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Could We Talk About The Broads Please?


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I've been feeling somewhat disillusioned with the forum of late because it seems currently, the volume of discussion about subjects nothing to do with the Broads far outweighs discussion to do with it. As I write this, I can see 10 discussions in the "Latest Posts" section, of which only 1 is Broads-related (the one about the launch for sale). This is a plea to cheer us all up with talk and photos of anything you like, as long as it relates to that glorious watery playground we all love. 

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I'm a bit inclined to agree with Simon. I know the current situation is critical and we are in unprecedented times and obviously folks want to discuss it. Trouble is of course political discussion tends to raise hackles as we all have different views and I've noticed a bit of discord here and there. There is an old pub saying - don't talk about politics or religion (or statues). :default_norty:

I've posted very little in recent weeks because I don't want to get embroiled in politics and secondly as Simon says (isn't that a song) I look down the topics and don't feel I really want to get involved. My choice I suppose. 

Very few of us are actually getting out on the water (I was booked to be out this week) so that probably restricts discussion. Having said that only a few fools venture out in winter :default_biggrin:  but the topics still keep fairly Broads related. 

I apologise to all the folk who have contributed to hundreds of posts going on at the moment even though some seem to go in ever decreasing circles. 

Don't take too much notice of me though, I'm just suffering from pub withdrawal symptoms  :default_crying1animated: 

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Having said that only a few fools venture out in winter

That's me, regular fool out during the winter each and every one of em since 07.  Last time afloat was in February this year during those two horrendous winds / storms, got caught in both of em. (Did a write up on the 'B.A' crewed up and underway thread)  Oh how I wish now I could relive it, storms or not.

I too am suffering from pub withdrawal symptoms, and not being afloat symptoms too.  At least I am now working / Tiger riding and Shooting again


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"Winging it" only just made it home before it froze solid. we thought the day would warm up so did not hurry, had a cup of tea etc. But we soon knew it was actually getting colder.



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the problem as I see it is that over winter the cabin fever is slow to set in, fewer people are out and about and as january comes round the topics start the slow digress away from the broads, until about march when suddenly there is an influx of new posts and pictures as people get back to the boats and out on the brads again. well we all know what happened in march, lockdown and suddenly the winter off season has extended by 3 months with no input from holiday tales or news from those out and about, so the normal winter subject divergance has continued, and now centres on the only news coming in to most households, and a depressing lot of news that is too.

so please anyone who is able to get out there and do day trips, we need lots of pictures and plenty of holiday tales, no matter how boring so we can get our fix of the broads and normality can stand a chance of returning.

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I would  love to talk about the broads. In a normal year we would  have been on the boat about  three times by now. We a re held tight in this madness at present and it is hard to think of anything  else .

This dreadful  virus has hit us all,in a way I've never seen anything  like before.For me .With my condition  if I get it I may die,simple as that. I've only just  started to leave the house,all be it once a day,but still not allowed to go shopping or anywhere else apart from a walk each day.I face the real possibility of being  out of a job also.What is driving me on,during lockdown we have tidied the house and I've been re painting rooms.Hopefully we will more to Norfolk next year,hopefully before summer ends we will get up to the boat.




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I agree Simon but once you get replying thats it. One reason I stopped using facebook, much too easy to get embroiled.

So back to the Broads. Memories of waiting for the postman to see if he had that brochure you asked for weeks ago.....and then it arrives!

Blakes envelop dated 29 Jan 1951.


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10 hours ago, Broads01 said:

I've been feeling somewhat disillusioned with the forum of late because it seems currently, the volume of discussion about subjects nothing to do with the Broads far outweighs discussion to do with it. As I write this, I can see 10 discussions in the "Latest Posts" section, of which only 1 is Broads-related (the one about the launch for sale). This is a plea to cheer us all up with talk and photos of anything you like, as long as it relates to that glorious watery playground we all love. 

Well said Simon

9 hours ago, NorfolkNog said:

I'm a bit inclined to agree with Simon. I know the current situation is critical and we are in unprecedented times and obviously folks want to discuss it. Trouble is of course political discussion tends to raise hackles as we all have different views and I've noticed a bit of discord here and there. There is an old pub saying - don't talk about politics or religion (or statues). :default_norty:

I've posted very little in recent weeks because I don't want to get embroiled in politics and secondly as Simon says (isn't that a song) I look down the topics and don't feel I really want to get involved. My choice I suppose. 

Very few of us are actually getting out on the water (I was booked to be out this week) so that probably restricts discussion. Having said that only a few fools venture out in winter :default_biggrin:  but the topics still keep fairly Broads related. 

I apologise to all the folk who have contributed to hundreds of posts going on at the moment even though some seem to go in ever decreasing circles. 

Don't take too much notice of me though, I'm just suffering from pub withdrawal symptoms  :default_crying1animated: 

And you, too Howard.

Unfortunately, even I have become somewhat disillusioned with the heated debates about Covid-19, tolls and even the BA, even though I have been compelled to have my two pennorth on occasion.  
It is noticeable that some regular contributors have been absent over the past few weeks, (Swan R, Yyns Mon, Jayfire and Speedtriple to name a few) which may be down to the direction the topics have taken of late.  I hope they are all well and that they will feel able to rejoin our conversations again soon.

I will have some more to add to my Norfolk Lady thread to bore you with over the next couple of days, but in the meantime, let’s hope that we can return to happier, less confrontational topics and concentrate on our beloved Broads.

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9 hours ago, BroadAmbition said:

Having said that only a few fools venture out in winter

That's me, regular fool out during the winter each and every one of em since 07.  Last time afloat was in February this year during those two horrendous winds / storms, got caught in both of em. (Did a write up on the 'B.A' crewed up and underway thread)  Oh how I wish now I could relive it, storms or not.

I too am suffering from pub withdrawal symptoms, and not being afloat symptoms too.  At least I am now working / Tiger riding and Shooting again


Carefull griff, Tiger riding and shooting, all sounds a bit Colonianist to me!

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15 hours ago, Broads01 said:

I've been feeling somewhat disillusioned with the forum of late because it seems currently, the volume of discussion about subjects nothing to do with the Broads far outweighs discussion to do with it.

I agree wholeheartedly and have been taking a break from being online so much. Whilst the topics have been inevitable to a certain degree, and we do have non-Broads chat areas, it does feel to me that it's time that we should all try to get this forum back to what we all come here for. I have no interest in any of the other topics around current political and contentious situations. Let's all see what we can find to post that is Broads related in some way.


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