we will be doing it again next week. If some spotty hacker drops a porn video into the conversation it will, I am sure, cause huge amusement. 

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Please, please keep your virus software up to date and scan regularly. We used Zoom just the once on a meticulously clean machine (mine) on which I ran the virus scans before the Zoom session and immediately after the session. We thoroughly enjoyed the Zoom session and felt so much better for seeing loved ones. I didn't enjoy the three hours it took to clean the machine afterwards. Some three hundred plus nasties including a keylogger.

We now use an old 'junker' laptop which is used for nothing else but Zoom on a separate wifi account and router.

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A group of our boaty friends and us have a weekly drink at "The Stay Inn" on either Zoom or Messenger. 


It wastes a few hours and keeps us all in touch with each other. We have been doing it since the start of lock down. It was quiz night last week.

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We had a virtual cocktail party with the boat club last week. I set it up but I used "Skype Meet Now" rather than Zoom. It does the same thing but it has the advantages that it is free, there are no time limits, users don't have to download anything and they don't need a skype account.

It worked quite well and we had a quiz and a chat for a couple of hours although it is a bit chaotic with so many on the call at once.

I have also got a Zoom account and I can say that it has not (so far) added any PUPs or keyloggers.

Nigel, Ludham

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My employer sent out a message warning staff not to use Zoom for any official business, as it’s not secure, so I’ve decided not to participate in Zoom based social gatherings. Bit of a shame really, but that’s my choice.

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