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Could We Talk About The Broads Please?


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Hi everyone. This is an excellent thread. Thanks for posting it Simon.

I’ve been dipping Into the forum every day or so but, as others have mentioned, haven’t seen much that I’ve wanted to engage with recently. Hopefully, if we are allowed back on the Broads in July some holiday tales might start appearing.

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The newly reglazed and refurbished  window was reinstalled the week following my last update on the Norfolk Lady Tales thread, almost bringing to a conclusion the list of work recommended by the surveyor last year when we bought her.  So for the last two weekends we have made the trip from Northampton to Brundall to spend a day on the boat.  The weather the weekend before last was stunning, but last weekend was dramatically different with a mixture of sunshine and sharp, heavy showers.  
We made the journey again this morning and arrived to a grey, gloomy sky, however it wasn’t long before the sun broke through the cloud and we have enjoyed unbroken sunshine since.  Just hoping that we will be able to stay overnight soon, so we can spend the time that had been planned for a week in Cornwall, now cancelled, on the rivers.

In the meantime, here are a few shots from my phone.  If Neil (Speedtriple) happens to read this, Langley Dyke remains an awful mooring.  Really don’t know why we come here😉😉😁😁!!







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Some interesting replies and photos, and it's nice to know there's some who agree with me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't talk about political issues that affect the Broads, of which the dreaded virus is one of course. Neither am I saying debates about important issues like whether statues should be removed aren't important, I'm just saying they're not for this forum. 

Yes, of course, when we're able to return to more 'normal' boating there'll be more to write about. I'm sure, however, there's no shortage of boaty stuff to talk about in the mean time. 

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Normally I sail all year round, and would have sailing to report.   However the my sailing friend for the winter,  who owns the boat.  Met the front of a tractor having come off his motorbike last year,   Neither his or the tractor drivers fault.  However he spent nearly 3 months in hospital and since before lock down has been waiting for another operation. So no sailing last winter. 

And for the last few years,  I've not sailed in the summer as I'm rebuilding my sailing boat. The virus means I have spent more time working on the boat. 

A photo of better times.  We're in 103 about to take the long way round the buoy... 


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I rather treat this forum like my local pub. Yes I talk about beer etc. but other things too. The Broadscot lounge is the primary place for non broads issues, and lets face it, it's damned good in there. 

Often there are non broads subjects that are not contentious in any way, the birth of a grandchild for example. these are pleasant to read and are not complained about. What I think is getting you is where there are differing viewpoints and occasionally the debate gets a bit too heated. Again I think of the pub. It happens there too.

There is no damage done no physical harm (not in the pubs I go in) perhaps voices can be raised, but the landlord (call him the pub moderator) keeps us within acceptable bounds.

Whilst the pubs are closed, this forum is providing a brilliant service, not what everybody wants granted, but these less than happy subjects seem to  receive sufficient posts to indicate that I'm not the only one who needs this outlet.

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2 hours ago, MauriceMynah said:

What I think is getting you is where there are differing viewpoints and occasionally the debate gets a bit too heated.

No, that's not it. There's nothing wrong with non-Broads subjects per se and I get the "Broadscot Lounge" thing even though it doesn't interest me very often. What's getting me is the disproportionate dominance of non-Broads subjects versus Broads ones.

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I'm sure I'm not the only one to understand your concern but I am equally sure I'm not the only one who thinks the situation will change radically when we can all get back on the water.

At the moment we are living on occasional photos of day trips (At last) of the few members who can remember how to work a steering wheel/tiller in one hand and a camera in the other. Surely it will come back with practice.  :607_camera:

In the meantime I commend to members the re-published video memoirs of Dave Witworth in 10 to 15 minute segments, whose sartorial choices are a joy to behold. Latterly he has taken to interposing himself onto the bow of whatever boat he is on in the last couple of minutes, wearing shorts like I haven't seen since my parents took me to see the clowns in travelling circuses all those years ago !

His humour is as dry and ridiculous as ever. I love it, which might not say much about me either !  :default_norty:

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15 minutes ago, MotorBoater said:

In the meantime I commend to members the re-published video memoirs of Dave Witworth in 10 to 15 minute segments, whose sartorial choices are a joy to behold.

I'll second that. I've subscribed to Dave's channel for a while and his lock down videos have been an absolute joy. 


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I'm sure its just that the "Teddy throwing and talking blx season" has lasted a bit longer this year. In the pre-NBN days of Speakers Corner and NBF November to March was always somewhat divisive. As soon as we're all released from house arrest things will calm down.

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Loving Dave Whitworth’s videos. His sense of humour cracks me up and his daily lockdown videos are often our teatime viewing. Would be great if people subscribe and leave comments. It really does make a difference to us YouTubers. I didn’t have enough footage to do very many of my Little Bit Extra series but hopefully people enjoyed them. 

I posted them in the holiday tales area but here’s a link to my channel in case anyone missed them!


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It seems to me that a lot of people would enjoy an extension to the "voluntary" ban on the use of the "C" word (the one which occurs every December).

Could we impose a ban on the use of another "C" word which is more current? Getting bored with statements being made and then being told that it don't mean what you think it means.


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Hi Pauline. We will (hopefully) be on Moonlight Shadow the last week of September, actually two weeks, into the start of October, and (if it happens) we are planning to get ‘oop north’. Any chance of meeting up, perchance? Socially distancing, naturally. (It’s pretty much ingrained by now). 

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